Towards An Australian Centre of Excellence in Space Weather

University of Sydney
David Pontin, University of Newcastle
Melanie Johnston-Hollitt, Curtin University
Suelynn Choy, RMIT University
Brad Carter, University of Southern Queensland
Michael Wheatland, University of Sydney
Brett Biddington, Biddington Research
Alina Donea, Monash University
Richard Marshall, Bureau of Meteorology
Hannah Schunker, University of Newcastle
Daniel Baker, University of Colorado at Boulder
Gary Zank, University of Alabama at Huntsville
Nick Pogorelov, University of Alabama at Huntsville
Yu Lin, University of Auburn
and the Bid Team
A group of Australian, American, British, Indian, and Japanese colleagues are developing a bid for an Australian-based but internationally linked Centre of Excellence in space weather research. The Centre is intended to be broad and to complement existing international efforts. It currently aims to understand, predict, and verify space weather observationally from the Sun to the ground in time for benefit and mitigation. Research program titles are presently Sun & interplanetary, Earth system, stellar-solar, and end-user applications, with cross-cutting themes of risk & policy, workforce development, education, and outreach. At the workshop we seek to learn from and of international efforts, identify complementary programs, and find additional partners for mutual benefit.
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Space Weather Policy and General Space Weather Contributions
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