Project Halo: An Effort to Provide Continuous Meteorological Observation of the April 8th 2024 Total Solar Eclipse
Millersville University of Pennsylvania Department of Earth Sciences
Project HALO aims to provide continuous meteorological monitoring of the total solar eclipse on 8 April 2024. The project's preliminary goals are to determine whether the boundary layer temperature inversion generated by the eclipse can be considered a function of latitude. To complete this endeavor, we seek to create a network of observation teams to collect data on the day of the eclipse. We plan to provide a space for a discussion on interest, logistics, and the possibility of expanding the scope of the project to potentially include the monitoring of the solar corona, atmospheric compositional dynamics, and other topics of interest. Since the project will still be in its planning phase, not all details will be determined by the time of the conference, but this poster will provide a to-date status report on the ongoing initiative.

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