Dr. Pallav Ray

Dr. Pallav Ray
Assistant Professor
Florida Institute of Technology (FIT)
Department of Marine and Environmental Systems
150 W University Blvd.
Fields of interest
Tropical climate variability and modeling including the Madden-Julian Oscillation, Weather-climate interactions, High-resolution regional climate models (MM5 and WRF) and GCMs, Tropical mean state, Tropics-extratropics interactions and predictability
Description of scientific projects
I work primarily in the area of tropical climate variability using observations (satellite and reanalysis), high-resolution models (WRF and MM5), GCMs (ECHAM4) and theory. My group at the Florida Tech is currently working on the dynamics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) and its initiation. Of particular interest is the influence from the extratropics on the MJO and tropical mean state and the interactions among each other. I use tropical channel model (TCM) which is defined as a model that is bounded in the meridional direction, but global in the zonal direction. This set up allows to separate and quantify the role of the extratropics on the tropics in general and the MJO in particular. Correspondence between weather and climate error in a variety of modeling set up is another area of research that I am pursuing now.