Space Weather Workshop 2022
Collaboration: Advancing the Space Weather Enterprise

6:00 pm MDT
About Space Weather Workshop
Space Weather Workshop is an annual conference that brings industry, academia, and government agencies together in a lively dialog about space weather. What began in 1996 as a conference for the space weather user community, Space Weather Workshop has evolved into the Nation's leading conference on all issues relating to space weather.
The conference addresses the remarkably diverse impacts of space weather on today's technology. The program highlights space weather impacts in several areas, including communications, navigation, spacecraft operations, aviation, and electric power. The workshop will also focus on the highest priority needs for operational services that can guide future research and new high-value capabilities that can be transitioned into operations. The conference fosters communication among researchers, space weather service providers, and users of space weather services.
Space Weather Workshop is organized by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Cooperative Programs for the Advancement of Earth System Science (CPAESS), along with a community-based organizing committee and co-sponsored by the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center, the NSF Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences, and the NASA Heliophysics Division.
See prior workshop presentations and more information about UCAR Space Weather Workshop
Meeting Information
The meeting will span three days, Tuesday-Thursday, April 26-28, 2022. Each day will have sessions from approximately 10:00 - 12:00 EDT, 13:00 - 14:30 EDT, and 15:00 - 16:30 EDT with poster sessions and lightning talks from 17:00 - 18:30 EDT.
There is no fee for registration. However, please register for the event using the link provided in the meeting menu as registration is required to ensure your inclusion on email updates and communications for the workshop.
*If you would like your name and affiliation included in the participant list, please register by April 15, 2022. You will be given the option to choose whether you wish to be included in the list when you register.
This meeting will be held virtually. Information about the virtual platform and instructions to login to the workshop will be provided to registrants as the workshop date approaches.
Plenary oral presentations are by invitation only. Speakers will be contacted by the organizing committee with instructions. Abstracts are not requested for plenary presenations. We welcome contributed poster presentations. Brief abstracts are required (see poster instructions below).
Poster Information
Poster presentations are contributed. When you register for the Workshop, please indicate your intention to present a virtual poster. Poster abstracts on all Space Weather related topics can be submitted for consideration and will be organized into the following categories:
- Solar and Interplanetary Research and Applications
- Ionosphere and Thermosphere Research and Applications
- Geospace/Magnetosphere Research and Applications
- Aviation Radiation Research and Applications
- Space Weather Policy and General Space Weather Contributions
The poster abstract submission deadline is March 25th. Please use the link in the meeting menu to submit your abstract. We will be selecting up to 100 posters for the Virtual Poster Sessions. If you have been selected, you will receive notice from the committee, along with an invitation and instructions on April 8 on how to submit your poster materials. Your poster materials will be due no later than April 19.
Selected contributed posters will be invited to present a 3 to 5 minute lightning talk during the sessions. Those selected will be notified on April 8 and will be asked to submit one slide that will be presented orally in addition to your poster presentation.
Important Deadlines:
- March 25, 2022: Deadline for submitting poster abstracts
- April 8, 2022: Notification date for selected abstracts and lightning talk invitations
- April 19, 2022: Deadline for poster submissions on the virtual poster session website.
Student Activities
Please check back for updates on student activities.
Contact Information
For general meeting questions please contact Michelle McCambridge.
For form submission questions please contact Tania Sizer.