8th International Radio Occultation Working Group Meeting - IROWG-8
Hosted by NOAA / UCAR

6:00 pm MDT
An international workshop for atmospheric sensing by radio occultation methods and the use of radio occlusion data in atmospheric physics, meteorology, and climate.
The 8th IROWG Workshop is an opportunity for the GNSS RO community to present and discuss the latest scientific, technical, and programmatic developments in the area.
Meeting Objective
The objective of the workshop is to improve the management and use of RO measurements for operational and science applications.
- Due to COVID-19, the 2021 workshop will be split into two sessions: 1) a virtual workshop April 7-13, 2021, and 2) a hybrid in-person/virtual workshop in the Washington, DC area in September 2021 (details to be announced).
- The April virtual workshop is abbreviated. It will provide key scientific/technical/programmatic updates, and allow working groups to prepare inputs for CGMS meetings in summer 2021.
- The September hybrid workshop will allow more time for presentations from the broader community as well as in-person discussions.
External Links
We are collecting feedback to help with the planning process of an in-person, hybrid workshop in September 2021. (Form is closed.)
Topics to be discussed at the workshop will include:
- Status and assessments of “agency-led” GNSS RO missions (e.g., COSMIC-2, FY-3C, Metop, PAZ)
- Status and assessments of commercial missions
- Climate applications
- Improving the impact of GNSS RO measurements in operational NWP and climate reanalyses
- Improving GNSS RO retrievals in the lower troposphere and upper stratosphere
- Estimating the impact of future GNSS RO missions with OSSEs and the Ensemble of Data Assimilations approach
- Ionospheric retrievals and space weather applications
- New innovations and applications of RO data
General Workshop Format
The April abbreviated workshop will be held in a virtual setting hosting both plenary and parallel sessions along with high-visibility of posters and breakout working groups. The format will provide for key scientific/technical/programmatic updates, and allow working groups to prepare inputs for CGMS meetings in summer 2021.
Presentation Types
Oral presentations and posters will be offered in the virtual setting, detailed information will be forthcoming.
Workshop Contact Information
Please feel free to contact us with any questions concerning the workshop at:
Email: irowg-8@ucar.edu