Diving through the plane of sky : Using PUNCH to inform in situ to solar magnetic connections
Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
(Invited Talk)
The heliosphere has never been better instrumented with in situ and remote observatories both on and off the Sun-Earth line. A key goal of almost all such missions is to combine these two complementary methods of measuring the Sun’s atmosphere both low down and out in the solar wind with a view towards a system level understanding. PUNCH will be launching into this landscape and provide a unique perspective with continuous observations of steady and transient flows spanning an unprecedented range of distances and scales. In this talk, we will discuss the synergy between the goal of connecting in situ data back to the Sun and the PUNCH mission. Specifically, we will discuss how the continuous field of view of PUNCH can provide constraints to such linkage in a way previously only achievable with numerical models, and conversely, how identification of in situ data with individual solar sources can be used to validate PUNCH observations and potentially break the degeneracy in interpretation of the 3D location of solar wind structures.
Presentation file