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Meghan Cronin
- Research Topic: TOGA - Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment
- PhD Institution: University of Rhode Island
- Host: PMEL, Michael McPhaden
- Appointment: 1993 - 1995
- Current Position: Oceanographer, leads the Ocean Climate Stations Project at NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL), Seattle, WA
- Website
David Keith
- Research Topic: Climate Modeling
- PhD Institution: MIT
- Host: Harvard University, James Anderson
- 1st Year Host: NCAR, Phil Rasch
- Appointment: 1992 - 1994
- Current Position: Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics at School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), and Professor of Public Policy in the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS), Harvard University
- Website
Wieslaw Maslowski
- Research Topic: Climate Modeling
- PhD Institution: University of Alaska Fairbanks
- Host: Naval Postgraduate School, Bert Semtner
- Appointment: 1994 - 1995
- Current Position: Research Professor, Department of Oceanography, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
- Website
Richard Seager
- Research Topic: Climate Modeling
- PhD Institution: Columbia University
- Host: Lamont-Doherty, Steve Zebiak
- Appointment: 1993 - 1994
- Current Position: Professor, Palisades Geophysical Institute/Lamont Research, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, New York
- Website
Sabrina Speich
- Research Topic: Climate Modeling
- PhD Institution: University Pierre et Marie Cure, France
- Host: UCLA, Michael Ghil
- Appointment: 1992 - 1994
- Current Position: Professor and Dean of Studies, Ecole Normale Superieure, France
- Website
Duane Waliser
- Research Topic: TOGA
- PhD Institution: Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- Host: UCLA, Robert Mechoso
- Appointment: 1992 - 1993
- Current Position: Chief Scientist, Earth Science and Technology Directorate, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology; Visiting Associate Faculty, Caltech; Adjunct Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences and Fellow, UCLA
- Website