Intermountain West Drought Early Warning System (IMW DEWS) Information Providers Meeting

5:00 – 6:00 pm MDT
Meeting Goals
On behalf of NIDIS and the Intermountain West Drought Early Warning System (IMW DEWS), WWA is convening a meeting of drought information providers in the five-state IMW DEWS region, with the aim of sharing practices and optimizing coordination as needed to increase the dissemination and utility of drought information across the five-state IMW DEWS region. The primary goals of this meeting are to:
Ensure that we are all aware of what information is currently being provided across the region, through what tools and resources that information is available, and which stakeholders and user groups are being served;
Review input from the IMW DEWS meetings in Oracle, AZ and Denver, CO last fall, and findings from recent studies of drought-information use;
Determine the optimal level of coordination needed to improve dissemination and use of drought information ;
Decide on next steps to enhance the drought-information efforts in the IMW DEWS, including coordinated messaging and branding, and leveraging of expertise, time, funding and other resources.
Registration is closed.