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Ariane Arias-Ortiz
- Research Topic: Carbon Sequestration in Wetlands (CASEWetlands): An Interplay Between Burial and Export
- PhD Institution: Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Environmental Science and Technology
- Host: University of California, Berkeley, Dr. Dennis Baldocchi
Melissa Breeden
- Research Topic: Evaluating the Impact of Climate Processes on Stratosphere-to-Troposphere Ozone Transport over North America
- PhD Institution: University of Wisconsin, Madison, Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences
- Host: NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Dr. Karen Rosenlof
Robert Fajber
- Research Topic: The Role of Atmospheric Dynamics in Polar Amplification: Going Beyond the Energy Balance Paradigm
- PhD Institution: University of Toronto, Atmospheric Physics
- Host: University of Washington, Dr. Kyle Armour
Haoran Zhou
- Research Topic: Evolutionary Landscape and Ecological Responses of C3, C4 and CAM Photosynthesis Pathways to Climate Variation
- PhD Institution: University of Pennsylvania, Ecology and Evolution, Plant Physiology
- Host: Yale University, Dr. Erika Edwards and Dr. Craig Broadersen