National Conversation on Integrated Water Information for the 21st Century
Participant List
Last name | First name | Organization/Affiliation |
Abodunrin | Esther | Global Environment and Technology Foundation |
Adams | Terri | Howard University |
Aguirre | Paloma | Office of U.S. Senator Cory Booker |
Archambault | Heather | NOAA Climate Program Office/MAPP |
Ashe | Brian | Riverside Technology |
Austin | Meg | UCAR |
Babbitt | Harriet | USWP |
Bales | Jerad | USGS |
Bamford | Holly | National Fish and Wildlife Foundation |
Banerjee | Joya | S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation |
Barrie | Daniel | NOAA Climate Program Office |
Bartuska | Ann | USDA |
Bassow | Amanda | National Fish and Wildlife Foundation |
Bath | Sean | US Navy |
Bauer | Diana | USDOE |
Beller-Simms | Nancy | NOAA/OAR/CPO |
Benavides | Ada | US Army Corps of Engineers |
Bendaña | Paulina | Pure Water for the World |
Berndt | Carolyn | National League of Cities |
Berner | Jason | US EPA, Office of Research & Development |
Binder | Gordon | WWF/Nicholas Institute, Duke University |
Bines | Seleana | Resilience Action Partners |
Booth | Nate | USGS Office of Water Information |
Bothfeld | Frances | NOAA Knauss |
Bothfeld | Frances | NOAA |
Bradley | Paul | NOAA CO-OPS |
Brashear | Jerry | The Brashear Group |
Bratton | John | LimnoTech |
Brown | Joshua | NOAA |
Brown | Bill | Association of State Floodplain Managers |
Brown | Erica | Assoc. of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA) |
Bruce | Karas | The Coca-Cola Company |
Buckman | Cyrus | Global Environment and Technology Foundation |
Burgess | Katharine | Urban Land Institute |
Burke | Patrick | NOAA/NOS/CO-OPS |
Campbell | Thasya | American Meteorological Society |
Campbell | Julie | CMG, Inc. |
Campbell-Ferrari | Alexandra | Center for Water Security and Cooperation |
Carl | Lucero | U.S. Forest Service R&D |
Carlis | DaNa | NOAA |
Carlson | Christopher | USDA Forest Service |
Carney | Brooke | NOAA |
CASSETTA | Matthew | U.S. Dept. of State |
Castillo | Christine | Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego |
Cavanaugh | Margaret | National Science Foundation |
Chaitovitz | Chuck | U.S. Water Partnership |
Chandra | Candace | AQEX Group |
Chelius | James | American Water |
Chesky | Danielle | Embassy of Canada |
Chesnutt | Mandy | National Fish and Wildlife Foundation |
Cline | Adam | USDA NASS |
Colleton | Nancy | Inst for Global Environmental Strategies |
Colton | Marie | Harris Corp. |
Connor | Anne | Harris Corporation |
Conroy | Robert | OSIsoft LLC |
Cooley | Kevin | NWS OPPSD |
Cooper | Richard | Catalyst Partners |
Cooper | William | National Science Foundation |
Copeland | Christina | CDP |
Cortinas | John | NOAA/OAR |
Cosgrove | Brian | NOAA/NWS/OWP |
Creswell | Joel | AAAS Fellow at EPA |
Cummings | Donna | UCAR |
Dabolt | Thomas | DOI/OS/CIO |
Daniel | Hollander | Water 2017 |
Davies-Venn | Christian | PEER Consultants, P.C. |
Davis | Grant | Sonoma County Water |
Debra | Hernandez | SECOORA |
Dettmann | Marc | U.S. Water Partnership |
Dobriansky | Paula | USWP |
Dobrowolski | James | USDA-NIFA |
Dolor | Marvourneen | Great Lakes Observing System |
Doyle | Christopher | FirstLink |
Doyle | Martin | Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University |
Dusek | Gregory | NOAA NOS CO-OPS |
Dvorsky | Caroline | U.S. Department of Agriculture |
Dziemiela | Paul | Eastern Research Group |
Eide | Elizabeth | National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine |
Eimers | Jo Leslie | USGS |
Ek | Michael | NCEP/EMC |
Erickson | Mary | NOAA/National Ocean Service |
Esquivel | Joaquin | California Natural Resources Agency |
Evett | Steven | USDA ARS Office of National Programs |
Feenstra | Emily | US Water Alliance |
Ferraro | Ralph | NOAA/NESDIS |
Fischer | Robyn | WaterAid America |
Flowers | Trey | USAID |
Fornace | Kyrstin | NOAA |
Frazza | Luke | Trout Headwaters, Inc. |
Fung | Po Chi | NOAA - OAR |
Gabriel | Mark | International Joint Commission |
Gallagher | Kevin | USGS |
Garrett | Kevin | NOAA/NESDIS/STAR, JCSDA |
Gates | John | The Climate Corporation |
Gerstman | Ari | UCAR |
Gibson | Lauren | NOAA |
Gilbert | Rebecca | Sea Grant Knauss Fellow: Senator Schatz |
Gladwell | Angela | Federal Emergency Management Agency |
Gochis | David | NCAR |
Gonder | Sharon | EPA, OW, PMO |
Gonzalez | Julian | ACWA |
Gonzalez-Rothi | Sara | Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation |
Goodman | Sherri | USWP |
Gore | Simon | U.S. Department of Energy |
Gore | Simon | U.S. Department of Energy |
Graf | Walter | WERF |
Graziano | Thomas | NOAA |
Gremillion | Mike | USAF |
Griggs | Adam | River Network |
Grodsky | Adam | NOAA/CO-OPS |
Gutierrez | Angelica | NOAA |
Harper | Alex | NOAA Ocean Acidification Program |
Hicks-Hudson | Paula | The City of Toledo, Ohio |
Higgins | Wayne | Climate Program Office, NOAA/OAR |
Hinman | Maureen | U.S. Department of Commerce |
Holdsworth | Susan | US EPA Office of Water |
Honeycutt | Maria | NOAA - Office for Coastal Management |
Imholt | Meg | NOAA |
Iseman | Thomas | U.S. DOI |
Jawdy | Curt | Tennessee Valley Authority |
Jensen | Jay | National Fish and Wildlife Foundation |
Johnson | Kris | The Nature Conservancy |
Johnson | Victoria | Wilson Center |
Jones | Jeanine | Western States Water Council |
Jordhal | Harald | The Nature Conservancy |
Kalnay | Eugenia | University of Maryland |
Karas | Bruce | Coca-Cola North America |
Kellner | Janine | The Coca-Cola Company |
Kelly | Katelin | Tetra Tech |
Kelsey | Heath | University of Maryland Center for Enviro Sci |
Knight | Katherine | US Water Partnership |
Koellermeier | Lauren | NOAA |
Kovatch | Charles | Council on Environmental Quality |
Kraatz | Lindsey | NOAA |
Kuzma | Samantha | Department of the Interior |
Laitta | Michael | International Joint Commission of Canada and the U.S. |
Lall | Upmanu | Columbia University Water Center |
Lape | Jeffrey | U.S. EPA |
Larson | Amy | National Waterways Conference, Inc. |
Lauren | Patterson | Nicholas Institute |
Lawrence | Bill | NWS Hydrologist-in-Charge ABRFC |
Lawson | Chuck | U.S. International Joint Commission |
Lee | Deborah | NOAA/OAR/GLERL |
Lekawa | Serena | American Meteorological Society |
Lesmes | David | Department of Energy |
Levish | Peter | National Water Resources Association |
Logan | Will | USACE |
Lowry | Crook | Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works |
Lukas | Vicki | USGS |
Lunstrum | Abby | NOAA Office of International Affairs |
Lyle | Ian | National Water Resources Association |
MacCurdy | Carol Lynn | U.S. State Department |
Makuch | Joseph | USDA/ARS/National Agricultural Library |
Manalo | Christian | Booz Allen Hamilton |
Matthew | McKenna | Northeast-Midwest Institute |
Mauriello | Hanne | UCAR |
McCarren | Dave | Office of the Oceanographer of the Navy |
Mcdonald | Moira | Walton Family Foundation |
McGahey | Christopher | Hillaria International |
McGrath | Matthew | U.S. Department of State |
McIlvain | Eileen | UCAR Visiting Scientist Programs |
McLean | Craig | NOAA |
McRaith | Fiona | Office of Management and Budget |
McShane | John | White Water Consulting |
Mejaes | Annie | U.S. EPA |
Mellman | Hannah | NOAA |
miceli | catherine | Export-Import Bank of US |
Michael | Farrar | NOAA OAR |
Miller | Gretchen | Texas A&M University |
Miller | John | Office of Management and Budget |
Miralles-Wilhelm | Fernando | University of Maryland |
Moore | Scott | World Bank Group |
Morton | Laura | NOAA |
Moss | Alaurah | Dewberry |
Mueller | Ryan | Interstate Council on Water Policy |
mueller | Rick | usda/nass |
Mullusky | Mary | NOAA National Weather Service |
Mutschler | Patricia | CMTS/USACE |
Myskey | Rick | US Army Geospatial Center |
Naidenko | Olga | AAAS Fellowship |
Newell | Brendan | NOAA - Sea Grant |
Nierenberg | Claudia | OAR/CPO/NIDIS |
Oldfield | John | Water 2017 |
Ostroff | Andrea | U.S. Geological Survey |
Palazio | Laura | Global Environment & Technology Foundation |
Palmeri | Davia | Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies |
Pande | Kiran | U.S. Water Partnership |
Patterson | Katheryn | NOAA Knauss Fellow |
Pennock | Jonathan | NOAA Sea Grant |
Pharr | Kathryn | IEA Corps || U.S. Department of State |
Phillips | Tori | U.S. Water Partnership |
Pica | Joe | NOAA |
Pulwarty | Roger | NOAA National Integrated Drought Information System |
Quintrell | Josie | IOOS Association |
raff | david | Bureau of Reclamation |
Raff | David | U.S. Bureau of Reclamation |
Rah | Hyon | Anchor Coalition |
Ralph | Fred | Scripps Institution of Oceanography |
Ramirez | Aaron | National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis - Ecological Dought Working Group |
Read | Chung Hye | DoD |
Renaud | Alexander | Sea Grant Knauss Fellow @ USACE |
Renaud | Alex | USACE |
Ritzman | Kathleen | Scripps Institution of Oceanography |
Roberson | Alan | Corona Environmental Consulting |
Robert | Kuligowski | NOAA / NESDIS / STAR |
Robert | Webb | NOAA |
Roche | Colleen | NOAA/NOS |
Rockey | Sally | Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research |
Rose | Brett | Esri |
Rothlisberger | John | U.S. Forest Service |
Royer | Kaycee | NWRA |
Russ | Melanie | UCAR |
Russell | Kendra | Bureau of Reclamation |
Ryerson | Bill | USAF |
Ryker | Sarah | U.S. Department of the Interior |
Sadusky | Ninette | Oceanographer of the Navy Staff (CNO N2/N6E) |
Sampson | Rob | USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service |
Sanchez | Yareli | Sea Grant |
Sandborn | Avery | USDA/NASS |
Sandeman | Keaton | The Nature Conservancy |
Schmidt | Nicholas | NOAA |
Schneider | Abby | Association of California Water Agencies |
Schneider | Timothy | NOAA |
Scholz | Paul | NOAA Ocean Service |
Scruggs | Mary | USDA |
Seid-Green | Ya'el | American Meteorological Society |
Sepulveda | Isabel | U.S. Trade and Development Agency |
Sharon | Megdal | Water Resources Research Center |
Sherwood | Brad | Sonoma County Water Agency |
Shoffner | Cristina | Council on Environmental Quality |
Siegle | Ashley | Resilience Action Partners |
Smail | Emily | NOAA |
Smith | Sean | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
Smith | Kristine | Bureau of Reclamation |
Smith | Velma | The Pew Charitable Trusts |
Sobeck | Eileen | NOAA Fisheries |
Spear | Natalie | EPA |
Spinrad | Richard | NOAA |
Sprague-Hilderbrand | Jennifer | NOAA/NWS |
Staudt | Amanda | National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine |
Stelle | William | DOC/NOAA/NMFS |
Stockton | Steven | USACE |
Stoner | Nancy | Pisces Foundation |
Sullivan | Kathryn | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
Swindle | Alexander | National League of Cities |
Symmes | Greg | The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine |
Talbot | Cary | USACE - ERDC |
Thornton | Deborah | Lux Consulting Group (NOAA Contractor) |
Tommy | Gardner | Jacobs |
Tortorici | Cathy | National Marine Fisheries Service |
Touton | Camille | Department of the Interior, Water & Science |
Turner | Andrew | Esri |
Turner | Kelly | NOAA/NESDIS |
Uccellini | Louis | National Weather Service |
Uccellini | Louis | NOAA/National Weather Service |
Vadhan | Rachel | Institute for Sustainable Development |
Volk | Richard | USAID |
Walters | Colleen | National Fish and Wildlife Foundation |
Wang | Yuntao | NOAA Fishery - Science and Technology |
Wang | Grace | NSF |
Wang | Yuntao | NAAA Knauss |
Wazniak | Thomas | Xylem |
Webb | Robert | NOAA OAR |
Wegner | David | Jacobs Engineering |
Wenger | Paul | California Farm Bureau |
Werner | Kevin | NOAA/NWS |
Werth | David | Savannah River National Laboratory |
West | Cynthia | US Forest Service, Office of Sustainability & Climate Change |
Westley | Marian | NOAA Office of the Chief Scientist |
William | Cesanek | American Planning Association Water Working Group |
Williams | Christopher | American Rivers |
Williams | James | EPA |
Wilson | Luke | Center for Water Security and Cooperation |
Womble | Matt | NOAA |
Woods | Donell | NOAA/OFCM |
Wooster | Michael | ISS |
Yancey | Maggie | Department of Energy/Wind and Water Power Technologies Office |
Yang | Jingli | ERT, Inc. |
Yeskis | Douglas | U.S. Geological Survey |
Zhang | Harry | Water Environment & Reuse Foundation (WE&RF) |