Fall 2017 NIDIS Executive Council Meeting

logos surrounded by 4 photos of various landscapes
Oct. 24, 2017

6:00 pm MDT

Washington, DC
Main content




Please click here to view/download the meeting's draft agenda. 



There is no registration fee to attend this meeting.

Registration is closed



National Association of Counties (NACO)

First Floor Conference Room

660 North Capitol St., NW

Washington, DC  20001

Website(link is external)

Map(link is external)

Please have your photo ID for security.



The National Association of Counties headquarters is located at 660 N. Capitol Street NW, at the southwest corner of North Capitol and G Streets.  It is a short walk from the Union Station Metro stop(link is external) on the Red Line(link is external).  Exit Union Station to the front of the building.  Head right on Massachusetts Avenue for less than one block and take a right onto North Capitol Street.  The building is on your left at 660 North Capitol Street (G Street).



Metered street parking with a two-hour limit is available on a first come, first served basis.  Garage parking is available at 660 N. Capitol Street NW through Colonial Parking(link is external) (202-295-8100).  Parking is also available at Union Station(link is external) (202-898-1950) and various other parking garages in the area.



There is not a block of rooms being held for this meeting.  Please make your own hotel arrangements.  Limited travel support may be available for non-Federal attendees.   Travel support is not reimbursable, and must be approved ahead of time.  Please contact Elizabeth Ossowski at elizabeth.ossowski(at)noaa.gov(link sends email) with questions or room reservation requests.



A light continental breakfast and lunch will be provided.

NOTE:  Federal attendees and those on federal travel orders - Please note that NOAA regulations prohibit UCAR from providing meals to federal employees, except NSF employees.  Therefore, it is requested that federal employees contribute $17.00 for lunch.  This amount is the lunch portion of the FY2017 GSA per diem for metro Washington, D.C.

Please note that UCAR accepts Visa and MasterCard only; see MEAL PAYMENT INFORMATION (FOR FEDERAL EMPLOYEES) below.

Also, please note that some US government credit cards and travel credit cards have restrictions placed on them by your agency regarding which merchant ID number categories they may be used for.  Such restrictions may prohibit you from paying online, due to UCAR's merchant ID number category, which is "educational establishment."  Please see your administrative officer if you have any questions or encounter problems online.



It is now possible to pay UCAR via the Internet!  Please note that UCAR accepts only Visa and MasterCard:

1. Proceed to https://www.fin.ucar.edu/Epayments

2. Under "Select an item or event to pay," choose from the drop-down menu "NIDIS Executive Council, Oct. 24, 2017 - Meal Fee," and then click on the "Process Payment" button.

3. On the following screen, enter the amount (17) and fill in your billing information. When you are ready, click on the "Next" button and follow the prompts.

4. You will receive an e-mail confirming your payment and the amount paid.


It is also possible to pay in advance of the meeting.  Please make your check payable to "UCAR," and mail it to Brian Jackson UCAR-CPAESS, P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307.



If you have questions about the meeting, please contact Elizabeth Ossowski at elizabeth.ossowski(at)noaa.gov(link sends email).