Working with PUNCH Data : A How-To Guide
Southwest Research Institute
Craig DeForest, Southwest Research Institute
J. Marcus Hughes, Southwest Research Institute
Sarah A. Kovac, Southwest Research Institute
Ritesh Patel, Southwest Research Institute
Jillian Redfern, Southwest Research Institute
Daniel Seaton, Southwest Research Institute
Matthew West, Southwest Research Institute
(Invited Talk)
The upcoming PUNCH mission will provide a multitude of scientific data products. These data have been designed with the end-user in mind, built with modern standards, and described by robust and organized metadata. PUNCH data products are built with the NDCube framework - providing bundled data, uncertainty, and WCS (world coordinate system) information - allowing for integration with Python libraries such as SunPy and Astropy. PUNCH data products, as well as the processing pipeline, will have thorough documentation available online. This talk will provide an overview of primary PUNCH data products, alongside a notebook demonstration of how to access and analyze sample data products available for the community prior to launch. Updated synthetic data are available now for download with this notebook.
Presentation file