9th Coastal Altimetry Workshop

6:00 pm MDT
The Coastal Altimetry Community is delighted to announce the 9th edition of the Coastal Altimetry Workshop, which will take place at the Hyatt Regency hotel in Reston, Virginia (close to Washington Dulles Airport) on Sunday 18 and Monday 19 October 2015.
Coastal altimetry has become a recognized mission target for present and future satellite altimeters, also thanks to the successful results from SAR and Ka-band altimetry, and is now challenging our understanding of short scales in the ocean. This Workshop aims at being once again a lively forum for a community-led review of the science and applications of coastal altimetry, from data processing through emerging applications to new technologies.
THEMES of the workshop
Technical issues in coastal altimetry, both for conventional and SAR modes, such as: progress on waveform modeling and retracking, Sea State Bias correction in coastal regions, improvements in other corrections, assessment of the capabilities of the latest missions (including CryoSat-2, HY-2, AltiKa) and preparatory studies for the Sentinel-3 Radar Altimetry mission in the coastal zone.
Applications of coastal altimetry data, both for conventional and SAR modes, alone or in combination with other data and/or models. This includes the use of data from the various data providers and/or reprocessing initiatives: CTOH, PISTACH, COASTALT, REAPER, ESA Sea Level CCI, PEACHI, eSurge. Possible applications comprise coastal sea level variations, coastal currents, coastal wave field, storm surge research, assimilation of data in coastal models and surge models. Studies exploiting the synergies of coastal altimetry with in situ, model and other satellite data (like SAR, SST, ocean colour), as well as those looking at climate-scale variations of sea level and sea state in the coastal zone, are particularly welcome.