National Soil Moisture Network Workshop



The meeting will be held at:

NOAA'S Earth System Research Laboratory

Room GC402

325 Broadway

Boulder, CO 80305


Last name First name Organization/Affiliation
Andersen Travis The GLOBE Program
Badger Andrew CIRES
Black Courtney NIDIS
Blankenship Clay NASA-MSFC SPoRT (USRA)
Bogan Kathy NIDIS
Brusberg Mark US Department of Agriculture
Clayton Jordan NRCS-Snow Survey
Cobos Doug Decagon Devices/Washington State University
Conyers Mindy Texas Water Development Board
Doesken Nolan Colorado Climate Center / Colorado State University
Evans Thomas US Army Corps of Engineers (HEC)
Goble Peter Colorado State University
Gochis Dave NCAR
Greene Earl USGS
Grode Kevin U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Missouri River Basin Water Management
Hain Christopher University of Maryland / NOAA
Harding Laura Geospatial Research Laboratory / Penn State University
Harms Deborah USDA-NRCS- National Water and Climate Center
Harpold Adrian University of Nevada, Reno
Heppner Paul Global Science & Technology
Herring Stephanie NOAA
Howard Allan Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Hunt Eric Nebraska State Climate Office
Karsten Logan NCAR
Kumar Sujay NASA GSFC
Lambert Patrick WestFAST/USGS
Lucido Jessica U.S. Geological Survey
Marrs Alicia NOAA/NIDIS
McNutt Chad NIDIS
Meyers Tilden NOAA/ATDD
Mocko David SAIC at NASA/GSFC
Ochsner Tyson Oklahoma State University
Olson Carolyn USDA-OCE-CCPO
Pan Ming Princeton University
Patrignani Andres Kansas State University
Pett Todd Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp
Pouyat Richard OSTP
Quiring Steven Texas A&M University
Redmond Christopher Kansas State University
Rivera Leonardo Decagon Devices, Inc.
Russ Melanie UCAR/JOSS
Schmelzer Lee MSU Extension
Seybold Cathy USDA-NRCS
Silverman Nicholas Montana Climate Office
Sripada Ravi The Climate Corporation
Stewart Jenna University of Colorado
Strobel Michael USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Sutcliffe Kent USDA-NRCS
Svoboda Mark National Drought Mitigation Center
Taylor Sterling Elwynn Iowa State University
Todey Dennis State Climate Office/South Dakota State University
Wilson Michael USDA-NRCS
Xia Youlong Environmental Modeling Center, National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA
Zamora Robert NOAA/ESRL Physical Sciences Division