The PUNCH Science Operations Center: Data Pipeline, Products, and Tools Update
Southwest Research Institute
Craig DeForest, Southwest Research Institute
Sarah A. Kovac, Southwest Research Institute
Chris Lowder, Southwest Research Institute
Ritesh Patel, Southwest Research Institute
Jillian Redfern, Southwest Research Institute
Daniel Seaton, Southwest Research Institute
Matthew West, Southwest Research Institute
(Invited Talk)
The PUNCH Science Operations Center’s (SOC) primary responsibility is to build and maintain the processing pipeline that generates PUNCH science data products. In this talk we review the SOC itself, focusing especially on the data pipeline and planned data products. We highlight several advances the SOC has made since the PUNCH 4 meeting, for example starfield removal, pointing and distortion refinement, and synthetic data generation. We provide a vision for our work as we approach launch and detail how science users can engage with the SOC.
Presentation file