2016 NOAA Summer Institute

The Summer Institute for the NOAA Climate and Global Change & PACE Postdoctoral Fellowship Programs was held the week of 24-29 July 2016 in the beautiful mountain resort town of Steamboat Springs, Colorado.


Summer institute key to sharing research, creating bonds

[Authored by Jeff Smith, Science Writer & Public Information Officer, NCAR/UCAR Communications]

SI 2016

Summer Institute 2016

The goal of the Institute is to bring together present and former fellows as well as host scientists, program sponsors and other invited guests to share cutting-edge research accomplishments and discuss the future of climate research as it pertains to global climate change.

Institute Leader | Tami Bond

Professor Tami Bond

The Institute provides a unique opportunity, in a relaxed and informal setting, for professional interaction and development of valuable connections with new colleagues. The 2016 Institute leader, Tami Bond, developed a detailed plan for the week. 

Professor Tami Bond is a Nathan M. Newmark Distinguished Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering, and an Arthur and Virginia Nauman Faculty Scholar.

She joined the faculty in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Illinois in 2003. Since 2007, she also has been an Affiliate Professor in Atmospheric Sciences.

Bond’s research addresses the interface between energy use, engineering decisions, atmospheric composition and global climate.

Each participant at the Institute shared short overview presentations geared to a general audience (20-30 minutes), and specific topics were discussed in different settings throughout the week. 

Guest Speaker | Renee Lertzman

Renee Lertzmann

Having pioneered the bridging of psychodynamic research and environmental issues for more 20 years, Dr. Renee Lertzman gracefully marries the worlds of academia and practice. She is dedicated to providing high quality training to those working on the front lines of environmental change as well as to scholars and researchers developing innovative approaches. 

Renee's presentation "Facing the Unbearable: Psychological Dimensions of Climate Change Sciences" was Tuesday at 8:30 am.

Storm Peak Lab

Storm Peak Lab

The mission of Storm Peak Laboratory is to integrate research and education by advancing discovery and understanding within the field of aerosol and cloud interactions. 

Schedule Participant Letter Travel Directions Activities