2nd US-Taiwan Extreme Precipitation Workshop
Agenda Track
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Time/Agenda | Title | Name (first last) | Affiliation |
8:30 | Opening Remarks | ||
8:55 to 10:00 |
Mesoscale Convective Systems Chair: Yi-Leng Chen |
8:55 | Diurnal Cycle of MCSs and Interactions with the MJO and Asian Monsoon over the Maritime Continent | Shuyi Chen | RSMAS University of Miami |
9:10 | From Line Echo Wave Pattern (LEWP) to Bow Echo | Wen-Chau Lee | NCAR |
9:35 | Intraseasonal and diurnal variation of summer cloud and precipitation over the South China Sea | Chung-Hsiung Sui | Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University |
10:00 to 10:20 | Break | ||
10:20 to 11:35 |
Mei-Yu Rainfall Chair: Jen-Ping Chen |
10:20 | Predicting a long lasting rainfall event in Taiwan during the Meiyu season | Shu-Chih Yang | National Central University, Department of Atmospheric Sciences |
10:45 | The mechanisms of the evolution of a Mei-Yu frontal rain band revealed from multiple Doppler radar observation in the torrential rain event | Ching-Yin Ke | National Central University, Taiwan |
11:10 | Diurnal Variation of Regional Circulation and Precipitation During Mei-Yu Season over Taiwan and Surrounding Area | Pay-Liam Lin | Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Central University |
11:35 to 12:00 | Discussion | ||
12:00 to 1:00 | Lunch | ||
1:00 | The NSF US-Taiwan Partnership for International Research and Education | Everett Joseph | Atmospheric Sciences Research Center, State University of New York, Albany |
1:00 to 2:30 |
Convection and Terrain Interactions Chair: Angela Rowe |
1:25 | Diurnal Variations of Convection and Rainfall over the Continents, Ocean and Islands | Fuqing Zhang | Penn State University |
1:50 | Record-Breaking Increase in Taiwan Typhoon Rainfall in the 21st Century | Chih-Pei Chang | Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University |
2:15 | The Lagrangian Evolution of Water Budget and Precipitation Efficiency of an Idealized Squall Line as Interacting with Terrain | Ming-Jen Yang | National Taiwan University |
2:30 to 2:50 | Break | ||
2:50 to 4:05 |
Tropical Cyclones I Chair: Michael Bell |
2:50 | Meso-β-scale environment for the formation of a stationary band complex in tropical cyclones | Michael Riemer | Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz |
3:15 | TC Precipitation in Typhoon Fanapi (2010): Coupled Modeling and ITOP Observations | Shuyi Chen | RSMAS University of Miami |
3:40 | A Statistical Perspective on Wind Profiles and Vertical Wind Shear in Tropical Cyclone Environments of the Northern Hemisphere | Peter Finocchio | University of Miami - RSMAS |
4:05 | Discussion |