The Wide-Field Imager (WFI) instruments for the PUNCH Mission: Overview and Current Status

Southwest Research Institute
DeForest, Craig, Southwest Research Institute
Beasley, Matthew, Southwest Research Institute
Erickson, Nicholas, Southwest Research Institute
Hanson, Mary, Southwest Research Institute
Hughes, Marcus, Southwest Research Institute
Lamb, Derek, Southwest Research Institute
Osterman, Steven, Southwest Research Institute
Peterson, Trent, Southwest Research Institute
Smith, Kelly, Southwest Research Institute
Smith, Travis, Southwest Research Institute
Veach, Todd, Southwest Research Institute
Wilson, A.J., Southwest Research Institute
and the rest of the PUNCH Team...
(Invited Talk)
The PUNCH WFI instruments are a constellation of three wide-field imagers for the PUNCH Small Explorer mission. The WFI instruments incorporate conventional optics and deep baffles to attenuate stray light and image visible light that is Thompson scattered by free electrons in the outer corona and young solar wind. Together with the Near Field Imager (NFI) instrument, the four microsatellites are synchronized as a single observatory and will produce continuous, deep-field, 3D (polarized) visible-light images of the corona and solar wind from 6Rs to 190Rs. Integration and test of the WFI flight instruments are well underway. We present an overview of the WFI design, performance, and hardware development status.
Presentation file