NIDIS Missouri Basin Project Kickoff Meeting

Brown river with blue sky
Feb. 25 to Feb. 26, 2014

5:00 pm MST

Nebraska City, NE
Main content

10 logos on white background


To bring together a diverse group of federal, state, tribal, local partners and stakeholders from the water- and land-management communities, to discuss and understand decision-makers’ needs for drought, climate, weather, and water-related information and improving our capacity to meet those needs across the Missouri Basin. 

Desired Outcomes

  1. Increased knowledge and awareness of present decision-support tools and processes, including the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS);
  2. Identification of gaps in our knowledge and information communication resources;
  3. Recommendations for improved early warning which would include better coordination of integrating, displaying, and distributing climate, weather, and water data and information; and
  4. Recommendations for future actions, collaborative research, and decision support.


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