Monthly and Seasonal Forecast of Precipitation and Temperature over India for Agro-meteorological Applications

1 month 3 weeks ago
Mohanty, U.C., Murali Nageswara Rao Malasala, Palash Sinha, Ankita Singh, Archana Nair, R.K.S. Maurya, K.K. Singh, D.R. Pattnaik, K. Ghosh, Nachiketa Acharya, Itesh Dash, 2024: Monthly and Seasonal Forecast of Precipitation and Temperature over India for Agro-meteorological Applications. Agrometeorological Applications for Climate Resilient Agriculture, OpenSky.

Toward a coordinated understanding of hydro‐biogeochemical root functions in tropical forests for application in vegetation models

2 months 4 weeks ago
Cusack, Daniela F., Bradley Christoffersen, Chris M. Smith‐Martin, Kelly M. Andersen, Amanda L. Cordeiro, Katrin Fleischer, S. Joseph Wright, Nathaly R. Guerrero‐Ramírez, Laynara F. Lugli, Lindsay A. McCulloch, Mareli Sanchez‐Julia, Sarah A. Batterman, Caroline Dallstream, Claire Fortunel, Laura Toro, Lucia Fuchslueger, Michelle Y. Wong, Daniela Yaffar, Joshua B. Fisher, Marie Arnaud, Lee H. Dietterich, Shalom D. Addo‐Danso, Oscar J. Valverde‐Barrantes, Monique Weemstra, Jing Cheng Ng, Richard J. Norby, 2024: Toward a coordinated understanding of hydro‐biogeochemical root functions in tropical forests for application in vegetation models. New Phytologist, OpenSky.