@string{jfm="J. Fluid Mech."} @string{gfd="Geophys. Fluid Dyn."} @string{qjmam="Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math"} @string{nature="Nature"} @string{jas="J. Atmos. Sci."} @ARTICLE{bw72, author = {{Browand}, F.~K. and {Winant}, C.~D.}, title = "{Blocking ahead of a cylinder moving in a stratified fluid: an experiment}", journal = gfd, year = 1972, month = {}, volume = 4, pages = {29--53}, url = {}, adsnote = {} } @ARTICLE{wood68, author = {{Wood}, I.~R.}, title = "{Selective withdrawal from a stably stratified fluid}", journal = jfm, year = 1968, month = {}, volume = 32, pages = {209--223}, url = {}, adsnote = {} }