Missouri River Basin User Forum
Drought Early Warning for the Upper Basin

May. 23 to May. 27, 2017
6:00 pm MDT
Rapid City, South Dakota
Main content
General Information
The meeting will focus on further developing the Missouri River Basin Drought Early Warning Information System (MRB DEWS). This is the second of two meetings in 2017. The first meeting was held March 7- 9th in Nebraska City, NE and focused specifically on the lower Basin. This meeting will focus on the upper Basin, above Gavins Point Dam (MT, WY, ND, AND SD).
Drought Tools Café
As part of the meeting we will also hold a half-day drought monitoring and forecasting tools workshop. This will be an opportunity to work directly with the monitoring/forecasting experts on the latest drought tools.
Discussion Topics:
- Current status of drought monitoring and prediction in the Basin
- Identify states, tribes, watersheds, and municipalities engaged in drought planning and how early warning information matches these efforts
- Identify opportunities to improve monitoring and foreasting, such as improving soil moisture data
Registration is closed.