A comparison of sporadic-E occurrence rates using ionosondes and GPS radio occultation measurements

Air Force Institute of Technology
Rodney Carmona, Air Force Institute of Technology
Omar Nava, Air Force Institute of Technology
Eugene Dao, Air Force Research Laboratory
Sporadic-E occurrence rates from GPS radio occultation (RO) measurements have shown to vary by nearly an order of magnitude between studies, motivating a comparison with a ground-based measurement. In an attempt to find an accurate GPS-RO technique for monitoring sporadic-E formation, occurrence rates predicted using five previously developed GPS-RO techniques are compared to those derived from Digisonde measurements over the eight-year period of 2010-2017. GPS-RO measurements within 170 km of a Digisonde site are used to calculate sporadic-E occurrence rates that can be compared to the ground-truth Digisonde measurements at the same location. The different techniques are compared separately for each Digisonde site and then combined to find the most accurate GPS-RO technique for binary sporadic-E measurements. In most cases the Yu et al. (2020) S4 method showed the closest agreement with ionosonde measurements during the span of 2010-2017 and is the recommended technique for future GPS-RO based Es climatologies.
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