CPAESS Scientist Wins Prestigious AMS Award

Oct 3, 2022

CPAESS Scientist Neil Jacobs serves as Chief Science Advisor for the Unified Forecast System. It was recently announced that he is being awarded the American Meteorological Society’s (AMS) 2023 Kenneth C. Spengler Award(link is external) for “For leadership in fostering community collaboration across the weather, water, and climate enterprise through the perspectives of science, policy, and business.” 

The “The Kenneth C. Spengler Award is presented to an individual, team, or organization whose efforts have contributed to the growth of the weather, water, and climate enterprise while materially fostering a sense of community and creating synergistic linkages among the public, private, and academic sectors, as well as the user community.

"Nominations are considered by a committee comprised of the Commissioner of the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise, the chairs of the Commission's Boards, two members of the Commission Steering Committee selected by the Commissioner, and the President and President-Elect who both shall serve as voting, ex-officio members. The committee makes a recommendation for final approval by AMS Council (AMS(link is external)).”

Congratulations Neil on your excellent work leading the Unified Forecast System, and actively creating collaborations in the critical science of climate modeling.

CPAESS Seminar graphic

Please check out Dr. Jacobs CPAESS Discovery Seminar on “The Future of Community Modeling Using the Unified Forecast System (UFS)(link is external)” where he discusses it from both a hardware and software perspective, as well as research as an educational tool. Neil addresses how as high-performance computing becomes more readily accessible, and open source model code becomes more user friendly, community engagement and innovations will rapidly evolve. He outlines a vision of how this changing paradigm can be managed in a way that is mutually beneficial to the public, private, and academic sectors.  Learn more about the Unified Forecast System(link is external).


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