ICAO Space Weather Advisories
Sievers - My meeting room: https://meet.goto.com/klaussievers available Wednesday 10-11, and 2:30-3:30 pm
Vereinigung Cockpit, Germany
The advisories are providing the most up to date information on space weather effects on shortwave radio communications, Global Navigation Satellite System (e.g. GPS) -based navigation, and radiation impacting humans.The advisories are distributed via the meteorological information transmission networks that carry traditional, terrestrial meteorological information and advisories, and thus, the ICAO Space-weather advisories are available globally. Note that the service is available 24 / 7, and provides information on current conditions as well as a forecast for up to 24 hr ahead. The advisories appear quite rarely, compared to advisories for volcanic ash, tropical cyclones and the like. The poster provides examples as well as links to more information

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Aviation Radiation Research and Applications
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