Earth's Radiation Budget Science Meeting

Sun rise over earth from space on black background
Nov. 6 to Nov. 8, 2023

8:08 am – 5:55 pm MST

Boulder, CO and Virtual
Main content

In-Person Registration due October 30, 2023

Meeting Objective

The purpose of this hybrid meeting is to introduce to the climate science community to current and ongoing work supported by NOAA's Earth's Radiation Budget (ERB) Initiative; inform the community of recent avenues of research and sources of data; and, encourage collaborations and bring new researchers to the ERB community. Topics include but are not limited to: (a) solar radiation modification (SRM) model improvements and new ensemble simulations, (b) a new stratospheric field campaign now with two years of data to share, (c) emerging conversations on scenario development for climate trajectories, and (d) new process research. The workshop is open and anyone can register to attend. The event is intended to provide a space for those involved with or interested in ERB-relevant research to get engaged with ongoing work and foster future collaborations.

Meeting Contacts

For programmatic questions, please contact Victoria Breeze
For logistical questions, please contact Maggie Costley 


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