Inland Pacific Northwest 2017 Water Year Outlook

5:00 pm MST
This full day meeting hosted by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Snow Survey, Idaho Department of Water Resources, Idaho Power, the Pacific Northwest Climate Research Impacts Consortium (CIRC) a NOAA RISA team, USDA Northwest Climate Hub and the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) will provide a recap of the 2016 Water Year as well as climate, water supply, and wildfire updates and forecasts from a variety of water and land management agencies. Presentations will also include new and emerging research tools and topics. This is an activity of the Pacific Northwest DEWS.
Registration is free, but we ask that you please register so that we can ensure that you receive all the workeshop-related materials, as well as having accurate numbers for catering.
Registration is closed.
Final - 11/8/16