California Drought Forum
Making Decisions in Dry Times: Science and Strategies for Dealing with Drought

6:00 pm MDT
This California Drought Forum will provide information on drought conditions, forecasts, and other drought-related science. The Forum will also bring together stakeholders from across the public and private sectors to understand the extent of recent and current drought impacts, to discuss drought information uses and needs for decision-making, and to learn from efforts underway to strengthen long-term preparedness and resilience. The Forum is being co-organized and co-sponsored by the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) and California partners. NIDIS was established in 2006, and reauthorized by Congress in March 2014, to promote drought early warning and preparedness; to coordinate, develop, and communicate drought monitoring and forecast data and information; to work with federal, tribal, state, and local partners on assessing impacts; and to assist in managing those impacts and reducing potential losses. More information can be found on the NIDIS website (
This event is free of charge and open to the public. However, please be sure to register below.
By bringing together drought stakeholders from across California, we hope to promote discussion that will result in recommendations to further improve California drought readiness. In addition, by attending the Forum, we hope that participants will take away actionable information to help them through the current and future droughts.
The Forum will:
- Provide information on current and forecasted drought conditions, and the extent of drought impacts in agriculture, water resources, recreation, wildfire management, and other sectors across California.
- Explore key elements of drought planning and response, and develop recommendations for building on existing private, local, state, tribal, and federal drought monitoring and forecasting.
- Identify the partnerships and support, ongoing and needed, to ensure coordination and integration across public and private sectors for improving drought preparedness and response.
- Consider the role and improvement of present capabilities, including NIDIS and the Drought Monitor, to develop relevant information and mechanisms for delivering and using drought information in the state of California.
Registration is closed.