2008 NOAA Summer Institute Schedule


8th Summer Institute
of the 
NOAA Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
13-17 July 2008
Steamboat Springs, Colorado


Sheraton Steamboat Resorts
2200 Village Inn Court
Steamboat Springs, CO  80477
Telephone: 970-879-2220
Fax: 970-879-7686
Meeting Location:  Aspen Board Room

Sunday, 13 July

6:00-7:00 pm Icebreaker – Aspen Board Room

Monday, 14 July

7:45 am Breakfast – Aspen Board Room

Introductory Talk

8:15 Welcome and Introductions (Gavin Schmidt, Institute Leader)

Topic area:  Analysis

8:30 am Understanding Climatological Differences Between Deep Convection  Over Continents and the Ocean (Larissa Back)
9:00 Reconstructing the American Monsoon History Using Stalagmites from the Yucatan, Mexico(Martin Medina-Elizalde)
9:30 Variability of the Circulation in Marginal Seas – How Theoretical Models Contribute to Understanding Climate Variability (Julie Deshayes)
10:00 Break
10:15 North Pacific Climate Response to a Rapid Weakening of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: Oceanic and Atmospheric Pathways (Yuko Okumura)
10:45 Rates of Net Community and Gross Production in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean (Rachel Stanley)
11:15 am Records of Past Thermal and Disease Stress from Lipid Biomarkers in Coral Aragonite (Konrad Hughen)
11:45 Lunch break (on your own)
1:15 pm Soil Moisture Controls on Trace Gas Fluxes from a Humid Tropical Forest (Tana Wood)
1:45 Experimental Constraints on the Role of Heterogeneous Reactions in the Chemistry-Climate System (Timothy Bertram)
2:15 Improving Understanding of Global and Regional Carbon Dioxide Flux Variability through Assimilation of in Situ and Remote Sensing Data in a Geostatistical Framework (Anna Michalak)
2:45 Break

Topic Area:  Synthesis

3:00 Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange of Aerosols Over Tropical and Temperate Ecosystems(Delphine Farmer)
3:30 Understanding Linkages Between Vegetation, Climate and Disturbance in Tropical Systems Through Molecular and Isotopic Indicators in Sediment Records (Timothy Shanahan)
4:00 Adjourn until evening session

Evening Session

6:30 pm Informal buffet dinner served in Aspen Board Room
7:00 Tropical Interactions Among Different Time and Space Scales (Eric Maloney)
7:30 Energy Constraints on the Globally-averaged Hydrological Cycle (Ken Takahashi)
8:00 Discussion on the roles of synthesis + analysis (led by David Battisti)
8:30 Adjourn

Tuesday, 15 July

8:00 am Breakfast – Aspen Board Room
8:30 The Abyssal Atlantic Circulation during the Last Glacial Maximum (David Lund)
9:00 Comparing Local Institutions for Subsistence Salmon Harvesting: Yup’ik, Cup’ik, and Chukchi Communities in Western Alaska and Chukotka (Colin West)
9:30 Mesoscale Ocean-atmosphere Coupled Feedback (Hyodae Seo)
10:00 Break

Topic Area:  Dealing with Disagreements

10:30 Dust and Sea Surface Temperature Forcing of the 1930s ‘Dust Bowl’ Drought (Benjamin Cook)
11:00 am Adjourn for day

Wednesday, 16 July

8:00 am Breakfast – Aspen Board Room

Topic Area:  Dealing with Disagreements, Continued

8:30 An Interested Bystander’s View of the Hurricanes and Climate Change Discourse (Brian Mapes)
9:00 Why is it so hard to model the carbon fluxes in the Southern Ocean? (Ito Takamitsu)
9:30 The Future of the Southern Ocean CO2 Sink (Nicole Lovenduski)
10:00 Break
10:15 Confronting Carbon:  Taking Climate Change Seriously –or- What Can Warm Climates Tell Us About the Future? (Daniel Schrag)
10:45 Climate Change in Developing (Agrarian) Countries (David Battisti)
11:15 Discussion on Dealing with Disagreements (Led by Dan Schrag)
11:45 Adjourn until evening dinner reception

Evening Reception/Dinner

6:00-8:00 pm Reception and buffet dinner at Sheraton Hotel – Three Saddles Deck

Thursday, 17 July

8:00 am Breakfast – Aspen Board Room

Topic Area:  Communication of Uncertainty/Science

8:30 What We Know We Don’t Know:  How Does the Public Interpret Uncertainty on Climate Change? (Bob Henson)
9:00 Climate Change and Variability and Society in Europe and the Pacific   (Martin van der Velde)
9:30 The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC):  (1) How do we measure it? And how long do we need to measure it for?   (Lisa Beal)
10:00 Break
10:15 Carbon-climate Feedback: Plants, Warming and Drought (Nir Krakauer)
10:45 GCMs, Data and the Scientific Method (Steven Sherwood)
11:15 Discussion on Communication of Uncertainty/Science (led by Cecilia Bitz)
11:45 Institute wrap-up (Gavin Schmidt and Theme Leaders)
12:15 pm Institute Adjournment

Tour of Storm Peak Laboratory (meet in lobby)