AGU 2020 CPAESS Presentations

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Time Last Name First Name UCAR/CPAESS Affiliation Poster/Abstract Title for Presentation Presentation Type Session Number and Title

Monday - December 7

17:23 - 17:26 Jenney Andrea NOAA C&GC Postdoc @ UC Irvine Understanding the Response of Tropical Ascent to Warming Using an Energy Balance Framework (Invited) eLightning U002 - Student Engagement to Enhance Development: Outstanding Student Presentation Award Winners from Fall Meeting 2019 I eLightning
16:38 - 16:41 Jin Xiaomeng NOAA C&GC Postdoc @ UC Berkeley Observing the chemistry of ground-level O3 from space eLightning U002: Student Engagement to Enhance Development: Outstanding Student Presentation Award Winners from Fall Meeting 2019 I eLightning

Wednesday - December 9

04:00 - 20:59 Arias Ortiz Ariane NOAA C&GC Postdoc @ UC Berkeley B038-0013United States Methane Budget from Tidal Wetlands: Developing an Open-source Database of Methane Measurements and Process-based Models Poster B038 - The Global Methane Cycle II Posters
04:00 - 20:59 Palmerio Erika NASA LWS Jack Eddy Postdoc @ UCBerkeley Tracking a CME and SIR to Earth and Mars during the deep minimum of Solar Cycle 24 Poster SH018 - Tracing Solar Activity Through the Heliisphere: Lessons from Comparative Solar Minima II Posters

Thursday - December 10

10:30-11:30 Shrestha Gyami US Carbon Cycle Science Program Building on Successes: Strategic Planning and Implementation for the Next Decade of the U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program and the North American Carbon Program Town Hall TH043: Building on Successes: Strategic Planning and Implementation for the Next Decade of the U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program and the North American Carbon Program
10:30 - 11:30 Qin Murong NASA LWS Jackeddy postdoc @Boston University Multi-Point Observations of Modulated Electron Precipitation Oral presentation SM023: The Drivers, Properties, and Effects of Energetic Particle Precipitation into the Earth’s Atmosphere I
04:00 - 20:59 PST Arias Ortiz Ariane NOAA C&GC Postdoc @ UC Berkeley Carbon Sequestration in Restored Tidal and Non-tidal Managed Wetlands in California’s San Francisco Bay-Delta Poster B048: Coastal Wetland Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics: Recent Advances in Measurements, Modeling, and Syntheses II Posters PST

Monday - December 14

10:00 - 11:00 Skumanich Marina NOAA/NIDIS The National Coordinated Soil Moisture Monitoring Network: Current Activities, Future Priorities Town Hall TH079 - The National Coordinated Soil Moisture Monitoring Network: Current Activities, Future Priorities
19:00-20:00 PST Liu Terry NASA LWS Jackeddy Postdoc @UAF MMS observations of foreshock transients at their very early stage Oral Presentation SM036: Dayside Magnetosphere Interactions II

Tuesday - December 15

05:30-06:30 Xiang Baoqiang NOAA/GFDL Subseasonal prediction of land cold extremes in boreal wintertime Oral Presentation A192: Subseasonal to Seasonal Climate Prediction, Processes, and Services II
06:00 - 22:59 Longley William NASA LWS Jack Eddy Postdoc @ Rice An Explanation for Arecibo Plasma Line Power Striations Poster SA029 - Plasma Instabilities and Nonlinear Effects in the Auroral and Subauroral Geospace II Posters

Wednesday - December 16

8:30-9:30 Bushuk Mitch NOAA GFDL Seasonal prediction and predictability of regional Antarctic sea ice Oral Presentation OS049: Climate Extremes, Variability, and Predictability on Subseasonal to Decadal Timescales I
04:00 - 20:59 Dong Wenhao NOAA GFDL Projected Changes in South Asian Monsoon Low-pressure Systems Poster OS046: Climate Extremes, Variability, and Predictability on Subseasonal to Decadal Timescales III Posters
05:00 - 21:59 Jenney Andrea NOAA C&GC Postdoc @ UC Irvine MJO Teleconnections in a Future Climate Poster A226 - Subseasonal to Seasonal Climate Prediction, Processes, and Services V Posters
17:30-18:30 Murakami Hiroyuki NOAA GFDL Increasing Frequency of Extreme Precipitation in Japan due to Global Warming Detected by a Machine Learning Technique Oral Presentation OS050: Climate Extremes, Variability, and Predictability on Subseasonal to Decadal Timescales II