2023 CEDAR Workshop

Oct 3, 2023

Each year CPAESS has the pleasure of managing the annual Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions Program (CEDAR) (link is external)Workshop for our colleagues at NCAR’s High Altitude Observatory (HAO). Broadly, CEDAR’s  purpose is to better understand the fundamental properties of the space-atmosphere interaction region; identify the interconnected processes that define the local and global behavior, the evolution, and influence on the Sun-Earth system; and to explore the ionosphere-thermosphere predictability. 

collage of 4 images of San Diego, seals, beach, waves and city

This year’s CEDAR Workshop was held in San Diego, California from 25 - 30 June 2023

The upper atmosphere plays a vital role in separating interplanetary space from the lower atmosphere and our biosphere and hosts many of our space assets for monitoring, communication, and navigation. So understanding the coupled upper atmosphere on different spatio-temporal scales using ground-, space-based observations and numerical modeling play an important role in making progress towards predicting and potentially mitigating space weather and global change impacts on our society.

The annual CEDAR workshop, which started as a grassroots initiative in 1986, provides the community an opportunity to self-organize and exchange ideas. With CEDAR's emphasis on fostering new ideas, providing a safe space for all participants, and a strong educational component, CEDAR has become the intellectual engine of aeronomy.

people eating lunch while watching a speaker

SPS | CPAESS Director Hanne Mauriello giving a presentation to help envision the future of CEDAR meetings.

The workshop includes community organized breakout workshops as well as grand challenge workshops, poster session with a student poster competition, a student day, plenary sessions with science highlights, agency updates and tutorials, a distinguished lecture, and a prize lecture.

This year’s CEDAR Workshop(link is external) was held in San Diego, California from 25 - 30 June 2023. There were 420 attendees, 144 students (100 US students and 44 international students from 19 countries). Each year extensive efforts are made to foster student educational opportunities, and this year was no exception with poster sessions, student day, early career highlight presentations, and  student luncheons; in addition to the plenary sessions, tutorial sessions, and much more. Find the robust agenda here(link is external) and see the presentations, video recordings and posters from the 2023 Workshop here(link is external). It is always an honor to manage this workshop and support the research that the CEDAR team executes year round.


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