National Drought Forum: The 2012 Drought and U.S. Preparedness in 2013 and Beyond

Dec. 12 to Dec. 13, 2012
5:00 pm MST
Washington, DC
Main content
Goals and Obectives
The primary goals for the National Drought Forum on Dec. 12-13, 2012, are to understand the extent of 2012 drought impacts and response, and help provide new information and guidance for coordination to improve the nations' drought readiness in 2013 and preparedness for future droughts. By convening high-level drought program experts and representatives from impacted regions we hope to engender a candid and enlightening conversation that will result in specific recommendations for further improving U.S. drought readiness.
Current Drought Conditions
- Summary Report: Colorado Drought Tournament, 2012
- Drought-Ready Communities - A Guide to Community Drought Preparedness
- NIDIS Newsletter, Winter 2012
- National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) 2-pager
- WGA 2011 Drought Report
- National Drought Mitigation Center Overview
- CRS Reports (2)
- National Drought Policy Commission Report
- Towards a Compendium on National Drought Policy
- When Every Drop Counts
- CEQ Report on Freshwater Resources
- Managing Drought Risk on the Ranch
- NDMC's Drought Ready Communities Guide
- Managing Drought: A Roadmap for Change in the United States
- NIDIS Survey Report
- National Disaster Recovery Framework