Space Weather Workshop 2025 Poster Abstract Submission and Student Support Application

March 17 to March 21, 2025

Boulder, CO

Deadline for students seeking support:  January 22, 2025.

Deadline for all others: February 17, 2025.

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We would like to acknowledge the National Science Foundation for providing support for students to attend Space Weather Workshop 2025.

Note: If you’re a student requesting support, an email will be automatically sent to the email address you provide for your academic advisor once you submit this Abstract/Student Support Statement form.  Let your advisor know you are requesting their endorsement and ask them to watch for the email with the Student Support Statement form.  Your request will not be considered complete until this endorsement letter is received.

Workshop homepage

I understand that I need to participate in-person in order to present a poster.
Please limit your abstract to 250 words. You may resize text boxes by dragging the bottom right corner.
Enter one co-author per line in the following format: First Last, Affiliation
Poster category
Are you a student or early career scientist?
For example: Undergraduate, Senior. If you are not a student please enter "NA".
Are you a student requesting Support?

If you are NOT applying for Student Support please scroll down to the bottom of this form, answer the CAPTCHA, and SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT.

NSF logo

We would like to acknowledge the National Science Foundation for providing support for students to attend Space Weather Workshop 2025.

When you submit this form, the Academic Advisor you designate will receive an email requesting that they complete and submit an endorsement statement form on your behalf. It is recommended that you inform your Advisor ahead of time about your Abstract submission and Student Support request to ensure they are aware and complete the form promptly. You will also receive an email confirmation once their endorsement has been submitted.

Student Support Section - Students requesting Support must answer all questions in this section.
For statistical information only. For example: Yes, NSF.

Support includes: Workshop registration fees, admission to the Welcome Networking event, a seat at the banquet, lodging at the Embassy Suites between 3/16 and 3/21 and a $300 allowance that can be used towards meals (none provided during workshop other than the banquet).

Students will be notified by email, on January 31, 2025 regarding the status of the application for support.

End of Student Support Section
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This is case sensitive (for character input). This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.


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