2010 NOAA Summer Institute
This 9th Summer Institute marked the 20th Anniversary of the NOAA Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. It was held the week of 11-15 July 2010 in the beautiful mountain resort town of Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

The goal of the Institute is to bring together present and former fellows as well as host scientists, program sponsors and other invited guests to share research accomplishments and discuss the future of climate research as it pertains to global climate change. The Institute provides a unique opportunity, in a relaxed and informal setting, for professional interaction and development of valuable connections with new colleagues.
The 2010 Institute leaders, Dr. Heidi Cullen and Dr. Martin Visbeck, developed a detailed plan for the week. Both are alumni of this program.

Dr. Cullen is a Climate Expert and Correspondent for The Weather Channel and also Director of Communications, Senior Research Scientist at the new Climate Central.

Dr. Visbeck is currently Deputy Director of IFM-GEOMAR and Head of the PhysicalOceanographyResearchUnit at Leibniz-Institut fuer Meereswissenschaften Duesternbrooker inKiel,Germany.
Each participant at the Institute shared short overview presentations, and specific topics were discussed in working groups throughout the week.
The 10th Summer Institute will be held in 2012.