National Drought & Public Health Summit

6:00 pm MDT
Over the last century, droughts have caused more deaths internationally than any other weather- or climate-related disaster**. Droughts in the United States, however, are generally not thought of as public health threats. This meeting brings together local, state, federal, tribal, non-profit, and academic participants for a discussion around the linkages between droughts and human health. The goal is to discuss ways to properly prepare our public health agencies and organizations for the health hazards associated with drought, which, in turn, can reduce negative outcomes and save lives.
Meeting Objectives Include:
- Share the current state of knowledge for research and preparedness activities
- Identify gaps and needs for evidence based research, capacity building, and communication
- Engage and develop a drought-public health community of practice
- Jointly develop a collaborative, multi-partner NIDIS Drought & Public Health Strategy that builds upon Summit outcomes
This meeting will also help better identify the role that NOAA's National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) and its partners and stakeholders, along with other agencies, have in supporting and preparing the public health community for drought.
For more information please contact Jesse Bell (UNMC) and Amanda Sheffield (NIDIS).