Space Weather Workshop 2024

12:30 pm MDT
Workshop Objective
Space Weather Workshop is an annual conference that brings industry, academia, and government agencies together in a lively dialog about space weather. What began in 1996 as a conference for the space weather user community, Space Weather Workshop has evolved into the Nation's leading conference on all issues relating to space weather.
The conference addresses the remarkably diverse impacts of space weather on today's technology. The program highlights space weather impacts in several areas, including communications, navigation, spacecraft operations, human space exploration, aviation, space traffic coordination, and electric power. The workshop will also focus on the highest priority needs for operational services that can guide future research and new high-value capabilities that can be transitioned into operations. The conference fosters communication among researchers, space weather service providers, and users of space weather services.
Important Deadlines
Student Travel Support Requests: Wednesday, February 21 If you are a student and intend to apply for support, we require that you submit a poster abstract with your request by February 21. Payment is not required at time of registration. See Student Travel Support tab on the navigation panel in the header for more information and the link to submit your request. (CLOSED)
Notification to students approved for support: by Wednesday, Feburary 28.
All Other Participants (students not applying for support & non-students) Poster Abstract Submissions: Friday, March 15. *Note that we will only be accepting abstracts for In-Person posters this year. (CLOSED)
In-Person Poster Sessions: We will be selecting up to 100 posters for the In-person Poster Sessions. If you have been selected to present a poster, you will receive notice, along with an invitation and instructions the week of March 25 on how to submit your poster materials.
Lightning Talks: A subset of posters will be selected for brief (3-min) lightning presentations during the oral sessions. Lightning Presenters will be notified by Monday, March 29 and 2-slide presentations will need to be uploaded by Monday, April 8. (CLOSED)
Electronic Submissions (pdf)* to online Poster Gallery after abstract is approved: Monday, April 8. (CLOSED)
Oral presentation uploads (by invitation only and do not require an abstract), including lightning talks: Monday, April 8 (CLOSED)
Hotel Room Block reservations: Monday, March 25 (CLOSED)
In-Person registration closes on Friday, April 5th. (CLOSED)
Banquet Registration and Payment*: Wednesday, April 10 * Any banquet reservation not paid in full by Wednesday, April 10 will be canceled.
Virtual registration closes on April 10. (CLOSED)
Embassy Suites by Hilton Boulder
SWPC Tours
Space Weather Workshop is organized by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Cooperative Programs for the Advancement of Earth System Science (CPAESS), along with a community-based organizing committee and co-sponsored by the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center, the NSF Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences, and the NASA Heliophysics Division.