NFI Instrument Status Overview
US Naval Research Laboratory
Don McMullin, Space Science Research Cooperation
Sophie Laut, Space Science Research Cooperation
Eloise Stump, KBR
Arnaud Thernisien, US Naval Research Laboratory
Tai Ragan, RSI
Alena Thompson, US Naval Research Laboratory
Linda Smith, KBR
Dallas Zurcher, KBR
Jim Caron, RSI
Grayson Wiggins, KBR
Miles Newman, Peraton
Drew Uhl, KBR
NFI Instrument Team
(Invited Talk)
The Narrow Field Imager (NFI) is a compact coronagraph designed and built by the US Naval Research Laboratory for the Polarimeter to Unify the Corona and Heliosphere (PUNCH). The NFI coronagraph provides the inner part of the integrated PUNCH field of view from 6 to 30 Rsun. NFI will be mounted on a single spacecraft in the PUNCH constellation and provides high resolution 4 min observations. To provide superior observations of the corona within the limited volume and mass resources of the PUNCH micro satellites we exploit the STEREO/COR2 heritage with the compact coronagraph design developed for the NOAA CCOR instruments. We present the NFI design, development, integration, testing and current status.
Presentation file