US Carbon Cycle Science Program

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U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program

CPAESS would like to express a special thank you to Dr. Gyami Shrestha who has directed the U.S. Carbon Cycle Program under UCAR | CPAESS for 11 years. We appreciate all of Dr. Shrestha's contributions to this important research and wish her the very best in her future work.

As this program continues to grow, please contact UCAR Community Programs Scientific Programs and Services, and CPAESS Director Hanne Mauriello for any information you may need. Thank you.

Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR2)

SOCCR2 is an authoritative decadal assessment of carbon cycle science across North America, developed by over 200 experts from the U.S., Canadian and Mexican governments, national laboratories, universities, private sector, and research institutions.

The U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program is currently in transition. Formerly it was executed, in consultation with the Carbon Cycle Interagency Working Group (CCIWG), which coordinates and facilitates activities relevant to carbon cycle science, climate and global change issues under the auspices of the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) Interagency Committee or USGCRP Principals.

The U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program supports the peer-reviewed research of carbon cycle science across the federal government and is responsible for defining program goals, setting research priorities, and reviewing the progress of the research programs that contribute to carbon cycle science. 

Mission Statement:

To coordinate and facilitate federally funded carbon cycle research, and provide leadership to the USGCRP on carbon cycle science priorities

Twelve federal agencies and departments coordinated and supported our program activities.

The Program Office was led by its Director, Gyami Shrestha Ph.D.

Logistical support for the Program Office and the activities it leads is remotely provided by the UCAR/CPAESS in Boulder, Colorado.