Traces of Turbulent Structures in the Inner Corona
Rifai Habbal
Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii
Miloslav Druckmuller, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
There is ample evidence at present that turbulence is one of the main energy sources for heating the corona and accelerating the solar wind. Empirical evidence abounds in in-situ measurements. However, sources of turbulent structures in the inner corona, starting from the solar surface and extending out to several solar radii, have been limited to total solar eclipse white light observations, since these are at present the only observations that can tap this region in an uninterrupted manner. This presentation will give an overview of the different manifestations of turbulent structures in the corona as acquired from total solar eclipse white light observations, and their corresponding thermodynamic properties from multi-wavelength observations. Predictions regarding their evolution into the fields of view covered by PUNCH and the spatial resolution of the instruments on PUNCH will be discussed.R
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