A 20-Year Reference Period for SSALTO/DUACS Products
Altimeter data processing involves the use of a Mean Sea Surface (MSS). This static field, computed using the whole altimetry time series, contains the signature of the Geoid and the height induced by the mean circulation over a given period. This period is called hereafter the reference period of the Mean Sea Surface. Through the use of this MSS, the reference period impacts the other deduced geophysical fields, Mean Dynamic Topography (MDT) and Sea Level Anomaly (SLA). Today the Ssalto/DUACS (AVISO multi-mission merged) products are referenced on a 7-year mean [1993;1999].
This notion of reference period is an important issue for the use of altimeter products. This presentation aims at presenting this issue, showing the interest of changing the current reference period to a 20-year period and describing how it will impact the Ssalto/DUACS reprocessed products available in early 2014.
This notion of reference period is an important issue for the use of altimeter products. This presentation aims at presenting this issue, showing the interest of changing the current reference period to a 20-year period and describing how it will impact the Ssalto/DUACS reprocessed products available in early 2014.
OSTS session
The Geoid, Mean Sea Surfaces and Mean Dynamic Topography