Ssalto/DUACS : The Jason1 / Altika unexpected handover

Isabelle Pujol, CLS
Frederic Briol, CLS
Antoine Delepoulle, CLS
Gerald Dibarboure, CLS
Nicolas Picot, CNES
Emilie Bronner, CNES
DUACS-NRT provides GODAE, climate forecasting centers, the MyOcean EU FP7 project, and real time oceanographic research (e.g.: in-situ campaigns) with directly usable, high quality near real time altimeter data. Regional products (Mediterranean Sea, Mozambic, Arctic, European Shelves …) are also delivered to operational projects.

This year, Jason-1, the oldest satellite of the altimeter constellation used in the Duacs multimission system, was impacted by a severe anomaly and was definitively stopped on the 21 June 2013. Fortunately, the data from the Altika mission, launched in February, were released publicly in July 2013. As soon as they were available, the OGDR and IGDR merged with Jason-2 and Cryosat-2 have been used in the system allowing us to maintain the system resilience and product quality. The first analyses on Altika data demonstrated their potential to even improve the DUACS products in terms of resolution.

Another flying satellite, HY2A, could also be included soon in the system and still strengthen the system. In parallel, some processing improvements are foreseen on the processing, such as the use of a Dynamic Atmospheric Correction for real time products. Later, early 2014, some improvement will also been applied in terms of content and format. A full reprocessing will be released in the mean time to have an homogeneous data set over the entire altimetry period, more than 20 years.
OSTS session
Near Real Time Products and Applications and Multi-Mission, Multi-Sensor Observations