2nd US-Taiwan Extreme Precipitation Workshop

Agenda Track

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Tuesday, September 6
Time/Agenda Title Name (first last) Affiliation
8:30 Opening Remarks    
8:55 to 10:00

Mesoscale Convective Systems

Chair: Yi-Leng Chen

8:55 Diurnal Cycle of MCSs and Interactions with the MJO and Asian Monsoon over the Maritime Continent Shuyi Chen RSMAS University of Miami
9:10 From Line Echo Wave Pattern (LEWP) to Bow Echo Wen-Chau Lee NCAR
9:35 Intraseasonal and diurnal variation of summer cloud and precipitation over the South China Sea Chung-Hsiung Sui Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University
10:00 to 10:20 Break    
10:20 to 11:35

Mei-Yu Rainfall

Chair: Jen-Ping Chen

10:20 Predicting a long lasting rainfall event in Taiwan during the Meiyu season Shu-Chih Yang National Central University, Department of Atmospheric Sciences
10:45 The mechanisms of the evolution of a Mei-Yu frontal rain band revealed from multiple Doppler radar observation in the torrential rain event Ching-Yin Ke National Central University, Taiwan
11:10 Diurnal Variation of Regional Circulation and Precipitation During Mei-Yu Season over Taiwan and Surrounding Area Pay-Liam Lin Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Central University
11:35 to 12:00 Discussion    
12:00 to 1:00 Lunch    
1:00 The NSF US-Taiwan Partnership for International Research and Education Everett Joseph Atmospheric Sciences Research Center, State University of New York, Albany
1:00 to 2:30

Convection and Terrain Interactions

Chair: Angela Rowe

1:25 Diurnal Variations of Convection and Rainfall over the Continents, Ocean and Islands Fuqing Zhang Penn State University
1:50 Record-Breaking Increase in Taiwan Typhoon Rainfall in the 21st Century Chih-Pei Chang Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University
2:15 The Lagrangian Evolution of Water Budget and Precipitation Efficiency of an Idealized Squall Line as Interacting with Terrain Ming-Jen Yang National Taiwan University
2:30 to 2:50 Break    
2:50 to 4:05

Tropical Cyclones I

Chair: Michael Bell

2:50 Meso-β-scale environment for the formation of a stationary band complex in tropical cyclones Michael Riemer Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
3:15 TC Precipitation in Typhoon Fanapi (2010): Coupled Modeling and ITOP Observations Shuyi Chen RSMAS University of Miami
3:40 A Statistical Perspective on Wind Profiles and Vertical Wind Shear in Tropical Cyclone Environments of the Northern Hemisphere Peter Finocchio University of Miami - RSMAS
4:05 Discussion    
Wednesday, September 7
Time/Agenda Title Name (first last) Affiliation
8:30 to 10:00

Tropical Cyclones II

Chair: Wen-Chau Lee

8:30 Orographic Influence on Track Deflection of Tropical Cyclones over Idealized Mesoscale Mountain Ranges Yuh-Lang Lin North Carolina A&T State University
8:45 Deep convection and tropical cyclone intensification Robert Rogers NOAA/AOML Hurricane Research Division
9:10 Retrieved Thermodynamic Structure of Hurricane Rita (2005) using RAINEX Observations Michael Bell Colorado State University
9:35 The relationship between Sea Surface Temperature and Maximum Intensification Rate of Tropical Cyclones in the North Atlantic Yuqing Wang Department of Atmospheric SAciences, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822
10:00 to 10:20 Break    
10:20 to 11:35

Tropical Cyclones III

Chair: Ben Jong-Dao Jou

10:20 Is the TC Storm-Scale Circulation and the Large-Scale Flow in Quasi-Equilibrium? Yi-Leng Chen Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii
10:20 The TROPICS smallsat tropical cyclone mission: High temporal resolution microwave imagery as part of NASA's third Earth Venture-Instrument (EVI-3) program Scott Braun NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
11:10 Factors that Caused a Distant Rain Event in Taiwan Associated with Typhoon Nalgae (2011) Fang-Ching Chien National Taiwan Normal University
11:35 to 12:00 Discussion    
12:00 to 1:00 Lunch    
1:00 to 2:30

Tropical Cyclone and Terrain Interactions

Chair: Robert Rogers

1:00 Trends in precipitation extremes during the typhoon season in Taiwan over the last 60 years Pao-Shin Chu Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Hawaii
1:25 The Role of Topographically Induced Vortices in Tropical Cyclone Formation over the Indian Ocean Richard Johnson Colorado State University
1:50 Factors Leading to Dominica’s Extreme Precipitation from Tropical Storm Erika Alison Nugent NCAR
2:15 Common Ingredients, Orographic Rain Index, and Flow Regimes Associated with Tropical Cyclones Passing over Mesoscale Mountain Ranges Yuh-Lang Lin North Carolina A&T State University
2:30 to 2:50 Break    
2:30 to 4:05

Orographic Precipitation

Chair: Alison Nugent

2:30 Observations and Polarimetric Signatures of Flash Flood Storm in Metropolitan Taipei Ben Jong-Dao Jou Department of Atmospheric Science, National Taiwan Universtiy
3:15 Measuring precipitation in complex terrain: Insights from the OLYMPEX field campaign Angela Rowe University of Washington
3:40 Numerical Simulations of Two Local Thunderstorms over Central Oahu during the Warm Season Feng Hsiao Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Hawaii at Manoa
4:05 Discussion    
Thursday, September 8
Time/Agenda Title Name (first last) Affiliation
8:30 to 10:00

Microphysical Modeling

Chair: Ming-Jen Yang

8:30 Impacts of Including Rain Evaporative Cooling in the Initial Conditions on the Prediction of a Coastal Heavy Rainfall Event during TiMREX Chuan-Chi Tu Department of Atmospheric Science, National Central University
8:45 Verification of Numerical Tropical Cyclone Simulation Microphysics and Rainfall Using Radar Measurements Bonnie Brown University of Hawaii Manoa
9:10 Evaluating the impact of aerosols on deep convection and monsoon precipitation simulated by a multi-moment density-predictable bulk microphysics scheme Jen-Ping Chen Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University
9:35 NTU multi-moment bulk microphysical scheme in the WRF model and applications Tzu-Chin Tsai National Taiwan University
10:00 to 10:20 Break    
10:20 to 12:00

Modeling and Data Assimilation

Chair: Fuqing Zhang

10:20 Examination of forecast errors at convective scale and the impact of assimilating radar observations Kao-Shen Chung National Central University
10:45 Impact of land-atmosphere interaction on meteorological simulation in Vector Vorticity Equation Model by implementing Noah land surface model Hsiao-Chun Lin National Central University
11:10 A Study of Summer Leeside Rainfall Maxima over the Island of Hawaii Yu-Fen Huang Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Hawaii at Manoa
11:35 A Study on Airborne Radio Occultations and their Impact on Hurricane Karl (2010) Shu-Hua Chen University of California, Davis
12:00 to 1:00 Lunch    
1:00 Wrap-up    
2:00 End Workshop