C&GC Postdoctoral Host Database
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Displaying 1 - 855 of 855
Host | Organization | Department | Location | Fields of interest |
John Abatzoglou | University of California, Merced | Management of Complex Systems | Merced, CA | |
Dr John D Aber | University of New Hampshire | Complex Systems Research Center | Durham, NH | Forest Ecosystem carbon, water and nutrient balances |
Ryan Abernathey | Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University | Ocean and Climate Physics | Palisades, NY | Physical oceanography, ocean circulation, ocean mixing and transport, Southern Ocean dynamics |
Tom Ackerman | University of Washington | Atmospheric Sciences and JISAO | Seattle, WA | Radiative properties and impacts of clouds and aerosol; remote sensing; radiative forcing of climate |
Ángel Francisco Adames-Corraliza | University of Wisconsin | Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | Madison, WI | Tropical Meteorology, tropical convection, tropical waves, tropical-extratropical teleconnections, general circulation of the atmosphere, climate change. |
Dr Jimmy O Adegoke | University of Missouri Kansas City | Geosciences | Kansas City, MO | Land-atmosphere Interactions; Climate Change Impacts |
Prof Amir AghaKouchak | University of California, Irvine | Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Department of Earth System Science | Irvine, CA | Hydrology, climatology, land-surface modeling, drought monitoring, climate extremes, remote sensing |
Ravan Ahmadov | NOAA Global Systems Laboratory | Earth Prediction Advancement Division | Boulder, CO | Air quality modeling Fire weather modeling Chemistry-weather-climate interactions |
Akintomide Afolayan Akinsanola | University of Illinois Chicago | Earth and Environmental Sciences | Chicago, IL | Regional and Earth system modelling, Monsoon Climates, Tropical and mid-latitude climate, Extreme events: mechanisms and attribution, and Climate change and climate variability: mechanisms and causes |
Loren Albert | Oregon State University | Forest Ecosystems and Society | Corvallis, OR | Ecosystem ecology, forest photosynthesis, forest response to climate change, and imaging spectroscopy. |
Dr Michael A Alexander | NOAA//Earth System Research Laboratory | Physical Science Division | Boulder, CO | Atmospheric and oceanic teleconnections associated with ENSO. -Atmospheric response to sea ice anomalies - impact of climate variability on ecosystems - upper ocean physics - coupled atmosphere-ocean modeling |
Becky Alexander | University of Washington | Atmospheric Sciences | Seattle, WA | Chemistry-climate interactions, stable isotope geochemistry, aerosol formation |
M. Joan Alexander | NorthWest Research Associates | Boulder Office | Boulder, CO | Atmospheric dynamics, tropical convection and atmospheric waves, stratospheric dynamics and S2S predictability, gravity wave observations and modeling, satellite remote sensing and balloon-borne observations, global modeling and parameterization development, chemistry-climate interactions, wave dynamical effects on chemical tracer transport. |
Matthew Alford | University of Washington | Applied Physics Laboratory and School of Oceanography | Seattle, WA | internal waves and turbulence and their impact on the global ocean circulation |
Camryn D. Allen | Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, NMFS, NOAA | Protected Species Division | Honolulu,, HI | Reproductive biology, endocrinology, sea turtles |
Steven D Allison | UC Irvine | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology and Earth System Science | Irvine, CA | Microbial responses to climate change, modeling of microbial processes and carbon cycling. |
Noel Aloysius | University of Missouri | Biomedical, Biological and Chemical Engineering | Columbia, MO | Hydroclimatology; Teleconnections (ENSO, PDO, etc) and impacts on terrestrial water cycle; climate and food security |
Prof Ronald Amundson | University of California, Berkeley | Environmental Science Policy & Management | Berkeley, CA | isotopic geochemistry of soils and soil atmosphere, soil carbon cycling, soil nitrogen cycling |
Kevin Anchukaitis | University of Arizona | Laboratory of Tree Ring Research | Tucson, AZ | paleoclimatology, dendroclimatology, dendrochronology, climate field reconstructions, forward modeling, proxy systems modeling, coupled human-natural systems, stable isotope geochemistry, the Common Era and the last millennium |
William Anderegg | University of Utah | Department of Biology | Salt Lake City, UT | |
David M Anderson | NOAA's National Climatic Data Center | Paleoclimatology | Boulder, CO | Paleoclimate reconstructions of the Indian Monsoon. Paleoclimate reconstructions of carbon in the ocean and atmosphere |
Dr Robert Anderson | Columbia University | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory | Palisades, NY | Paleoclimate; climate-related changes in ocean circulation and the carbon cycle |
Jeffrey Anderson | National Center for Atmospheric Research | Institute for Mathematics Applied to Geosciences | Boulder, CO | Data assimilation Earth system modeling Earth system prediction |
Prof Bruce T. Anderson | Boston University | Earth and Environment | Boston, MA | Global and regional climate variability and change; Atmospheric dynamics and hydrology; Large-scale ocean/atmosphere interactions; Climate/land-surface interactions |
Eric C. Apel | National Center for Atmospheric Research | ACOM | Boulder, CO | Atmospheric Chemistry Reactions and distributions of VOCs |
Kyle Armour | University of Washington | School of Oceanography and Department of Atmospheric Sciences | Seattle, WA | Climate dynamics, polar oceanography, sea ice, radiative feedbacks and climate sensitivity |
Emma L. Aronson, PhD | University of California, Riverside | Plant Pathology and Microbiology | Riverside, CA | My laboratory performs research on soil microorganisms, soil greenhouse gas exchange and the transport of microorganisms into novel environments. |
Kevin Robert Arrigo | Stanford University | Earth System Science | Stanford, CA | Marine primary production Biogeochemistry Ecology Remote sensing Numerical modeling |
Sankar Arumugam | North Carolina State University | Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering | Raleigh, NC | Hydroclimatology, Climate Forecasts and Near-term climate change projections, Climate-water-energy nexus, Data assimilation for improving hydrologic forecasts, Hydroclimatic extremes. |
Anthony Aufdenkampe | Stroud Water Research Center | Organic & Isotope Geochemistry | Avondale, PA | Organic matter and nutrient processes within watersheds -- from soils to estuaries -- that determine the ultimate fate either as a greenhouse gas or sequestered within colluvial, alluvial or coastal sedimentary deposits. |
Prof Roni Avissar | Duke University | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Durham, NC | numerical modeling of the climate system (atmosphere, land, ocean and lakes) |
Andrew Babbin | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences | Cambridge, MA | biogeochemistry, marine particles, biological pump, nitrogen cycling |
C Bruce Baker | NOAA National Climate Data Center | Asheville, NC | Climate Change, Physical Meteorology and Meteorological Instrumentation |
Greg Balco | Berkeley Geochronology Center | Berkeley, CA | Geochronology, paleoclimate, ice sheet and glacier change, Antarctic ice sheets | |
Dennis Baldocchi | University of California, Berkeley | Environmental Science Policy and Management | Berkeley, CA | Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions; Biometeorology |
Jane W. Baldwin | University of California Irvine | Earth System Science | Irvine, CA | Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics, Extreme Event Risk, Climate Modeling, Climate Impacts, Environmental Health, Catastrophe Modeling |
Stuart D. Bale | University of California, Berkeley | Space Sciences Laboratory | Berkeley, CA | plasma turbulence, collisionless shocks, solar wind acceleration and heating, electric field and wave measurements, experimental techniques |
Dr Ana Barros | Duke University | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Durham, NC | Hydrology, hyrdroclimatology, natural hazards, ecohydrology, impacts |
Dr Roger G Barry | University of Colorado, Boulder | Geography/ National Snow and Ice Data Center | Boulder, CO | cryosphere-climate interactions documenting the cryosphere and trends in its characteristics |
Patrick J Bartlein | University of Oregon | Department of Geography | Eugene, OR | Climatology and paleoclimatology, paleoecology, data analysis, geographical visualization |
Dr Timothy Bates | NOAA | Pacific Marine Environment Laboratory | Seattle, WA | Atmospheric chemistry, aerosols, climate |
Kelvin Bates | University of Colorado Boulder | Mechanical Engineering | Boulder, CO | atmospheric chemistry, air quality |
Prof. David S Battisti | University of Washington | Department of Atmospheric Sciences | Seattle, WA | Large-scale atmosphere-ocean dynamics; tropical circulation; physics of natural variability in Arctic climate; climate dynamics; paleoclimate |
Rebecca Beadling | Temple University | Department of Earth and Environmental Science | Philadelphia, PA | Oceanography, Climate Modeling, Ocean's Role in Climate, Model Evaluation, Physical and Biogeochemical Dynamics of the Southern Ocean. |
Dr Andrew F Bennett | FNMOC | 7 Grace Hopper Avenue, Stop 1 | Monterey, CA | |
Leocadio Blanco Bercial | Arizona State University | School of Ocean Futures | Tempe, AZ | Biological oceanography, plankton ecology and evolution, diversity and biogeochemical cycles |
William Berelson | University of Southern California | Earth Sciences | Los Angeles, CA | Geochemistry, biogeochemical cycles |
Max Berkelhammer | University of Illinois at Chicago | Earth and Environmental Sciences | Chicago, IL | Climate, paleoclimate, global carbon and water cycles, ecohydrology, land surface-atmosphere interactions, boundary layer processes, trace gases and stable isotopes |
Judith Berner | NCAR | Boulder, CO | Subseasonal to seasonal forecasts and science Model Error and Uncertainty Systematic biases Predictability and ensembles Stochastic parameterizations Climate Variability |
Professor Joseph Berry | Carnegie Institution of Washington | Department of Global Ecology | Stanford, CA | |
Tripti Bhattacharya | Syracuse University | Earth and Environmental Sciences | Syracuse, NY | Paleoclimate, hydroclimate, organic geochemistry, proxy analysis. |
Joseph Biello | University of California, Davis | Mathematics | Davis, CA | Scale interactions, tropical wave dynamics, convection modeling |
Dr. Jim K Bishop | E.O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Earth Sciences Division | Berkeley, CA | Ocean carbon cycle dynamics |
Cecilia Bitz | University of Washington | Atmospheric Sciences | Seattle, WA | high-latitude climate, climate modeling, sea ice and climate interactions, paleoclimate |
Dr. David Black | Stony Brook University | School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences | Stony Brook, NY | Paleoceanography, paleoclimatology, carbon cycling |
Dr. Geoffrey A Blake | California Institute of Technology | Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences | Pasadena, CA | Atmospheric chemistry, global biogeochemical cycles |
Meghan Blumstein | University of Virginia | Environmental Science | Charlottesville, VA | forests, climate change, adaptation, phenology, traits, nonstructural carbohydrates |
Simona Bordoni | California Institute of Technology | Environmental Science and Engineering | Pasadena, CA | Large-scale atmospheric dynamics; tropical circulations; monsoons; climate dynamics |
Elie Bou-Zeid | Princeton University | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Princeton, NJ | Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Turbulence, Land-Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions, Boundary Layer Meteorology, Hydrometeorology, Multi‑Scale Atmospheric Dynamics, Large Eddy Simulation, Remote and Distributed Sensing |
Amy Bower | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | Physical Oceanography | Woods Hole, MA | Physical Oceanography |
Mr. David Bowling | University of Utah | Department of Biology | Salt Lake City, UT | My primary research interests are in ecosystem ecology, particularly the biogeochemical cycling of carbon and water within terrestrial ecosystems. Work in my lab focuses on examining carbon and water relations of plants and soils at the ecosystem scale, with the principal goals of understanding 1) ecosystem physiological processes, 2) factors influencing the carbon and hydrological cycles within ecosystems, 3) biosphere-atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and their isotopes, and 4) ecosystem water balance, particularly in ecosystems of the western United States. This work is interdisciplinary in nature, requiring collaboration with colleagues from a variety of scientific disciplines, including plant physiology, soil science, hydrology, micrometeorology, and geochemistry. |
Raymond Stuart Bradley | University of Massachusetts | Geosciences | Amherst, CA | Paleoclimatology, climatology, paleolimnology. Regional focus on the Arctic and North Atlantic region. |
Susan L. Brantley | Pennsylvania State University | Geosciences | University Park, PA | water-rock interaction, soil formation, weathering, water quality and anthropogenic activities, groundwater flow and transport, effect of hydraulic fracturing and shale gas development on water quality, aqueous geochemistry, biogeochemistry, data sharing, scientific communication to non-scientific public |
Camrin Braun | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | Biology | Woods Hole, MA | biological oceanographic, biophysical interactions, mesoscale eddies, fronts, marine predators, movement ecology, satellite telemetry |
Dr. Christopher Bretherton | University of Washington | Department of Atmospheric Sciences | Seattle, WA | Atmospheric convection, clouds, boundary layers, and climate modeling |
Simon Brewer | University of Utah | Geography | Salt Lake City, UT | Understanding complex systems in space and time Analysis of spatial and spatio-temporal data Long-term changes in climate and terrestrial ecosystem response Understanding societal response to environmental changes |
Dr. Scott Bridgham | University of Oregon | Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | Eugene, OR | climate change impacts on ecosystems and communities, trace gas dynamics, biogeochemistry, wetland ecology |
Gregory Britten | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | Biology | Woods Hole, MA | Ocean carbon cycle; climate impacts on marine ecosystems; climate-integrated fisheries modeling; quantitative methods and modeling |
Dr. Anthony J Broccoli | Rutgers University | Dept. of Env. Sciences | New Brunswick, NJ | Climate Change Climate Modeling |
Charles Brock | NOAA | Earth System Research Laboratory | Boulder, CO | Aerosol physics and optics |
Craig Brodersen | Yale University | School of Forestry & Environmental Studies | New Haven, CT | Plant Physiology Ecology Drought Xylem |
Eoin Brodie | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Climate and Ecosystem Sciences | Berkeley, CA | Soil science, biogeochemistry, ecosystem ecology, microbiology, microbial ecology, genomics, modeling. |
Dr. Edward Brook | Oregon State University | College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences | Corvallis, OR | Ice core paleoclimate records, particularly greenhouse gas records. Accretion of extraterrestrial material to the earth. |
Paul D Brooks | University of Utah | Geology and Geophysics | Salt Lake City, UT | Ecohydrology, Biogeochemistry, Snow, Complex Terrain |
Harold E Brooks | NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory | Norman, OK | Severe thunderstorms and tornadoes in the context of climate | |
Steven Brown | NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory | Boulder, CO | Atmospheric trace gases and aerosols, regional air quality, air-quality climate interactions | |
Lori M. Bruhwiler | NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory | Global Monitoring Division | Boulder, CO | Carbon Cycle, Carbon Cycle Climate Feedbacks, Arctic Carbon Cycle, Atmospheric Transport, Trace Gas Data Assimilation, Drought Vegetation Interactions |
Roger Nicholas Bryant | Purdue University | Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences (EAPS) | West Lafayette, IN | Isotope geochemistry, Paleoclimate, carbonates, Earth history, Blue carbon ecosystems, sulfur cycle, ocean acidification, ocean anoxia, foraminifera, X-Ray absorption spectroscopy |
Dr. Kristen Buck | University of South Florida | College of Marine Science | St Petersburg, FL | Trace metal biogeochemistry, chemical speciation, nutrients, water quality |
Christo Buizert | Oregon State University | College of Earth Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences | Corvallis, OR | Paleoclimate, abrupt climate change, ice cores, climate dynamics, atmospheric composition, firn processes, ice core time scales. |
Subrahmanyam Bulusu | University of South Carolina, Columbia | Satellite Oceanography Laboratory, School of the Earth, Ocean, and Environment | Columbia, SC | Satellite Oceanography, Physical Oceanography, Air-Sea Interaction, Ocean dynamics, Indian Ocean monsoon dynamics |
Elizabeth Burakowski | University of New Hampshire | Institute for the Study of Earth Oceans and Space | Durham, NH | climate modeling, snow, winter climate, remote sensing |
Natalie Burls | George Mason University | Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Earth Sciences | Fairfax, VA | Atmospheric Processes; Atmospheric Science; Climate Science; Ocean Sciences; Paleoclimate |
Dr. Stephen J Burns | University of Massachusetts | Department of Geosciences | Amherst, MA | paleoclimatology, paleolimnology, application of speleothems to studies of paleoclimate |
Amy Hawes Butler | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Chemical Sciences Laboratory | Boulder, CO | large-scale atmospheric dynamics, stratosphere-troposphere coupling, subseasonal to seasonal predictability, chemistry-climate interactions |
James H Butler | NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory | Global Monitoring Division | Boulder, CO | Marine and atmospheric chemistry |
David Butman | University of Washington | School of Environmental and Forest Science | Seattle, WA | Inland Waters, Carbon Biogeochemistry, Remote Sensing and GIS, Land-Water linkages. |
Dr. Ted Cable | Kansas State University | Department of Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation Resources | Manhattan, KS | 1) environmental education and environmental interpretation 2)park and nature preserve management 3)sustainable ecotourism and agritourism in developing countries |
Jörn Callies | California Institute of Technology | Pasadena, CA | Oceanography | |
Suzana J. Camargo | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University | Ocean and Climate Physics Division | Palisades, NY | Tropical cyclones, extreme events, climate, climate variability |
Elliott Campbell | UC Santa Cruz | Environmental Studies | Santa Cruz, CA | Global budgets of carbonyl sulfide, Atmospheric modeling, Global ecology, Carbon cycle science |
Dr. Mark A Cane | Columbia University | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory | Palisades, NY | Paleoclimate modeling; ENSO theory and prediction; Applications of climate prediction, especially to health and agriculture; Data assimilation and statistical methods of data analysis |
Dr. Antonietta Capotondi | NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory | Physical Science Division | Boulder, CO | Physical Oceanography, Role of the Ocean in Climate Variability and Change, Interannual and Decadal Tropical Pacific Variability, Influence of Climate Variability and Change upon Ecosystem Dynamics. |
Christopher Cappa | University of California, Davis | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Davis, CA | Optical properties of aerosols Gas-particle partitioning Phase behavior of aerosols |
Dr. Zoe Cardon | Marine Biological Laboratory | Ecosystems Center | Woods Hole, MA | Carbon storage in soils. Plant root-microbe-soil interactions. Hydraulic redistribution of soil water by plants in semi-arid landscapes. |
Anders E Carlson | Oregon State University | College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences | Corvallis, OR | Past ice sheet history, paleoceanography, paleoclimatology |
Dustin Carroll | Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, San José State University | Physical Oceanography | Moss Landing, CA | Physical oceanography Numerical modeling Data assimilation Ocean biogeochemistry Ocean-ice interactions |
James Alfred Carton | University of Maryland | Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science | College Park, MD | physical oceanography climate variability |
Joe Casola | University of Washington | Climate Impacts Group, College of the Environment | Seattle, WA | Regional Climate Variability and Climate Change, Applied Climatology, Extreme Events, Hydrology, Use of Climate Information by Decision Makers, Climate Communications |
Nicolas Cassar | Duke University | Earth and Ocean Sciences | Durham, NC | Ocean biogeochemistry and ecophysiology |
Dr. Isla S. Castaneda | UMass Amherst | Department of Geosciences | Amherst, MA | Organic and stable isotope geochemistry, paleoclimate, paleolimnology, paleoceanography, Pliocene climate, proxy comparison and validation |
Kelly Caylor | University of California, Santa Barbara | Department of Geography | Santa Barbara, CA | ecohydrology, environmental sciences, land-atmosphere interactions, dryland vegetation systems |
Claudia Cenedese | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | Physical Oceanography | Woods Hole, MA | Oceanography, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics |
Rebeca Centeno | National Center for Atmospheric Research | High Altitude Observatory | Boulder, CO | Solar magnetic fields. Spectro-polarimetry. Radiative transfer. Spectral line inversions. Photosphere. Chromosphere. Quiet Sun. Active Regions. Solar cycle. Spicules. Filaments. Waves. |
Paola Cessi | University of California San DIego | Scripps Institution of Oceanography UCSD | La Jolla, CA | The general circulation of the ocean, the meridional overturning circulation |
Dr F Stuart Chapin, III | University of Alaska- Fairbanks | Institute of Arctic Biology | Fairbanks, AK | Land-atmosphere exchange |
Abhishek Chatterjee | Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology | Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems, Earth Sciences Division | Pasadena, CA | Carbon cycle, carbon-climate feedbacks with a specific focus on Arctic-Boreal carbon cycle dynamics, Remote sensing of greenhouse gases, Data Assimilation, Bayesian Inference |
Daniel Robert Chavas | Purdue University | Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences | West Lafayette, IN | climate, extreme weather, hurricanes, severe weather, climate change, global modeling, limited area modeling |
Chi Chen | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey | Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources | New Brunswick, NJ | Remote sensing of vegetation, Ecosystem dynamics and global change, Carbon and water cycling, Land-atmosphere interactions, Multi-scale land modeling |
Dr Robert S Chen | CIESIN/ Columbia University | 61 Route 9W | Palisades, NY | Human dimensions research; climate impact assessment; environmental sustainability; hazard vulnerability and assessment; agriculture and food security; poverty and the Millennium Development Goals; international environmental agreements and institutions; remote sensing applications; interdisciplinary data integration and management |
Baohua Chen | Illinois Institute of Technology | Applied Mathematics | Chicago, IL | Water vapor, convection forcing, parameterization, numerical modeling |
Anping Chen | Colorado State University | Department of Biology | Fort Collins, CO | climate change, ecosystem ecology, drought, wildfire, land-atmosphere interaction |
Shuyi S. Chen | University of Washington | Atmospheric Sciences | Seattle, WA | Tropical convection, cyclones, and dynamics Air-sea interaction Coupled atmosphere-wave-ocean modeling and numerical weather prediction |
Min Chen | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Madison, WI | Land-atmosphere interactions; global carbon cycle; terrestrial biosphere modeling; remote sensing of vegetation; integrated assessment of climate change by coupling human and earth systems | |
Dr. Weixin Cheng | University of California - Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz, CA | carbon cycling in soil systems; control of rhizosphere processes on carbon dynamics; atmosphere-plant-soil interactions |
Wei Cheng | Univ of Washington | Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean | Seattle, WA | ocean circulation, climate variability, marine ecosystem in the Northeast Pacific |
Teresa Chereskin | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | Physical Oceanography Research Division | La Jolla, CA | Souhern Ocean, wind-driven circulation, meridional overturning circulation, eastern boundary currents, acoustic Doppler techniques for velocity measurement |
Dr. John Chiang | University of California Berkeley | Department of Geography | Berkeley, CA | Tropical ocean-atmosphere interactions Mechanisms of tropical ENSO teleconnections Paleoclimate |
Anela Choy | Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego | Biological Oceanography | La Jolla, CA | pelagic ecology; biological oceanography; global change ecology; deep-sea biology; food web structure and function; ecosystem ecology; ecosystem modeling |
John Erich Christian | University of Oregon | Geography | Eugene, OR | Glacier and ice-sheet dynamics; climate variability; attribution science |
Patrick Chuang | University of California Santa Cruz | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Santa Cruz, CA | Cloud physics; aerosol physics and chemistry |
Dr. William Clark | Harvard University | Center for Science and International Affairs | Cambridge, MA | assessment, vulnerability, impacts, sustainability science |
Peter U. Clark | Oregon State University | College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences | Corvallis, OR | Paleoclimatology, former glaciers and ice sheets, paleo-sea level. |
Aimee Classen | University of Vermont | Rubenstein School | Burlington, VT | Ecosystem Ecology, Carbon Cycling, Global Change |
Carol Clayson | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | Physical Oceanography | Woods Hole, MA | air-sea interaction remote sensing modeling turbulence |
Elsa Cleland | University of California San Diego | Ecology, Behavior & Evolution | La Jolla, CA | Ecology |
Dr. Steven Clemens | Brown University | Earth, Environmental and Planetary Science | Providence, RI | Paleoceanography and Paleoclimate with focus on monsoonal climate change across centennial to tectonic time scales using terrestrial and ocean archives. |
Sloan Coats | University of Hawaii | Earth Sciences | Honolulu, HI | climate dynamics, paleoclimate |
Kim Cobb | Georgia Inst. of Technology | Earth and Atmospheric Sciences | Atlanta, GA | Tropical Pacific climate, past and present, with emphasis on paleoclimate reconstructions of SST (corals) and precipitation (corals and speleothems). New projects include multi-proxy reconstruction and paleo-modeling. |
Ronald C Cohen | UC Berkeley | Chemistry and also Earth and Planetary Science | Berkeley, CA | Non CO2 greenhouse gas forcing, aerosol-cloud links, water isotopes and the hydrologic cycle |
Maureen Coleman | University of Chicago | Geophysical Sciences | Chicago, IL | Microbiology; biogeochemistry; microbial ecology; oceanography; freshwater microbiology; Great Lakes |
Charles S. Colgan | Middlebury Institute of International Studies | Center for the Blue Economy | Monterey, CA | ocean economics, climate adaptation, blue economy accounting |
Prof. Jeffrey Lee Collett, Jr | Colorado State University | Atmospheric Science Department | Fort Collins, CO | atmospheric chemistry; air quality; aerosol chemistry; cloud chemistry; N deposition; oil and gas emissions; biomass burning; instrument design |
William Drew Collins | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley | Climate and Ecological Sciences Division (LBNL) and Earth and Planetary Science (UCB) | Berkeley, CA | William Collins is an internationally recognized expert in climate modeling and climate change science. His personal research concerns the interactions among greenhouse gases and aerosols, the coupled climate system, and global environmental change. |
Jennifer Collins | University of South Florida | Geography, Environment and Planning | Tampa, FL | Hurricanes Climate Change |
Stephen Colucci | Cornell University | Earth and Atmospheric Sciences | Ithaca, NY | Dynamics of mid-latitude weather systems |
Jessica L Conroy | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | Geology/Plant Biology | Champaign, IL | Tropical Pacific and paleoclimate, Monsoon Asia climate and paleoclimate, last glacial loess and midcontinent paleoclimate, water isotopes |
Dr Kerry H Cook | Cornell University | Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences | Ithica, NY | modeling tropical climate, mesoscale modeling, African drought, South American climate, tropical paleoclimate |
Timothy L. Cook | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Geosciences | Amherst, MA | Paleolimnology; Paleoclimatology of Arctic and Boreal regions; Paleoflood (both river and coastal) reconstructions; Climate change impacts on erosion and water quality |
Bruce Cornuelle | Scripps Instition of Oceanography/UCSD | Physical Oceanography Research Division | La Jolla, CA | Ocean Circulation observations and modeling, regional to basin scale. Inverse modeling, ocean state estimation. Inverse and data assimilation methods, statistical forecast techniques. |
Dr Thomas E Croley, II | Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory | Ann Arbor, MI | Hydrological Impacts |
Dr Thomas M Cronin | U.S. Geological Survey | Reston, VA | holocene paleoclimatology, coastal/ estuarine and deep sea paleo- records |
Meghan F Cronin | NOAA | Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) | Seattle, WA | Tropical and extratropical air-sea interaction observed from heavily instrumented surface moorings and Saildrone (an autonomous sailing vessel !!). Particular interests include frontal dynamics, large-scale ocean dynamics, upper ocean processes, hydrological cycle, coupled feedback processes, physical processes of the carbon cycle, and model assessment studies using reference station observations. |
Timothy W Cronin | MIT | Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences | Cambridge, MA | Climate, Atmospheric Dynamics, Radiation, Convection, Clouds, Paleoclimate |
Adam Csank | University of Nevada, Reno | Geography | Reno, NV | Paleoclimatology, stable isotopes, dendrochronology, multi-proxy climate reconstructions, physiological response of plants to climate and disturbance, Pliocene climates and ecosystems, proxies of atmospheric pollution. |
Kurt M. Cuffey | University of California - Berkeley | Geography | Berkeley, CA | glaciology, glacial geomorphology, process geomorphology, climatology |
Ms. Bo Cui | University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign | Atmospheric Sciences | Urbana, IL | |
Dr. Enrique Curchitser | Rutgers University | Environmental Sciences/Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences | New Brunswick, NJ | Climate, Oceanography, Oceanic Ecosystems, Numerical Modeling. |
Frank Curriero | Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health | Epidemiology | Baltimore, MD | Harnessing the power of geography in public health through the development and advancement of spatial science methods (spatial data, GIS, spatial statistics) to a wide range of health and environmental exposure applications. |
Dr. Judith Curry | Georgia Institute of Technology | Earth and Atmospheric Sciences | Atlanta, GA | observational, theoretical, and modeling studies of the arctic climate system |
Daniel Cusworth | Carbon Mapper | Pasadena, CA | Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Spectroscopy, Statistical Learning, Atmospheric Science, Earth Science, Climate Change | |
Daniel Cziczo | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences | Cambridge, MA | Atmospheric chemistry, aerosols, cloud formation |
Paolo D'Odorico | University of Virginia | Environmental Sciences | Charlottesville, VA | Hydrology, Ecohydrology, Deforestation, Land-Atmosphere Interactions, Land Degradation |
Aiguo Dai | University at Albany, SUNY | Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences | Albany, NY | Global and regional climate changes, future climate projections, the global water cycle and its response to global warming, hydroclimate changes, drought, and climate data analysis |
Dennis A Darby | Old Dominion University | Ocean, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences | Norfolk, VA | Arctic paleoclimate |
Uttam Deb | University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff | Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries | Pine Bluff, AR | Aquaculture and Fisheries Economics, Adaptation to Climate Change, Food Security, Impact Assessment, Poverty and Income Inequality, Science and Technology Policy |
Sylvia Dee | Rice University | Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences | HOUSTON, TX | Climate Dynamics, Paleoclimate, Last Millennium, Water Isotopes |
Laura Dee | University of Colorado, Boulder | Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | Boulder, CO | global change ecology; impacts of climate change, variability, and extremes; ecosystem services and functioning |
Art DeGaetano | Cornell University | Earth and Atmospheric Sciences | Ithaca, NY | Climate applications, variation in the observed in situ climate record |
Kristine DeLong | Louisiana State University | Geography and Anthropology | Baton Rouge, LA | paleoclimatology, sclerochronology, trace element and stable isotope geochemistry, corals, trees, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, Last interglacial, glacial paleoecology, Holocene climate change, paleotempestology, climate of the past 2k. |
Thomas Delworth | GFDL/NOAA | U.S. Dept of Commerce/NOAA | Princeton, NJ | Decadal climate variability and predictability, climate extremes, drought, climate modeling |
Dr Peter B DeMenocal | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University | Palisades, NY | Paleoclimatology/ paleoceanography | |
Dr Paul J DeMott | Colorado State University | Department of Atmospheric Science | Fort Collins, CO | aerosol-cloud interactions, cloud physics, atmospheric chemistry |
Dr. Clara Deser | NCAR | Climate and Global Dynamics Division | Boulder, CO | Climate Analysis and Model Evaluation |
Michael Desjardins | Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health | Epidemiology | Baltimore, MD | Spatial Epidemiology; Geographic Information Science & Systems; Medical Geography; Spatio-Temporal Modeling; Health Disparities; Spatial Statistics; Uncertainty; Disease Surveillance; Gun Violence; Substance Abuse; Healthcare Accessibility; Cancer; Healthy Ageing; Residential Mobility; Longitudinal Analysis |
Curtis Deutsch | University of Washington | Oceanography | Seattle, WA | Biogeochemistry, oceanography, ecology, climate |
Ismaila Diallo | San Jose State University | Meteorology and Climate Science | San Jose, CA | Climate Modeling, Climate variability and Change, Land-atmosphere Interaction, Monsoon Systems, Wildfires, Extreme Climate Events |
Juliana Dias | NOAA | Physical Sciences Laboratory | Boulder, CO | Tropical Meteorology, Equatorial waves, tropical convection, tropical-extratropical interaction, subseasonal predictability and predictions |
Russell R. Dickerson | UMCP | AOSC | College Park, MD | Air Pollution, Atmospheric Chemistry, Atmospheric Physics, Lightning, biogeochemical cycles, greenhouse gases. |
Noah Diffenbaugh | Stanford University | Department of Earth System Science | Stanford, CA | Dynamics and impacts of climate variability and change, including extreme events, human-environment interactions, and high-resolution climate modeling |
Pedro DiNezio | University of Colorado Boulder | Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ATOC) | Boulder, CO | Climate dynamics, predictability, and prediction, with focus on the tropical oceans. Long-term changes in the hydrological cycle. Climate impacts. Ocean biogeochemical cycles. Paleoclimatology. |
Qinghua Ding | University of California, Santa Barbara | Geography | Santa Barbara, CA | Tropical-extratropical Teleconnection Large-scale Atmosphere/Ocean Interaction Polar Climate Variability Paleoclimate Climate Change Seasonal Prediction Coupled Climate Modeling |
Elizabeth Dinsdale | San Diego State University | Biology | San Diego, CA | Marine microbial ecology |
Paul Dirmeyer | George Mason University | Atmospheric, Oceanic and Earth Sciences | Fairfax, VA | Land-atmosphere interactions |
Dr Glenn Diskin | NASA Langley Research Center | Chemistry and Dynamics Branch | Hampton, VA | Airborne measurement of atmospheric trace gases. |
Jack DiTullio | College of Charleston | Biology | Charleston, SC | Biogeochemistry of the Southern Ocean, Algal physiology and ecology, Radiative trace gases (DMS) |
Colleen J. Doherty | North Carolina State University | Department of Molecular and Structural Biochemsitry | Raleigh, NC | Regional climate variability and impacts on agricultural practices. Impacts of climate dynamics on plant systems. Impacts of changes in periodic climate activity; warmer nights, earlier springs. |
Scott Doney | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry | Woods Hole, MA | Global carbon cycle; climate and CO2; ocean acidification |
Dr. Maureen Downing-Kunz | U.S. Geological Survey | California Water Science Center | Sacramento, CA | Estuarine geomorphology, estuarine sediment transport, wind-wave sediment resuspension and erosion, watershed sediment supply, tidal wetland restoration |
Henri Drake | University of California, Irvine | Earth System Science | Irvine, CA | Ocean and Climate Dynamics; Physical Oceanography; Ocean modelling |
Ellen M Druffel | University of California | Earth System Science | Irvine, CA | Change in ocean circulation and cycling of carbon over past few hundred years |
Dr M K Dubey | Los Alamos National Laboratory | Earth Systems Observations | Los Alamos, NM | Aerosols, CO2 and trace gas measurements (in situ and remote) to improve process and feedback treatment in climate models. Carbon cycle science and management. Air capture of CO2. Hydrogen economy risks and benefits. Constraining climate sensitivity using observations. Arctic climate change. |
Jimy Dudhia | NCAR | MMM Laboratory | Boulder, CO | Numerical weather prediction, regional climate, atmospheric physics in models. |
Dr John Patrick Dunne | NOAA/GFDL | Climate and Ecosystems Group | Princeton, NJ | Ocean ecosystems * Biogeochemistry * Earth System Modeling * Climate Change * Carbon Cycling |
Sandra M Durán | Colorado State University | Forest and Rangeland Stewardship | Fort Collins, CO | Carbon cycling Earth System Models Global change biology Remote sensing of vegetation |
Dale Durran | University of Washington | Atmospheric Sciences | Seattle, WA | Deep Learning Weather Prediction Atmospheric Predictability Numerical Methods Mesoscale Dynamic Meteorology Mountain Meteorology Atmospheric Waves |
Andrea Dutton | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Geoscience | Madison, WI | paleoceanography, paleoclimate, sea level change, U-Th geochronology, isotope geochemistry, carbonate sedimentology |
Dr William E Easterling | Pennsylvania State University | Department of Geography | State College, PA | Climate impacts, land use/ land cover change |
Dr David R Easterling | National Climate Data Center | Asheville, NC | Observed climate variability and change | |
Erika Jeannine Edwards | Yale University | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | New Haven, CT | plant ecophysiology; evolutionary biology; photosynthesis |
Christopher Edwards | University of California | Ocean Sciences | Santa Cruz, CA | Ocean modeling, coastal dynamics, coupling of physical and biological processes. |
Dr James Ehleringer | University of Utah | Department of Biology | Salt Lake City, UT | |
Emily Eidam | UNC Chapel Hill | Marine Sciences | Chapel Hill, NC | Coastal sedimentology, sediment transport, seabed deposition, delta growth, fjord sedimentation, continental shelves, estuaries |
Martin Medina Elizalde | University of Massachusetts, Amherst | Geosciences | AMHERST, MA | Climate evolution, Climate Change, Speleogenesis, hydroclimate, Climate Change during the Collapse of the Maya civilization, geochemical proxies in speleothems (i.e. oxygen isotopes, carbon isotopes and trace elements) |
Aaron M Ellison | Harvard University | Harvard Forest | Petersham, MA | Ecology; effects of disturbance and climatic change; thresholds and tipping points; ecological statistics |
Dr Elfatih A.B Eltahir | Massachusettes Institute of Technology | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Cambridge, MA | Hydrology |
Dr Kerry A Emanuel | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Science | Cambridge, MA | Tropical cyclones, Cumulus convection, Parameterization of convection |
Ryan E. Emanuel | North Carolina State University | Forestry and Environmental Resources | Raleigh, NC | Hydrology, Land-Atmosphere Interaction, Climate Change, Indigenous Knowledges, Environmental Justice |
Louisa Emmons | National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) | Atmospheric Chemistry Observations and Modeling Laboratory | Boulder, CO | Atmospheric Chemistry Air Quality Tropospheric Chemistry Modeling |
Dr. Ehsan Erfani | Desert Research Institute | Atmospheric Sciences | Reno, NV | Aerosol-cloud interactions, Cloud physics and microphysics, Climate modeling, Large-eddy simulations, Ocean-atmosphere interaction, Weather and climate dynamics |
Dr Amato Evan | University of California, San Diego | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | La Jolla, CA | Climate and Atmospheric Sciences: The role of aerosols, clouds and water vapor in the global climate |
Dr. Michael Neil Evans | University of Maryland, College Park | Geology and ESSIC | College Park, MD | Tropical paleoclimatology, stable isotopes, proxy and climate modeling. |
Sarah E Evans | Michigan State University | Kellogg Biological Station | Hickory Corners, MI | Microbial communities, biogeochemistry, precipitation |
Chris Fairall | NOAA ESRL/PSD | Weather/Climate Physics | Boulder, CO | Air sea gas transfer, Cloud microphysics and aerosol indirect effect, Air sea fluxes at high winds, Air-ice interactions, Turbulence measurements, Remote sensing of clouds and fluxes |
Dr Jay Famiglietti | University of Texas at Austin | Department of Geological Sciences | Austin, TX | Land surface hydrology and climate system modeling |
Delphine Farmer | Colorado State University | Chemistry | Fort Collins, CO | Atmospheric chemistry; biosphere-atmosphere interactions; reactive trace gases; instrument development; field measurements |
Dr Brian Farrell | Harvard University | Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences | Cambridge, MA | Climate modeling |
Caroline Farrior | University of Texas at Austin | Integrative Biology | AUSTIN, TX | Ecology and evolutionary biology |
Andrea Fassbender | NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory | Global Observations of Biogeochemistry and Ocean Physics | Seattle, WA | marine carbon and biogeochemical cycles, carbon cycle feedbacks, biological productivity, ocean acidification, biogeochemical Argo |
Alexey Fedorov | Yale University | Earth and Planetary Sciences | New Haven, CT | Ocean, Atmospheric and Climate dynamics Climate change Paleoclimate |
Dr. Richard Alan Feely | Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory | Ocean Climate Research Division | Seattle, WA | Ocean carbon uptake and redistribution in the global ocean, air-sea exchange of carbon dioxide, ocean acidification processes and carbonate dissolution. |
Jennifer Fehrenbacher | Oregon State University | College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences | Corvallis, OR | Climate Change, Paleoclimate, Biogeochemistry |
Dr. Graham Feingold | NOAA Earth System Research Laboratories | Chemical Sciences Laboratory | Boulder, CO | Cloud microphysics, aerosol-cloud interactions, aerosol direct and indirect forcing, aerosol influences on precipitation, cloud processing of aerosol, self-organization and emergence in dynamical systems. |
Graham Feingold | NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory | Clouds, Aerosol, and Climate Program | Boulder, CO | Aerosol-Cloud Interactions, Cloud Microphysics, Aerosol Direct and Indirect Effects, Surface remote sensing of aerosol-cloud interactions, Airborne measurements of Aerosol and Cloud properties, Self-Organization and Emergence in Dynamical Systems. |
Nicole Feldl | University of California, Santa Cruz | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Santa Cruz, CA | Climate dynamics, polar amplification, large-scale atmosphere and ocean circulations, climate feedbacks and sensitivity |
Craig R. Ferguson | University at Albany, SUNY | Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences | Albany, NY | hydrology, land-atmosphere interactions, drought predictability, ground-satellite-model data fusion, land data assimilation in regional modeling |
Dr Ralph R Ferraro | NOAA/NESDIS/ORA | Camp Springs, MD | Remote sensing of hydrological variables | |
Melanie Fewings | Oregon State University | College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (CEOAS) | Corvallis, OR | Coastal physical oceanography and meteorology |
Dr Barbara Finlayson-Pitts | University of California, Irvine | Department of Chemistry | Irvine, CA | Atmospheric Chemistry |
Arlene Fiore | MIT | Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences | Cambridge, MA | atmospheric chemistry, air quality, climate change and variability |
Dr Emily V Fischer | Colorado State University | Atmospheric Science | Fort Collins, CO | Atmospheric Chemistry |
Dr. Chip Fletcher | University of Hawaii | School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology | Honolulu, HI | coastal geology, impacts of climate change and sea level rise on coastal communities, coral reef processes, carbonate sedimentology, Holocene and late Pleistocene paleoclimatology |
Dr Michael J Fogarty | NOAA/NMFS | Ecosystem Assessment and Dynamics | Woods Hole, MA | Dynamics of Exploited Marine Ecosystems |
Gregory Foltz | NOAA/AOML | Physical Oceanography | Miami, FL | Role of the ocean in tropical climate variability and change Tropical cyclone-ocean interaction |
Ralph Foster | Applied Physics Laboratory | Air-Sea Interaction and Remote Sensing | Seattle, WA | Satellite remote sensing, boundary layer dynamics, air-sea interaction, hurricane boundary layers |
Boniface Fosu | Mississippi State University | Northern Gulf Institute | Starkville, MS | Air-sea interactions Extreme events and hazard risk assessment Climate variability and change |
Baylor Fox-Kemper | University of Colorado, Boulder | CIRES and ATOC | Boulder, CO | |
Christian Frankenberg | California Institute of Technology | La Crescenta, CA | Carbon Cycle, Earth System modeling, remote sensing | |
Christian Frankenberg | California Institute of Technology | Pasadena, CA | Global Carbon Cycle, Land-Atmosphere interactions, Vegetation and trace gas satellite retrievals | |
Kristie Franz | Iowa State University | Geological and Atmospheric Sciences | Ames, IA | Hydrologic prediction, land use and climate impacts on hydrologic cycle, agent-based modeling, participatory research |
Abby Frazier | Clark University | Graduate School of Geography | Worcester, MA | Climatology; climate change; climate variability; ENSO; downscaling; geostatistics; co-production; climate adaptation; drought; rainfall; Pacific Islands; wildfire; food security; water resources; geospatial analysis; ecology |
Mara Freilich | Brown University | Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences and Applied Math | Providence, RI | Physical oceanography, bio-physical interactions, carbon cycle, microbial ecology, mathematical modeling, community engagement |
Dr Alan Fried | National Center for Atmospheric Research | Atmospheric Chemistry Division | Boulder, CO | Atmospheric Chemistry |
Dargan Frierson | University of Washington | Department of Atmospheric Sciences | Seattle, WA | Climate and climate change, simplified models of the atmosphere, effect of water vapor on the general circulation |
Gregory Frost | NOAA | ESRL CSD | Boulder, CO | Tropospheric chemistry, emissions, photochemical modeling, analysis of atmospheric observations |
Dr. Stephan Fueglistaler | Princeton University | Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences/Geosciences | Princeton, NJ | Clouds in the tropical tropopause layer Kelvin waves in the tropical atmosphere Structure and dynamics of the stratosphere |
Robinson (Wally) W. Fulweiler | Boston University | Departments of Earth and Environment and Biology | Boston, MA | climate change, marine biogeochemistry, marine ecology |
Dr Inez Fung | University of California, Berkeley | Center for Atmospheric Sciences | Berkeley, CA | Carbon-climate interactions; biogeochemical cycles and climate |
Chris Funk | Climate Hazards Center | Geography Department, University of California, Santa Barbara | Santa Barbara, CA | Precipitation Science, Drought Early Warning, Long Lead Climate Forecasting, Climate Extremes Attribution, Climate Change, Food Security |
David John Gagne | National Center for Atmospheric Research | Computational and Information Systems Lab | Boulder, CO | Machine learning, severe storms, parameterization, uncertainty quantification, high impact weather |
Alexander Gagnon | University of Washington | School of Oceanography | Seattle, WA | Ocean Acidification, Biomineralization, Paleoceanography, Ocean Change, Coral Reefs, Deep-Sea Coral |
Matthew Galaska | NOAA | Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory | Seattle, WA | Population genomics, transcriptomics, seascape genomics, eDNA, climate change |
Dr Kevin P Gallo | NOAA /NESDIS | Sioux Falls, SD | land surface processes | |
Valier Galy | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry | Woods Hole, MA | I seek to understand how biogeochemical processes influence the composition of the atmosphere (CO2 and O2 concentrations) over a range of timescales from decades to millions of years, thereby regulating Earth’s climate and affecting the evolution of life. Specifically, my group is conducting research on: • Fluvial transfer of organic carbon from continental reservoirs to the ocean. • Carbon cycling in the Critical Zone. • Impact of climate change on the dynamics of terrestrial organic carbon cycling. • Deep biosphere, role of microbial communities in sedimentary systems. • Relationships between erosion, tectonics and climate over geologic timescales. • Radiocarbon dating (compound specific, ramped pyrolysis/oxidation), new dating techniques. • Developing paleo-climate proxies, e.g. compound specific stable isotope measurements. |
Dr Rolando Garcia | NCAR | Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling Laboratory | Boulder, CO | Dynamics and photochemistry of the middle atmosphere, and their interactions. Effects of solar variability on the atmosphere. Coupling between the stratosphere and troposphere. |
Peter Gaube | Applied Physics Laboratory - University of Washington | Air-Sea Interaction and Remote Sensing | Seattle, WA | Physical/Biological Interaction Open-Ocean Oceanography |
Benjamin Gaubert | NSF NCAR | Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling Laboratory (ACOM) | Boulder, CO | Dr. Gaubert’s research focuses on two-way interactions between atmospheric composition and air quality, weather, and climate using modelling, satellite data assimilation and in-situ observations. His diverse research interests include chemical reanalysis, air quality and chemistry climate predictability, long-term change in atmospheric composition, carbon cycle science, flux inversion, and comparison of modelling products with airborne field campaign and satellite observations. |
Daniel Gavin | University of Oregon | Department of Geography | Eugene, OR | Fire history, paleofire, Paleoecological syntheses; modern analogs, Multiproxy paleoclimate records from lake sediments, Species-climate relationships, Dendroclimatology |
Jeffrey Geddes | Boston University | Earth and Environment | Boston, MA | Remote sensing of atmospheric composition, biosphere-atmosphere interactions, chemical transport modeling, air quality and health. |
Pierre Gentine | Columbia University | Earth and Environmental Engineering | New York, NY | Land-atmosphere interactions, boundary layer, ecohydrology |
Edwin P Gerber | Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences | Mathematics | New York, NY | atmospheric dynamics and circulation, climate change, stratosphere-troposphere coupling |
Prof Michael Ghil | University of California, Los Angeles | Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics | Los Angeles, CA | Atmospheric sciences, climate dynamics, data assimilation, dynamical systems theory, geophysical fluid dynamics, numerical methods, physical oceanography |
Dr Alessandra Giannini | Columbia University | International Research Institute for Climate and Society | Palisades, NY | dynamics of climate variability and change in the tropics |
Christian P Giardina | USDA Forest Service | Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry | Hilo, HI | climate, land-use and invasive species impacts on gross primary production, carbon allocation patterns, and belowground carbon cycling |
Jacquelyn L Gill | University of Maine | Climate Change Institute | Orono, ME | Paleoecology, paleoeclimate, abrupt climate change, biotic interactions, extinctions |
Sarah Gille | University of California San Diego | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | La Jolla, CA | Southern Ocean processes, remote sensing of the ocean |
Jessica Gilman | NOAA Chemical Sciences Lab | Tropospheric Chemistry | Boulder, CO | Emissions and chemistry of volatile organic compounds in Earth's atmosphere |
Dr Larry Di Girolamo | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Department of Atmospheric Sciences | Urbana, IL | Satellite Remote Sensing and Radiative Transfer |
Prof. Anand Gnanadesikan | Johns Hopkins University | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Baltimore, MD | Biological, chemical and physical oceanography. Climate dynamics. |
David J Gochis | NCAR | Research Applications Laboratory | Boulder, CO | Hydrometeorology, land surface modeling, hydrological modeling, hydrometeorological field observations |
Joaquim I. Goes | Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University | Dept. of Marine Biology and Paleoenvironment | Palisades, NY | Ocean Optics, Ocean Color Remote Sensing, Coastal Ecosystems, Climate Change, Societal Impacts, Development of Decision Support Tools for sustainable management of Coastal Ecosystems |
Dr Scott Goetz | Northern Arizona University | School of Informatics, Computing and Cyber Systems (SICCS) | Flagstaff, AZ | Global environmental change, arctic and boreal ecosystems, forest productivity, fire disturbance and recovery, conservation biology, remote sensing, lidar |
Steven L Goldstein | Columbia University | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory | Palisades, NY | geochemistry, paleoclimatology, paleoceanography, sea level history, ocean-continent climate connections |
Allen Goldstein | University of California, Berkeley | Environmental Science, Policy, and Management | Berkeley, CA | Atmospheric chemistry, air pollution, biosphere-atmosphere exchange of radiatively and chemically active trace gases, and development and application of novel instrumentation to investigate the organic chemistry of earth’s atmosphere. |
Dr Miguel A Goni | Oregon State University | College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences | Corvallis, OR | Organic geochemistry; chemical oceanography; paleoceanography |
Alex O. Gonzalez | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | Physical Oceanography | Woods Hole, MA | Tropical Meteorology Climate Dynamics Air-Sea Interactions Boundary Layer Meteorology Atmospheric Convection and Clouds Science Education and Outreach |
Jonathan Goodall | University of Virginia | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Charlottesville, VA | hydrology, water resources, hydroinformatics, infrastructure |
Hamish Gordon | Carnegie Mellon University | Chemical Engineering | Pittsburgh, PA | Aerosol-cloud interactions and aerosol modeling |
William Gould | USDA Forest Service International Institute of Tropical Forestry | San Juan, PR | Social and ecological effects of changing climate, Tropical forestry and agriculture, Assessing vulnerabilities to climate change nd extreme climate events, Remote sensing and modeling of landscape attributes. | |
Professor Charles H Greene | Cornell University | Earth & Atmospheric Sciences | Ithaca, NY | Impacts of climate on marine ecosystems |
Yu Gu | University of California, Los Angeles | Joint Institute for Regional Earth System Science and Engineering and Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | Los Angeles, CA | aerosol, radiation, and cloud processes and interactions, and their representations in weather and climate models and climatic impacts; regional air quality and public health |
Michele Guala | University of MInnesota | St. Anthony Falls Laboratory (SAFL) | Minneapolis, MN | 1) Near surface processes in the atmospheric boundary layer 2) Renewable energies 3) Turbulent flows 4) Flow measurement techniques 5) Particles turbulence interaction and sediment transport |
Inci Guneralp | Texas A&M University | Geography | College Station, TX | Hydrodynamics and morphodynamics of lowland river landscapes, river flooding, river-floodplain connectivity, large wood and rivers, remote sensing of rivers, machine learning applications in river science |
Hoshin Gupta | University of Arizona | Hydrology & Water Resources | Tucson, AZ | Surface water hydrology, rainfall-runoff models, land-atmosphere transfer scheme models, flood forecasting,hydrology of semi-arid regions, prediction in ungaged basins, theory of evaluation,constraining lumped and distributed hydrologic models with observations, multi-criteria analysis,sensitivity analysis, blending expert knowledge into automated procedures, Bayesian estimation,recursive methods, uncertainty analysis, information content of data, data assimilation,application of remotely sensed data in hydrology, estimation of precipitation from remotely sensed data, relationship of scale to hydrologic process dominance, development and applications of artificial neural networks,theory and practice of model building, multi-objective stochastic recursive global optimization,interactive computer modeling, multi-resolution multi-disciplinary integrated modeling, decision analysis and decision support systems, merging hydrologic and economic models in support of decision making and policy analysis. |
Dr William J Gutowski | Iowa State University | Department of Geological & Atmospheric Sciences | Ames, IA | atmospheric dynamics in climate; regional hydroclimate and weather; climate extremes; community engagement on climate resilience |
Jennifer Haase | University of California, San Diego | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | La Jolla, CA | Atmospheric remote sensing GPS radio occultation Aircraft observations Atmospheric rivers |
Antonia Hadjimichael | The Pennsylvania State University | Geosciences | University Park, PA | Water resources, climate impacts and adaptation, planning under uncertainty, human-natural systems, hydrologic extremes |
Thomas Haine | Johns Hopkins University | Earth & Planetary Sciences | Baltimore, MD | Tracers and transport; geophysical fluid dynamics; subpolar circulation and dynamics; data assimilation; climate sensitivity; biophysical processes. |
Gregory Hakim | University of Washington, Seattle | Atmospheric Sciences | Seattle, WA | Climate variability, dynamics, and predictability |
Alexander Hall, PhD | UCLA | Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | Los Angeles, CA | Climate feedbacks, regional climate dynamics, interdisciplinary collaborations |
Dr. Anna Gannet Hallar | University of Utah | Department of Atmospheric Science | Salt Lake City, UT | Atmospheric Science, Aerosols |
Dr. Thomas M. Hamill | NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory | Physical Sciences Division, Forecast and Model Development | Boulder, CO | Numerical weather and climate prediction, ensemble prediction, data assimilation, forecast verification |
Thomas F Hanisco | NASA GSFC | Earth Sciences | Greenbelt, MD | Atmospheric observations; Photochemistry; Transport of trace species; Airborne instrumentation. |
Dr Dennis A Hansell | University of Miami | RSMAS/ MAC | Miami, FL | dissolved organic matter, marine biogeochemistry |
Cheryl S Harrison | Louisiana State University | Department of Ocean and Coastal Science and Center for Computation and Technology | BATON ROUGE, LA | Ocean modeling, marine ecosystem impacts, climate intervention, fisheries |
Matthew J Harrison | NOAA/GFDL | Oceans and Cryosphere Division | Princeton, NJ | Ocean and Sea-ice general circulation. Coupled general circulation model development. Climate Variability, Predictability and Change. |
John Harrison | Washington State University, Vancouver | School of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Vancouver, WA | See website |
Prof John Harte | University of California - Berkeley | Energy and Resources Group | Berkeley, CA | Ecology |
Dr. Kyle J. Hartman | West Virginia University | Forestry and Natural Resources | Morgantown, WV | Aquatic ecology, bioenergetics, trophic ecology, population and climate modeling, population resistance and resilience. |
Dennis L. Hartmann | University of Washington | Atmospheric Sciences | Seattle, WA | Role of clouds and water vapor in climate sensitivity. Global Climate modeling. Low-Frequency variability of the climate system associated with dynamical feedback processes. |
Pedram Hassanzadeh | Rice University | Houston, TX | Large-scale atmospheric circulation, extreme weather, geophysical fluid dynamics, subgrid-scale modeling, machine learning, dynamical systems | |
Dr Meredith Hastings | Brown University | Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences & Inst at Brown for Environment and Society | Providence, RI | biogeochemistry, atmospheric chemistry, nitrogen cycle, isotope geochemistry, paleoclimate |
Dr. Christine Hawkes | University of Texas at Austin | Department of Integrative Biology | Austin, TX | Community Ecology, Ecosystem Ecology, Biogeochemistry |
Cenlin He | National Center for Atmospheric Research | Research Applications Laboratory | Boulder, CO | Interaction between Climate Change and Air Pollution, Land Surface Modeling, Land-Atmosphere Interaction, Extreme Weather, Atmospheric Chemistry and Modeling, Aerosol Chemistry and Physics, Aerosol-Snow/Cloud Interactions, Radiative Transfer and Light Scattering, Machine Learning Application |
Colette L Heald | MIT | CEE | Cambridge, MA | atmospheric chemistry, biosphere-atmosphere interactions, chemistry-climate modeling |
Brian Helmuth | University of South Carolina | Department of Biological Sciences | Columbia, SC | Coastal Ecology, Marine Biology, Biogeography |
Sidney R Hemming | Columbia University | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory | Palisades, NY | Abrupt climate change, paleo-ocean circulation, proxy development |
Dr George R Hendrey | Queens College | School of Earth and Environmental Science | Flushing, NY | Terrestrial ecology and carbon cycling |
Christopher Hennigan | University of Maryland, Baltimore County | Department of Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Engineering | Baltimore, MD | Aerosols, atmospheric chemistry, particle acidity, SOA formation, brown carbon (BrC), ammonia emissions, air quality. |
Daven Ker Henze | University of Colorado | Mechanical Engineering | Boulder, CO | Atmospheric chemistry, remote sensing, data assimilation, inverse modeling, chemistry-climate interactions, aerosols, tropospheric ozone, greenhouse gases, air pollution health impacts. |
Dr. Timothy D. Herbert | Brown University | Department of Geological Sciences | Providence, RI | organic geochemistry, stable isotope geochemistry, pollen analysis |
Erin Lee Hestir | University of California, Merced | Environmental Engineering | Merced, CA | Aquatic ecosystems under threat from competing pressures to meet societal needs for water and food security while sustaining biodiversity and other ecosystem services; expertise in geospatial analytics, hyperspectral and satellite remote sensing, and sensor networks in inland and coastal waters and wetlands |
Dr. Tessa M Hill | University of California Davis | Department of Geology & Bodega Marine Laboratory | Bodega Bay, CA | Research focuses on recent (late Quaternary to modern) environmental change in the marine environment, utilizing the geochemistry of microfossils and corals to understand: * rates and magnitude of climate change, * response and adaptation of marine species to environmental change * role of methane emissions in climate change and marine geological processes * impact of climate change on carbon cycling and oceanic anoxia * connections between climate change in marine and terrestrial environments * anthropogenic impacts on the ocean system, including ocean acidification and anoxia. |
Spencer Hill | City College of New York | Earth and Atmospheric Sciences | New York, NY | atmospheric dynamics, extreme rainfall, monsoons, Hadley cells, intertropical convergence zone |
Baerbel Hoenisch | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University | Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Palisades, NY | Paleoceanography, including paleoreconstructions of past seawater acidity and atmospheric CO2, and proxy validation in culture experiments |
Baerbel Hoenisch | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory | Geochemistry | Palisades, NY | paleoceanography, ocean acidification, atmospheric pCO2, climate change, proxy validation |
Noel Michele Holbrook | Harvard University | Organismic and Evolutionary Biology | Cambridge, MA | Plant water uptake and transport. Biosphere:Atmosphere exchange. Effects of drought on ecosystem processes. Climate change effects on vegetation. Ecosystem modeling. |
Marika Holland | National Center for Atmospheric Research | Boulder, CO | Polar climate and sea ice dynamics | |
Professor David M Holland | New York University | Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences | New York, NY | Ice-ocean modeling |
Yang Hong | University of Oklahoma and NOAA/NSSL | School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences | Norman, OK | Impacts of Climate Change on Water Availability and Hydrometeorological Extremes |
Dr Lonnie ("Lon") Lamar Hood | University of Arizona | Lunar and Planetary Lab | Tucson, AZ | Solar effects on the stratosphere and troposphere |
Gerrit Hoogenboom | University of Florida | Institute for Sustainable Food Systems | Gainesville, FL | Food Security; agricultural systems modeling; climate change and climate variability; agrometeorology |
Radley Horton | Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University | Earth and Environmental Sciences | Palisades, NY | Atmospheric dynamics, extreme events, climate impacts, adaptation |
Daniel E Horton | Northwestern University | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Evanston, IL | Climate change impacts, Climate Change solutions, Climate dynamics |
Benjamin Peter Horton | Rutgers University | Marine and Coastal Science | New Brunswick, NJ | My research concerns sea-level change. I aim to understand and integrate the external and internal mechanisms that have determined sea-level changes in the past, and which will shape such changes in the future. |
Sara Hotchkiss | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Center for Climatic Research and Department of Botany | Madison, WI | paleoecology, paleoclimatology, ecosystem response to disturbance and climate change |
Benjamin Houlton | UC Davis | Land, Air and Water Resources | Davis, CA | Climate-nutrient interactions on land Global nitrogen cycles Isotopic modeling Ecosystem responses to global change |
Solomon Hsiang | University of California Berkeley | Goldman School of Public Policy | Berkeley, CA | Agriculture Climate Change Environment International Coupled Natural and Human Systems Political Economy Development Economics Applied Econometrics |
Shineng Hu | Duke University | Earth and Climate Sciences | Durham, NC | climate dynamics, air-sea interaction, climate variability, climate change, paleoclimate |
Xianglei Huang | the University of Michigan | Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering | Ann Arbor, MI | Atmospheric radiation and its application in both climate modeling and satellite remote sensing. Spectrally resolved measurements and their applications in climate studies. The radiative coupling between high-latitude surface and atmosphere. |
Dr Matthew Huber | Purdue University | Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Department | West Lafayette, IN | Climate dynamics and biogeosphere interactions over Earth's History, ocean-atmosphere interaction |
David M. Hudson | The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk | Research and Conservation | Norwalk, CT | Physiological Ecology Behavioral Ecology Invasive Species Climate Change Aquaculture |
Brent B. Hughes | Sonoma State Univesity | Department of Biology | Rohnert Park, CA | Climate Change Biology, Marine Ecology, Conservation Biology, Marine Science, Statistics |
Matthew Hurteau | University of New Mexico | Biology | Albuquerque, NM | forest carbon dynamics, disturbance, wildfire |
Peter Huybers | Harvard University | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Cambridge, MA | I am interested in climate change from the perspective of how it has unfolded over historical and geologic time, as well as improving prediction of future changes. |
Dr. Edward Joseph Hyer | Naval Research Laboratory | Marine Meteorology Division | Monterey, CA | Aerosols; radiation; data assimilation; satellite remote sensing; global modeling; mesoscale modeling |
Laura Iraci | NASA Ames Research Center | Atmospheric Science Branch | Moffett Field, CA | Composition, chemistry, and radiative effects of aerosols produced by biomass burning |
Christiane Jablonowski | University of Michigan | Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering | Ann Arbor, MI | Tropospheric and stratospheric dynamics, weather and climate modeling, convection-allowing models, dynamical cores, physics-dynamics coupling, model hierarchy, numerical methods, lake-effect snowstorms, tracers |
Robert Jackson | Stanford University | Department of Earth System Science | Stanford, CA | |
Dr Daniel J Jacob | Harvard University | Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences | Cambridge, MA | Atmospheric chemistry |
Mark Z Jacobson | Stanford University | Atmosphere/Energy Program, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Stanford, CA | Atmospheric science and energy sciences and engineering |
Lyatt Jaegle | University of Washington | Atmospheric Sciences | Seattle, WA | Atmospheric chemistry |
Bethany Jenkins | The University of Rhode Island | Cell and Molecular Biology and Oceanography | Kingston, RI | Trace metal biogeochemistry, Nutrient metabolism in marine microorganisms, Molecular tools for understanding climate change. |
Dr. Jose-Luis Jimenez | University of Colorado at Boulder | Boulder, CO | Atmospheric chemistry; aerosol physics and chemistry; gas-to-particle conversion; organic aerosols; aircraft and ground-based field measurements; simultaneous measurement of aerosols and trace gases; development of real-time quantitative aerosol instrumentation; quantitative aerosol mass spectrometry; environmental chamber studies; modeling of gas-aerosol processes. | |
Meng Jin | Lockheed Martin Solar & Astrophysics Lab | Palo Alto, CA | Solar Flares; Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs); Solar Wind; Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs); Space Weather; Solar-Stellar Connection | |
Fei-Fei Jin | University of Hawaii at Maona | Department of Meteorology | Honolulu, HI | ENSO Theory, Large-scale coupled Dynamics of atmosphere-ocean Interaction, Dynamics of low-frequency variability |
Jacob Johansen | University of Hawaii at Manoa | Hawaii Institute of Mrine Biology | Kaneohe, HI | Consequences of environmental stressors on critically important species of fish and cephalopods. Focus areas include, but are not limited to, 1) impacts of low water quality, sediment runoff and pollutants on nearshore coral reef ecosystems; 2) consequences of rising ocean temperatures and marine heatwaves on coral reef fishes. |
Jasmin John | NOAA/OAR/Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory | Ocean Chemistry and Ecosystems Division | Miami, FL | Earth System modeling. Climate mitigation and associated impacts. Thresholds, transitions, and associated timescales of the Earth System. Coastal interactions and impacts. |
Dr Thomas C Johnson | University of MInnesota | Large Lakes Observatory | Duluth, MN | Paleoclimatology, lakes |
Dr Gregory C Johnson | NOAA | Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory | Seattle, WA | Large scale ocean circulation, water masses, and their variability; ocean dynamics; ocean-atmosphere interactions; and the ocean's role in climate. |
Murray Johnston | University of Delaware | Chemistry and Biochemistry | Newark, DE | aerosol mass spectrometry; aerosol chemistry; aerosol kinetics; particle nucleation; urban, rural and marine ambient particle measurements |
David Johnston | Harvard University | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Cambridge, MA | Earth history, microorganisms and Earth surface evolution, Isotope geochemistry and historical geobiology. Re-animating ancient ecosystems and ocean chemistry using stable isotope systems, chemical speciation techniques, modern microbial experiments (for calibration) and theoretical considerations |
Charles Jones | University of California, Santa Barbara | Institute for Computational Earth System Science | Santa Barbara, CA | Monsoon systems; variability and predictability of extreme precipitation and temperature events; global climate change and extreme events, wildfires. |
James W Jones | University of Florida | Agricultural & Biological Engineering | Gainesville, FL | Climate change impacts on crop and plant epidemics. |
Terrence M Joyce | WHOI | Physical Oceanography | Woods Hole, MA | Air-Sea coupling in western boundary currents, decadal variability, oceanic mixing and dynamics. |
Dr. Hann-Ming Henry Juang | NOAA/NWS/NCEP | Environmental Modeling Center | College Park, MD | Numerical climate and weather prediction. |
Ulrich Kamp | University of Michigan-Dearborn | Natural Sciences | Dearborn, MI | Cryosphere, Environmental Change, Environmental Hazards, Human-Environment Interactions, Mountain Geography, Quaternary Geology |
Kristopher Karnauskas | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | Woods Hole, MA | Climate variability and change, ocean-atmosphere dynamics, physical oceanography, ENSO | |
Dr Darrell Kaufman | Northern Arizona University | School of Earth Sciences & Environmental Sustainability | Flagstaff, AZ | Holocene climate variability from high-latitude lake sediments. Proxy development. Geochronology. Data-model comparisons. Data synthesis. |
Jennifer Kay | University of Colorado, Boulder | Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences/CIRES | Boulder, CO | climate change and variability, polar regions, clouds, climate forcing and feedbacks, internal climate variability |
Trevor Keenan | UC Berkeley | Environmental Science, Policy and Management | Berkeley, CA | Carbon Cycling, Land/Atmosphere Interactions, Dynamic Vegetation, Climate change, Detection and attribution, eddy-covariance, ecosystem science |
Lloyd Keigwin | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | Geology and Geophysics | Woods Hole, MA | The oceans' role in climate change. The paleo record of ocean ventilation. |
Dr David Keith | Carnegie Mellon University | Department of Engineering & Public Policy | Pittsburgh, PA | Climate and energy policy, experimental atmospheric science, quantification of uncertainty |
Dr Kathryn A Kelly | University of Washington | Applied Physics Laboratory | Seattle, WA | Ocean circulation and atmosphere/ocean coupling |
Dr Sean C Kennan | Nova SE University Oceanographic Center | Dania Beach, FL | Mesoscale and large scale ocean circulation, tropical oceanography, climate, physical forcing of marine ecosystems | |
Melissa A. Kenney | University of Minnesota | Institute on the Environment (IonE) | Saint Paul, MN | Dr. Kenney’s research focuses on understanding and prescriptively improving decision support processes of and decision support tools to aid sustainability decisions in public and private sectors. This transdisciplinary social science research seeks to increase the usability and use of evidence in climate adaptation and mitigation, environmental management, community resilience, and interdependent infrastructure decisions. |
Gretchen Keppel-Aleks | University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, MI | Carbon cycle, remote sensing, climate feedbacks, Earth system modeling, biogeochemistry | |
Marat Khairoutdinov | Stony Brook University | School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences | Stony Brook, NY | Cloud model, climate modeling, super-parameterization, convection, high-resolution modeling |
Nancy Y Kiang | NASA-GISS | Goddard Institute for Space Studies | New York, NY | biosphere-atmosphere interactions, terrestrial ecosystem dynamics, canopy radiative transfer, plant physiology, plant phenology, vegetation community dynamics, coupled carbon and nitrogen cycling, soil biogeochemistry, climate change, GCMs, modeling |
George Kiladis | ESRL / NOAA | Physical Sciences Division | Boulder, CO | Tropical Meteorology, Equatorial waves, tropical convection, tropical-extratropical interaction |
Hyewon 'Heather' Kim | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | Department of Marine Chemistry & Geochemistry | Woods Hoel , MA | Ocean biogeochemistry |
Daehyun Kim | University of Washington | Department of Atmospheric Sciences | SEATTLE, WA | Climate Dynamics, Tropical Meteorology, Tropical Intraseasonal Variability, Tropical-Extratropical Teleconnections, Interaction of Cumulus Clouds with Large-Scale Circulation |
Karen King | University of Tennessee Knoxville | Geography and Sustainability | Knoxville, TN | dendrochronology, paleoclimate |
Daniel Kirk-Davidoff | University of Maryland | Atmospheric and Oceanic Science | College Park, MD | Paleoclimate modeling; diagnostics of climate sensitivity; interaction of surface topography and roughness with climate; role of stratospheric water and clouds in climate |
Daniel Knopf | Stony Brook University | School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences | Stony Brook, NY | Aerosol-cloud interactions. Phase transition of atmospheric aerosol particles. Homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation of ice from pre-existing aerosol particles. Gas-to-particle, termed heterogeneous, reactions. Chemical modification of organic particulate matter by atmospheric trace gases. |
Jason Knouft | Saint Louis University | Department of Biology | Saint Louis, MO | Impacts of global climate and land use changes on freshwater systems, sensitivity of physical and biological systems to environmental perturbation, watershed hydrology, ecohydrology of urban watersheds, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), conservation of freshwater systems, biogeography, spatial ecology, species distribution modeling |
Lora Koenig | University of Colorado, Boulder | National Snow and Ice Data Center at the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Science | Boulder, CO | Glacier and Ice Sheet Change, Surface Mass Balance, Passive and Active Microwave Remote Sensing, Snow Water equivalent |
Alexandra Konings | Stanford University | Earth System Science | Stanford, CA | Ecohydrology, remote sensing |
Gabriel Kooperman | University of Georgia | Athens, GA | Earth system and climate modeling focused on the water-cycle, convection, clouds, precipitation and land-atmosphere interactions, with implications for environmental sustainability and climate extremes. | |
Sebastian Kopf | University of Colorado Boulder | Department of Geological Sciences | Boulder, CO | Geomicrobiology, microbial biomarkers, isotope geochemistry |
Prof. Robert Evans Kopp | Rutgers University | Earth & Planetary Sciences | Piscataway, NJ | paleoclimate, paleo-sea level, sea level change, Bayesian statistics, integrated assessment |
Dr Witold F Krajewski | University of Iowa | Iowa City, IA | Hydrometeorology, Remote Sensing, Floods | |
Dr. John Krasting | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) | Princeton, NJ | climate change, carbon-cycle climate interactions, oceanography, meteorology, model development, climate sensitivity, internal variability, and feedbacks |
Dr Ken W Krauss | U.S. Geological Survey | Wetland and Aquatic Research Center | Lafayette, LA | Physiological Ecology; Vulnerability of Coastal Forested Wetlands to Sea-level Rise; Hydrology of Tidal Ecosystems |
Dr Sonia Kreidenweis | Colorado State University | Atmospheric Science Department | Ft Collins, CO | Aerosol-cloud interactions, ice nucleation |
V. Krishnamurthy | George Mason University | Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies | Fairfax, VA | Monsoon, Climate variability, Climate change, Nonlinear dynamics |
Dr R V Krishnamurthy | Western Michigan University | Department of Geosciences | Kalamazoo, MI | Stable isotope geochemistry |
Prof T N Krishnamurti | Florida State University | Department of Meteorology | Tallahassee, FL | Seasonal Climate Forecasts using the multimodel approach |
Kevin D. Kroeger | USGS Woods Hole Coastal & Marine Science Center | Woods Hole, MA | Climate change mitigation Coastal ecosystem management and policy support Marine carbon dioxide removal mCDR Blue carbon Natural carbon and alkalinity exports salt marshes to sea |
Jesse Kroll | MIT | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Cambridge, MA | Atmospheric chemistry of organic compounds |
Dr Zhiming Kuang | Harvard University | Dept. Earth and Planetary Sciences and Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences | Cambridge, MA | Tropical dynamics |
Professor Raphael Martin Kudela | University of California, Santa Cruz | Department of Ocean Sciences | Santa Cruz, CA | Coastal oceanography, harmful algal blooms, ocean optics, phytoplankton ecophysiology |
Seppe Kuehn | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Physics | Urbana, IL | Microbial ecology and evolution, nutrient cycling, structure-function in microbial communities. |
Dr Kuldip Kumar | University of Minnesota | Department of Soil, Water & Climate | St. Paul, MN | Carbon sequestration |
Ying-Hwa (Bill) Kuo | UCAR Community Programs | UCP Directorate | Boulder, CO | Regional climate simulation with WRF model. Use of GPS radio occultation data for weather prediction and climate monitoring. Numerical simulation of hurricanes and other severe storms. |
Dr Yochanan Kushnir | Columbia University | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory | Palisades, NY | climate analysis and modeling, impacts |
Young-Oh Kwon | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | Physical Oceanography Department | Woods Hole, MA | Ocean's Role in Climate, Decadal Climate Variability, Large-scale Ocean Circulation, Mode Water, Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation |
Dr C Aaron Lai | Los Alamos National Laboratory | Earth and Environmental Sciences Division | Los Alamos, NM | Climate data analysis; regional coupled ocean-atmospheric modeling; gloval ocean modeling, global coupled ocean-atmospheric modeling; Antarctic circumpolar wave and El Nino study; sea-ice modeling; atmospheric chemistry, ocean biogeochemical modeling |
Dr Upmanu Lall | Columbia University | Dept of Earth & Env Eng | New York, NY | Dynamic Risk Modeling of Extreme Precipitation and Floods using a Causal Chain |
upmanu lall | Columbia University | Earth & Environmental Engineering | New York, NY | Hydroclimatology, Water Resource Systems, Natural Hazards, Statistics, Machine Learning, Nonlinear Dynamics, financial Risk analysis |
Brian Lamb | Washington State University | Laboratory for Atmospheric Research | Pullman, WA | |
Dr. Sara Lance | State University of New York at Albany | Atmospheric Sciences Research Center | Albany, NY | Experimental Investigation of the fundamental interactions between Aerosols, Clouds and Precipitation, including: 1) Cloud processing of aerosol, 2) Cloud phase transitions, 3) Chemical properties and mixing-state of cloud condensation nuclei and ice nuclei, 4) Instrument development and characterization |
Laura Larocca | Arizona State University | School of Ocean Futures | Tempe, AZ | Arctic and global climate change; the cryosphere; Glaciers, ice caps, and ice sheets; Holocene paleoclimate and paleolimnology; geospatial analysis and remote sensing |
Alexander Laskin | Purdue University | Department of Chemistry | West Lafayette, IN | Physical Chemistry of Aerosols |
Dan Lawson | U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory | Geophysical Sciences | Hanover, NH | Glacier dynamics, glacial erosion, transport and deposition; paleoclimate of Holocene and LGM, climate change and impacts on cryogenic features and processes, glacial geology of Glacier bay and south central Alaska |
Isabela Le Bras | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | Physical Oceanography | Falmouth, MA | Physical oceanography, general circulation, oceans role in climate, storage of heat, oxygen, carbon and the water cycle |
Sukyoung Lee | The Pennsylvania State University | Meteorology and Atmospheric Science | University Park, PA | Atmospheric and oceanic fluid dynamics, atmospheric and oceanic general circulations, equable climates, southern ocean dynamics, planetary atmospheres |
Jung-Eun Lee | Brown University | Geological Sciences | Providence, RI | Climate dynamics, stable isotope biogeochemistry, land-atmosphere interaction, hydrological cycle |
Shanhu Lee | University of Alabama in Huntsville | AES | Huntsville, AL | Atmospheric chemistry |
Zakiya Leggett | North Carolina State University | Forestry and Environmental Resources | Raleigh, NC | Soil carbon and nutrient cycling, Soil carbon sequestration and stability, Climate change impacts, Diversity and inclusion in natural resources/forestry, Eco-literacy and citizen science |
Scott Lehman | University of Colorado | INSTAAR and Dept. of Geological Sciences | Boulder, CO | paleoclimatology, paleoceanography, radiocarbon and carbon cycle research |
Flavio Lehner | Cornell University | Earth and Atmospheric Sciences | Ithaca, NY | Climate variability and change with a focus on hydroclimate, global and regional climate modeling, uncertainty quantification and emergent constraints, predictability, detection and attribution, extreme and compound events, linking extreme events to impacts (water resources, drought, wildfire) |
Emily Lemagie | NOAA | Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory | Seattle, WA | ocean circulation, climate variability, marine ecosystem in the Northeast Pacific and Arctic, coastal processes |
Jan T. M. Lenaerts | University of Colorado Boulder | Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | Boulder, CO | polar climate; ice sheets; sea level rise; snow; climate modeling |
Dr Donald H Lenschow | National Center for Atmospheric Research | Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Div. | Boulder, CO | planetary boundary layer, atmospheric turbulence |
Dr L Ruby Leung | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | Environmental & Health Sciences Division | Richland, WA | Regional climate modeling, climate impacts on water resources |
Naomi E Levin | University of Michigan | Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences | Ann Arbor, MI | paleoclimate, isotope geochemistry, triple oxygen isotopes, paleoecology, ecosystem change |
Morgan C Levy | University of California San Diego | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | La Jolla, CA | land surface hydrology, hydroclimatology, ecohydrology, earth system science, applied statistics |
Ernie Lewis | Brookhaven National Laboratory | Environmental and Climate Sciences Department | Upton, NY | Aerosol production, properties, and behavior, especially with regard to uptake of water vapor (including activation to form cloud drops), light scattering and absorption, and the interrelations between these two. |
Zhanqing Li | University of Maryland, College Park, MD | Atmospheric and Oceanic Science | College Park, MD | remote sensing, aerosol, cloud, radiation budget, atmospheric environment, climate change |
Yue Li | University of California, Los Angeles | Department of Geography | Los Angeles, CA | Tropical terrestrial ecosystem, ecohydrology, wildfires, climate extremes, Earth system models, natural climate solutions, land use |
Ning Lin | Princeton University | The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Princeton, NJ | •Tropical Cyclones and Climate •Natural Hazards and Risk Analysis •Stochastic Modeling •Wind Engineering •Coastal Engineering |
Shian-Jiann Lin | NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory | Princeton, NJ | Numerical weather Predictions Climate modeling Seasonal predictions of extreme events Global cloud-resolving simulations Development of advanced dynamical core for atmospheric modeling | |
Henry Lin | Penn State University | Ecosystem Science and Management | University Park, PA | Hydropedology, Critical Zone science, ecosystems science, thermodynamics, global change |
Dr Richard S Lindzen | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Cambridge, MA | Atmospheric dynamics and physics | |
Benjamin Richard Lintner | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey | Environmental Sciences | New Brunswick, NJ | Tropical Climate Dynamics Climate Variability and Change Convection and Precipitation Land-Atmosphere Interactions |
William H. Lipscomb | NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research | Climate and Global Dynamics | Boulder, CO | Land ice and sea ice modeling, polar climate modeling |
Elena Litchman | Michigan State University | Kellogg Biological Station and EEBB | Hickory Corners, MI | physical-biological coupling in aquatic systems re-organization of plankton communities under global change harmful algal blooms |
Xiong Liu | Harvard University | Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics | Cambridge, MA | Remote sensing, Atmospheric radiative transfer, air quality and climate change |
Dr Zhengyu Liu | University of Wisconsin, Madison | Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | Madison, WI | Ocean general circulation, coupled modeling of the ocean-atmosphere system, climate dynamics, paleoclimate |
Dr. Michael E. Loik | University of California, Santa Cruz | Environmental Studies | Santa Cruz, CA | Physiological Ecology, Meteorology, Climatology, Ecosystem Ecology, Global Change Biology |
Paul C Loikith | Portand State University | Geography | Portland, OR | Weather and climate extremes, synoptic climatology, applied climatology, hydroclimatology |
Michael William Lomas | Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences | East Boothbay, ME | Phytoplankton Ecology Marine Biogeochemistry Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus cycling | |
Matthew Charles Long | NCAR | Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory | BOULDER, CO | Ocean biogeochemistry Carbon cycle Carbon dioxide removal |
Nicole Lovenduski | University of Colorado at Boulder | Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences / Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research | Boulder, CO | Marine carbon cycle; ocean climate variability and change; ocean modeling |
Dr Tim K Lowenstein | Binghamton University | Department of Geological Sciences and Environmental Studies | Binghamton, NY | Paleoclimate, Paleooceanography, Chemistry of Ancient Seawater, Paleolimnology, Evaporites, Fluid Inclusions, Pleistocene paleoclimate, Great Basin paleoclimate, Ancient atmospheric CO2, Eocene paleoclimate- Green River Formation,Nahcolite CO2 proxy, |
Susan Lozier | Duke University | Durham, NC | Physical oceanography; climate dynamics and climate change | |
Dr. David Lund | University of Michigan | Department of Geological Sciences | Ann Arbor, MI | Paleoclimatology, paleoceanography, biogeochemical cycles |
Dr. Jessica Lundquist | University of Washington | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Seattle, WA | snow, mountain hydrology, mountain meteorology, weather-climate connections, hydroclimatology |
Prof Anthony R. Lupo | University of Missouri | Soil, Environmental, and Atmospheric Science | Columbia, MO | Atmospheric Dynamics, Climate, Climate Dynamics |
Anthony R. Lupo | University of Missouri | School of Natural Resources / Atmospheric Science Program | Columbia, MO | My fields of interest are Atmospheric Science and Mathematics. Within atmospheric science I study jet stream dynamics, specifically the behavior of blocking anticyclones. I also study teleconnections and their relationship to long range forecasting from the time -scale of one to two weeks all the way out to two seasons or more. I also study the relationship of these teleconnections to agricultural output (drought and pluvial conditions). I also study tropical meteorology and tropical cyclone dynamics. |
Dr. Jennifer MacKinnon | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | Physical Oceanography | La Jolla, CA | |
Elizabeth Madin | University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa | Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology | Kāne‘ohe, HI | marine ecology, marine conservation, remote sensing, coral reefs, animal behaviour, predator-prey interactions |
Troy Magney | UC Davis | Plant Sciences | Davis, CA | Proximal and satellite remote sensing, environmental data science, carbon cycle, terrestrial biosphere |
Prof. Gudrun Magnusdottir | University of California Irvine | Earth System Science | Irvine, CA | atmospheric dynamics and climate dynamics |
Amala Mahadevan | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | Physical Oceanography | Woods Hole, MA | Oceanography |
Katharine Maher | Stanford University | Earth System Science | STANFORD, CA | biogeochemistry and hydrology/water quality, high-elevation watersheds and response to climate change, biogeochemical modeling |
Natalie Mahowald | Cornell University | Earth and Atmospheric Sciences | Ithaca, NY | Modeling atmospheric interactions between biogeochemistry and climate. |
Edward Maibach, MPH, PhD | George Mason University | Center of Excellence in Climate Change Communication Research | Fairfax, VA | Founded in August, 2007, the Center of Excellence in Climate Change Communication Research (CECCCR)is the nation's first research center devoted exclusively to addressing the communication challenges associated with global climate change. While the scientific evidence of climate change has never been clearer, exactly how to foster widespread policy and behavior change to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is less well understood. Designing effective behavior change and advocacy campaigns will require a thorough understanding of various audiences, including how best to reach and communicate with them, and how best to make it easy for them to adopt new behaviors. Our Center is dedicated to addressing these challenges. Our efforts are focused on four strategic areas: 1. Engaging a broad range of research experts and business, non-profit and government leaders to identify the most pressing communication, marketing and behavior change research questions. 2. Conducting communication, marketing and behavior change research to learn how best to educate, motivate and assist people and businesses in reducing their - and our nation's - "carbon footprint" 3. Providing technical assistance to a broad range of organizations (in the public, non-profit and private sectors) so as to improve their climate change education, communication, advocacy and behavior change programs. 4. Encouraging the development of similar initiatives abroad, especially in nations where effective societal responses are urgently needed to avert the climate crisis (such as China, India, Brazil and Russia). |
Eric Maloney | Colorado State University | Department of Atmospheric Science | Fort Collins , CO | Tropical meteorology, climate dynamics, ocean-atmosphere interaction |
Justin S Mankin | Dartmouth College | Geography | Hanover, NH | climate variability, climate change, climate impacts, modeling, remote sensing, global environmental change |
Michael Mann | Penn State University | Meteorology; Geosciences | University Park, PA | paleoclimate reconstructions and modeling, dynamical responses of climate to forcing Hurricane/Tropical Cyclone relationships |
Georgy Manucharyan | University of Washington | School of Oceanography | Seattle, WA | Physical Oceanography, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Climate Dynamics |
Jingqiu Mao | University of Alaska Fairbanks | Chemistry and Biochemistry, Geophysical Institute | Fairbanks, AK | Atmospheric Chemistry, Chemistry-climate interaction, Arctic greening, Boreal forest fire |
Dr Brian Mapes | Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami | Atmospheric Sciences Department and Meteorology and Physical Oceanography Program | Miami, FL | Atmospheric processes |
Tom Marchitto | University of Colorado, Boulder | Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, and Dept. of Geological Sciences | Boulder, CO | Paleoceanography, paleoclimatology, rapid climate change, marine carbon cycle, trace metal proxy development |
Shaun A Marcott | University of Wisconsin, Madison | Department of Geoscience | Madison, WI | Paleoclimatology, Ice Sheet and Glacier Change, Paleoceanography, Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating |
Steve Margulis | University of California, Los Angeles | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Los Angeles, CA | Hydrology, snow hydrology, climate-hydrology interactions, Hydrometeorology |
Irina Marinov | University of Pennsylvania | Earth and Environmental Science | Philadelphia, PA | oceanography (physical, chemical, biological), large scale climate dynamics, carbon cycle, atmosphere-ocean and land-ocean interactions, ocean ecology, climate impacts, Southern Ocean dynamics. |
Corey D. Markfort | IIHR-Hydroscience and Engineering, The University of Iowa | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Iowa City, IA | Atmospheric boundary layer; Renewable energy and wind engineering; Environmental fluid mechanics; Turbulence; Biosphere-atmosphere interaction; Hydrometeorology; Earth systems dynamics and change |
Jennifer Marlon | Yale University | School of the Environment | New Haven, CT | Climate change, extreme weather, paleoclimatology, fire-climate interactions, hazards, risk perceptions, climate adaptation, decision support, geospatial analysis and modeling |
Adrienne Marshall | Colorado School of Mines | Hydrologic Science & Engineering; Geology & Geological Engineering | Golden, CO | hydroclimate; climate change impacts on snow; western U.S. water resources; hydropower; hydrologic model uncertainty analysis |
Prof John C Marshall | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences | Cambridge, MA | ocean modeling, climate modeling, biogeochemical cycles, decadal climate variability |
Patrick H. Martin | University of Denver | Biological Sciences | Denver, CO | Plant ecology, climate change impacts, montane ecosystems, tropical montane cloud forests, population ecology |
Scot Martin | Harvard University | School of Engineering and Applied Sciences | Cambridge, MA | atmospheric chemistry |
Jennifer B.H. Martiny | University of California, Irvine | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | Irvine, CA | microbial diversity, its responses to global change, and the consequences for ecosystem functioning |
Dr Wieslaw Maslowski | Naval Postgraduate School | Oceanography Department | Monterey, CA | High latitude oceanography, coupled ice-ocean modeling, polar and global climate change |
Jeremy Mathis | NOAA PMEL | Seattle, WA | Marine Carbon Biogeochemistry | |
Jackie Hatala Matthes | Harvard University | Harvard Forest | Petersham, MA | biosphere-atmosphere interactions, climate change, ecosystem disturbance, carbon cycle, methane, evapotranspiration |
Roy (Lee) Mauldin | University of Colorado Boulder | Boulder, CO | Oxidation Chemistry, aerosol formation, airborne atmospheric measurements, use of Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (CIMS) for atmospheric measurements | |
Reed Maxwell | Princeton University | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, High Meadows Environmental Institute | Princeton, NJ | Hydrologic impacts and feedbacks under climate change |
Andrew May | The Ohio State University | Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering | Columbus, OH | black carbon, aerosol optical properties, atmospheric chemistry |
Dr R. T. James McAteer | New Mexico State University | Department of Astronomy | Las Cruces, NM | Heating of the coronal, and acceleration of the solar wind by waves, flows and nanoflares. Spectropolarimetric inversions. The Sun-Earth connection, including the effects of space weather throughout the solar system, predicting the onset of solar flares, and tracking coronal mass ejections. Studies of the magnetic complexity of active regions and searches for signatures of imminent solar flares, general studies of complexity and turbulence in science, and design of risk management performance measures for space weather predictions. Solar cycle, and the effects on planets and the viability of life. |
Kaighin McColl | Harvard University | Cambridge, MA | Hydroclimate, land-atmosphere interactions, remote sensing, boundary layer meteorology | |
Allison McComiskey | Brookhaven National Laboratory | Environmental & Climate Sciences | Upton, NY | Radiative effects of aerosol and cloud on climate; Novel observational design and deployment for current climate science challenges; Integrating in situ and remote sensing for characterization of aerosol properties and processes; Building an effective and diverse scientific workforce for the future |
John McCormack | NRL | Space Science Division | Washington, DC | Investigating the impact of solar variability on the composition and dynamics of the middle atmosphere (10-100 km) through both modeling and data assimilation studies. |
Sophie McCoy | Florida State University | Biological Sciences | Tallahassee, FL | marine biogeochemistry, mineralogy, ocean acidification, carbon use by macrophytes, blue carbon, climate change ecology, marine ecophysiology |
Julian McCreary, Jr. | University of Hawaii | International Pacific Research Center | Honolulu, HI | equatorial dynamics, general ocean circulation, climate modeling |
Dr Greg M McFarquhar | University of Illinois | Department of Atmospheric Sciences | Urbana, IL | Indirect aerosol radiative forcing, cloud resolving modeling studies |
Michael McGlue | University of Kentucky | Earth and Environmental Sciences | Lexington , KY | Paleolimnology |
Dr. Robert McGraw | Brookhaven National Laboratory | Biological, Environmental and Climate Sciences Department | Upton, NY | Atmospheric nucleation and growth processes; Aerosol dynamics |
Nicholas McKay | Northern Arizona University | Earth and Sustainability | Flagstaff, AZ | Paleoclimate dynamics, decadal to centennial scale climate variability, time and spatial scales of variability, climate informatics |
Galen A McKinley | Columbia University | Earth and Environmental Science and Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory | Palisades, NY | Ocean carbon cycle Global carbon cycle Carbon / climate feedbacks Large lake carbon |
Karen McKinnon | UCLA | Los Angeles, CA | Climate variability, climate change, extreme events, statistical and machine learning methods | |
Kelton McMahon | University of Rhode Island | Graduate School of Oceanography | Narragansett, RI | Biological oceanography, paleoceanography, food web dynamics, biogeochemical cycling, global change ecology, compound-specific stable isotope analysis |
Dr Jerry F McManus | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University | Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Palisades, NY | Paleoceanography, paleoclimate, marine sedimentology, low-temperature geochemistry, isotope geochemistry |
James McNamara | Boise State University | Geoscience | Boise, ID | Watershed hydrology, ecohydrology, snow hydrology, geomorphology |
V. Faye McNeill | Columbia University | Chemical Engineering and Earth and Environmental Sciences | New York, NY | Atmospheric Chemistry, Aerosols, Air Quality |
Dr Michael J McPhaden | NOAA | Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory | Seattle, WA | Large scale ocean dynamics, ocean-atmosphere interactions, the ocean's role in climate, El Nino/ Southern Oscillation |
Michael McPhaden | NOAA/PMEL | Ocean Climate Research Division | Seattle, WA | Large scale ocean dynamics, ocean-atmosphere interaction, the ocean's role in climate |
Dr James C McWilliams | University of California, Los Angeles | Department of Atmospheric Sciences/ IGPP | Los Angeles, CA | Ocean modeling |
Carlos R Mechoso | University California, Los Angeles | Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | Los Angeles, CA | American Monsoons, Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions, Influence of SST anomalies on the atmosphere |
Laura Meredith | University of Arizona | School of Natural Resources and the Environment and Biosphere 2 | Tucson, AZ | biogeochemistry atmospheric chemistry soil microbial ecology ecosystem science microbial contributions to atmospheric chemistry and climate |
Frederick A.B. Meyerson | University of Rhode Island | Natural Resources Science | Kingston, RI | Population and Climate Change, Population and Ecosystem Change, Demographic trends and policy, Climate policy, Environmental policy, Adaptation to Climate Change, Environmental media |
Anna M. Michalak | Carnegie Institution for Science | Department of Global Ecology | Stanford, CA | Our research focuses primarily on two areas. We are interested in understanding the cycling and emissions of greenhouse gases at the Earth surface at urban to global scales – scales directly relevant to informing climate and policy – primarily through the use of atmospheric observations that provide the clearest constraints at these critical scales. We are also interested in climate change impacts on freshwater and coastal water quality via influences on nutrient delivery to, and on conditions within, water bodies. Our approach is highly data-driven, with a common methodological thread being the development and application of spatiotemporal statistical data fusion methods for optimizing the use of limited in situ and remote sensing environmental data. |
Dr Emily Michaud | NASA | Goddard Institute for Space Studies | New York, NY | Climate, earth observations, climate impacts, climate dynamics, planetary atmospheres, global cloud properties, aerosols and clouds, paleoclimate & pollen studies, radiative processes |
Dr Anna Michel | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering | Woods Hole, MA | |
Loretta J Mickley | Harvard University | School of Engineering and Applied Sciences | Cambridge, MA | Relationships between atmospheric chemistry and climate change. |
Dr Chris Miller | NOAA Office of Global Programs | Climate Change Data & Detection/Climate Observations | Silver Springs, MD | |
Arthur J Miller | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | Oceans and Atmosphere Section | La Jolla, CA | Decadal variability, coupled ocean-atmosphere interaction, marine ecosystem response to climate, data assimilation, predictability |
Charles E Miller | California Institute of Technology | Jet Propulsion Laboratory | Pasadena, CA | Carbon cycle science, Arctic-Boreal CO2 and CH4, Megacity GHG Emissions |
James R. Miller | Rutgers University | Marine and Coastal Sciences | New Brunswick, NJ | Climate Change and Climate Feedbacks |
John B Miller | NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory | Global Monitoring Division | Boulder, CO | Global, North American and Tropical Carbon Cycle; Atmospheric greenhouse gas data analysis and assimilation; Use of atmospheric isotopic tracers |
Gifford H. Miller | University of Colorado, Boulder | Geological Sciences and Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) | Boulder, CO | Paleoclimate, Quaternary Research, Arctic climate change, Australia climate-human interactions |
Scot Michael Miller | Johns Hopkins University | Environmental Health and Engineering | Baltimore, MD | Greenhouse gases, air quality, modeling, remote sensing |
Steve Miller | University of Colorado Boulder | Environmental Studies | Boulder, CO | Climate impacts on agriculture & fisheries, environmental economics, analysis of telecoupled systems, applied econometrics and machine learning |
Dr Norman L Miller | UC Berkeley National Laboratory | Berkeley, CA | Hydroclimate modeling and analyses at a range of scales. Past, present, and future climate simulations, data assimilations, and fundamental science research. | |
Dr. Frank J. Millero | RSMAS, University of Miami | Marine & Atmospheric Chemistry | Miami, FL | Marine Physical Chemistry; Carbonate Chemistry of the oceans and other natural waters; Ocean Acidification; Metal Speciation; Aerosols; Ionic Interactions; Modelling Solutions |
Dylan Millet | University of Minnesota | Soil, Water, and Climate | Saint Paul, MN | Atmospheric chemistry |
Yi Ming | Princeton University | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) | Princeton, NJ | Climate modeling, climate dynamics, general circulation, climate change, radiative forcing, atmospheric physics, aerosols, clouds and radiation. |
Jonathan Mitchell | University of California, Los Angeles | Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences | Los Angeles, CA | Atmospheric and climate dynamics Planetary atmospheres |
Dr Alan Mix | Oregon State University | College of Oceanic & Atmospheric Science | Corvallis, OR | Paleoceanography and paleoclimatology, based on marine sediment records of foraminifera, including tools of micropaleontology, sedimentology, isotope geochemistry, and other evolving geochemical proxies. |
Cary Mock | University of South Carolina | Geography | Columbia, SC | Synoptic and Historical Climatology, Late Quaternary Paleoclimatology |
Carlos Moffat | University of California, Santa Cruz | Institute of Marine Sciences | Santa Cruz, CA | Coastal Physical Oceanography, Glacier-Ocean Interactions, Buoyancy-driven circulation |
Dr Mario J Molina | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Cambridge, MA | Atmospheric chemistry | |
Maria J. Molina | University of Maryland, College Park | Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science | College Park, MD | Machine learning applications to climate change, climate variability, and extreme weather events. |
Dr Mitchell William Moncrieff | NCAR | Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory | Boulder, CO | Atmospheric and fluid dynamics, convective parameterization, dynamical modeling,international science program development, e.g., WCRP, WWRP-THORPEX, |
Stephen Montzka | NOAA | Global Monitoring Division | Boulder, CO | Global atmospheric science and chemistry Biospheric influences on atmospheric composition Understanding the atmospheric budgets of halogenated gases Tracking ozone depleting gases and their changes over time Understanding the sensitivity of trace gas budgets on climate change and ENSO events |
Dr. James A. Morris, Jr. | NOAA National Ocean Service | National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science | Beaufort, NC | Marine aquaculture, invasive species, coastal ecology |
J. Jeffrey Morris | University of Alabama at Birmingham | Biology | Birmingham, AL | Microbial evolution, phytoplankton physiology, phytoplankton ecology, microbial oceanography |
Matthias Morzfeld | University of California, San Diego | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | La Jolla, CA | Data assimilation and geophysical inverse problems, Markov chain Monte Carlo, ensemble Kalman filters -- computational methods applied to interesting problems across Earth science |
Nathan Mueller | Colorado State University | Fort Collins, CO | climate change impacts, climate change adaptation, agriculture, water resources, land-atmosphere feedbacks | |
Ryan Mueller | Oregon State University | Microbiology | Corvallis, OR | Microbial Community Ecology |
Dr. Frank Muller-Karger | University of South Florida | College of Marine Science | St. Petersburg, FL | Oceanography, remote sensing, ocean color, carbon cycles, biodiversity, global, regional, land-ocean interface, Marine Biodiversity Observation Network |
Samuel Munoz | Northeastern University | Boston, MA | paleoclimate, sediments, paleoflood hydrology, rivers, human-environment interaction | |
Dr Daniel Murphy | NOAA | Aeronomy Laboratory | Boulder, CO | Atmospheric chemistry |
Dr Ragu G Murtugudde | University of Maryland | ESSIC | College Park, MD | Ocean's role in climate, air-sea interactions, physical-biological feedbacks, earth system interactions, climate and fisheries, global carbon cycle, tropical climate variability, ENSO/monsoon interactions, satellite data applications and assimilation |
Dr Carolyn Z Mutter | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory | International Research Institute for Climate Prediction | Palisades, NY | Information dissemination and applications of predictable climate variation; improved predictability of seasonal- interannual climate variation |
Corinne E Myers | University of New Mexico | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Albuquerque, NM | marine biogeography, paleobiology |
Balu Nadiga | Los Alamos National Laboratory | COSIM (Climate, Ocean, and Sea Ice Modeling) | Los Alamos, NM | 1) Fluid Dynamics of thermohaline and wind-driven ocean circulation |
Udaysankar S Nair | University of Alabama in Huntsville | Department of Atmospheric Science | Huntsville, AL | Land atmosphere interactions, Atmospheric aerosol transport, mountain weather and climate |
Dr Raymond Najjar | Pennsylvania State University | Department of Meteorology | University Park, PA | I work on a few areas involving the interaction of the oceans with the climate system: (1) marine carbon, oxygen and nutrient cycling, (2) the impact of climate change on estuaries, (3) air-sea fluxes of radiatively important gases. |
Noboru Nakamura | University of Chicago | Geophysical Sciences | Chicago, IL | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics |
Veeshan Narinesingh | NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory | Atmospheric Physics Division | Princeton, NJ | -Large Scale Atmospheric Dynamics (atmospheric blocking, Rossby waves) -Weather Extremes in current and future climates (heatwaves, marine heatwaves, extreme storm surge) |
Susan Natali | Woods Hole Research Center | Falmouth, MA | carbon cycling, climate change, permafrost, arctic, plant-soil interactions | |
Prof J David Neelin | UCLA | Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences | Los Angeles, CA | Climate modeling, El Nino, atmosphere-land interaction, atmosphere-ocean interaction, tropical atmospheric modeling |
Jason Neff | University of Colorado at Boulder | Geological Sciences | Boulder, CO | terrestrial biogeochemistry |
Robinson Negron-Juarez | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Climate and Ecosystem Science Division | Berkeley, CA | Micrometeorology Atmospheric and Environmental Chemistry Ecosystem Ecology Global Change Research Land-Atmosphere Interaction Climate Modeling Remote Sensing |
Matthew Newman | University of Colorado/CIRES and NOAA/ESRL/PSD | Boulder, CO | Climate dynamics, S2S and S2D predictability | |
Dr Sharon Nicholson | Florida State University | Department of Meteorology - 3034 | Tallahassee, FL | Climate variability (especially semi-arid regions), paleoclimate, land- atmosphere interaction, remote sensing |
David P Nicholson | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry | Woods Hole, MA | Marine Biogeochemistry, Carbon Cycle, Air-Sea Fluxes |
Dr Sumant Nigam | University of Maryland | Department of Meteorology | College Park, MD | Climate dynamics, ocean- atmosphere interaction |
Dev Niyogi | Purdue University | Department of Earth & Atmosphere Science and Dept of Agronomy-Crop, Soil, Environmental Science | West Lafayette, IN | |
Sergey Nizkorodov | University of California, Irvine | Department of Chemistry | Irvine, CA | aerosol chemistry; cloud/fog chemistry; atmospheric photochemistry; high-resolution mass spectrometry |
Dr. Anne W. Nolin | University of Nevada, Reno | Geography | Reno, NV | Snow hydrology, mountain studies, remote sensing. |
David Noone | University of Colorado | Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | Boulder, CO | |
Joel Norris | University of California, San Diego | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | La Jolla, CA | cloud processes, cloud variability, cloud feedbacks, role of clouds in climate system |
Klaus R Nusslein, Ph.D. | University of Massachusetts | Department of Microbiology | Amherst, MA | Microbial Ecology and Environmental Microbiology. Microbes as drivers of biogeochemical C and N cycles. |
Paul O'Gorman | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences | Cambridge, MA | atmospheric general circulation, hydrological cycle, precipitation, climate change |
Marie O'Neill | University of Michigan, School of Public Health | Epidemiology and Environmental Health Sciences | Ann Arbor, MI | Cardiovascular mechanisms for air pollution health effects Climate change, weather and health Environmental equity and susceptible populations Environmental exposure assessment Air pollution, temperature and health in Latin American cities |
Morgan E O'Neill | Stanford University | Earth System Science | Stanford, CA | tropical meteorology; tropical cyclones; moist thermodynamics; climate dynamics; deep convection; storms |
Yuko M Okumura | University of Texas at Austin, Institute for Geophysics | Austin, TX | ||
Delia Oppo | Woods Hole Oceanogaphic Institution | Geology and Geophysics | Woods Hole, MA | Past climate change, with an emphasis on the role of the oceans; centennial through orbital time scales. |
John J Orlando | National Center for Atmospheric Research | Atmospheric Chemistry Observations and Modeling Laboratory | Boulder, CO | Atmospheric chemistry |
Luis E. Ortiz | George Mason University | Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Earth Sciences | Fairfax, VA | urban climate, climate impacts, urban energy, infrastructure |
Emily Osborne | NOAA | Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory | Miami, FL | Paleoceanography, biogeochemistry, ocean acidification |
Dr. John Michael OShea | University of Michigan | Museum of Anthropology | Ann Arbor, MI | Prehistoric Ecology of the Great Lakes Region |
Dr Bette L Otto-Bliesner | National Center for Atmospheric Research | Climate and Global Dynamics | Boulder, CO | Climate dynamics and paleoclimate modeling; atmosphere-ocean-sea ice-biosphere interactions; abrupt climate change |
Jonathan Overpeck | University of Michigan | School for Environment and Sutainability | Ann Arbor, MI | Climate dynamics and paleoclimate modeling; drought and hydro climate variability and impacts; abrupt climate change |
Camille Pagniello | University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa | Department of Ocean and Resources Engineering | Honolulu, HI | animal-borne sensors; ocean dynamics; climate change; submesoscale processes; ocean instrumentation; oceanography; biophysical interactions; big data; data science; machine learning; marine ecosystems |
Camille Pagniello | University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa | Department of Ocean and Resources Engineering | Honolulu, HI | animals as ocean observing platforms and climate sentinels, physical-biological interactions, animal behavior, acoustic monitoring of climate signals |
Hilary Palevsky | Boston College | Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Chestnut Hill, MA | Marine biogeochemistry, ocean carbon and oxygen cycling, biological carbon pump |
Kyle Palmquist | Marshall University | Biological Sciences | Huntington, WV | Plant ecology, ecosystem ecology, climate change impacts on plant communities, ecohydrology, drylands, disturbance ecology |
Jud Partin | University of Texas at Austin | Institute for Geophysics | Austin, TX | Paleoclimate, calibration of proxies, climate model - paleodata comparisons, tropical hydroclimate |
Diane Pataki | University of California, Irvine | Dept. of Earth System Science | Irvine, CA | land use and land cover change |
Suzanne E. Paulson | University of California at Los Angeles | Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | Los Angeles, CA | Atmospheric Chemistry, Air Pollution, Climate Change and their interactions, Human Health, aerosol chemistry including metals, organics and reactive oxygen species, urban microdynamics, field, lab and modeling based inquiries. |
Olivier Pauluis | New York University | Courant Institute for Mathematical Sciences | New York, NY | General circulation of the atmosphere, Moist convection, Tropical meteorology |
David Paynter | NOAA/GFDL | Atmospheric Physics | Princeton, NJ | Atmospheric Radiative transfer, climate feedback, including Pattern Effect. Impact of different forcing agents on climate. |
Dr Adina Paytan | University of California, Santa Cruz | Institute of Marine Sciences | Santa Cruz, CA | Paleoceanography and global marine biogeochemical cycles |
Thomas Peacock | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Mechanical Engineering | Cambridge, MA | Internal Waves, Physical Oceanography, Stratified Flows |
Dr Kathy Pegion | University of Oklahoma, School of Meteorology | Norman, OK | Subseasonal to Seasonal (S2S) Predictability & Prediction, Global Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Land models for understanding, simulating, and predicting S2S variability & predictability, Interpretable AI for understanding S2S predictability, Applications of Subseasonal to Seasonal Predictions |
Drew Peltier | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | School of Life Sciences | Las Vegas, NV | Dendroecology, Aridification, forest ecology, radiocarbon |
Malaquias Peña | University of Connecticut | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Storrs, CT | Climate models, forecasting techniques, predictive analytics, data assimilation, sensors and observing networks, grid modernization, water and energy security. |
Prof. Stephen G. Penny | University of Maryland | Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science | College Park, MD | Data Assimilation (DA), Ocean DA, Coupled DA, DA Mathematical Theory |
Dr. Renellys Perez | NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory | Physical Oceanography Division | Miami, FL | Characterizing the variability of currents in the the South Atlantic ocean and their impact on regional processes and climate; Characterizing the variability of the global overturning circulation in the South Atlantic, and its impact on variability in the North Atlantic, and its impact on regional and global climate; Examining how sea level pressure changes over the central North Pacific can be a precursor or trigger for El Nino events; Examining tropical Atlantic currents and how they are affected by winds, waves, and warming/cooling events |
Renellys Perez | NOAA/AOML | Physical Oceanography Division | Miami, FL | Physical oceanography, tropical Atlantic variability, equatorial currents, tropical instability waves, ocean contributions (mixing and advection) to SST budgets, meridional overturning circulation and heat transport |
Ivette Perfecto | University of Michigan | School for Environment and Sustainability | Ann Arbor, MI | Agroecology, Agroforestry, Biodiversity and Landuse change |
Justin R Perrault | Loggerhead Marinelife Center | Research | Juno Beach, FL | Marine turtles Toxicology Animal health climate change Human impacts |
Dorothy M. Peteet | Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University | Biology and Paleoclimate | Palisades, NY | Paleoecology, paleoclimate, palynology, wetlands, peatlands, blue carbon |
Sierra Victoria Petersen | University of Michigan | Earth and Environmental Sciences | Ann Arbor, MI | Paleoclimate, Paleoceanography, Geochemistry |
Dr Thomas C Peterson | National Climatic Data Center | Scientific Services Division | Asheville, NC | data fidelity, long-term climate change |
Dr. Irina Petropavlovskikh | University of Colorado | Cooperative Institute for Research in Environemntal Sciences | Boulder, CO | Atmospheric Composition change detected in observational records. Statistical methods for trend detection. Satellite products validation. Impact of wildfires on air quality. |
Prof. Steven Petsch | University of Massachusetts, Amherst | Geosciences | Amherst, MA | Paleoclimatology; biomarkers and climate change; biogeochemistry; isotope biogeochemistry; biogeochemical carbon cycling |
Gabriele Pfister | National Center for Atmospheric Research | Atmospheric Chemistry Observations and Modeling Laboratory | Boulder, CO | Air Pollution, Chemical Transport Modeling, Satellite trace gas retrievals and field experiment analysis, ozone chemistry, linking global to regional and local scales |
Prof Roger A Pielke Sr | Colorado State University | Department of Atmospheric Sciences | Fort Collins, CO | Regional and global climate modeling, vegetation- soil- snow- atmosphere interactions, ocean-atmosphere interactions |
Dr Bryan Pijanowski | Purdue University | Department of Forestry & Natural Resources | West Lafayette, IN | Coupling of land use land cover change with climate at regional and local scales; interests in social drivers of land use change and feedbacks between the land and atmosphere |
Robert Pincus | Columbia University | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory | Palisades, NY | Radiation, climate modeling, climate change, radiative forcing, remote sensing, and clouds |
Malin Pinsky | Rutgers University | Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences | New Brunswick, NJ | Ecology, climate change, fisheries, population genomics |
Dr. Albert J Plueddemann | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | Physical Oceanography | Woods Hole, MA | Air-Sea Interaction; Marine Surface Layer Meteorology; Upper Ocean Forcing and Response, Surface Fluxes. |
R Alan Plumb | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences | Cambridge, MA | atmospheric dynamics |
Stephen Po-Chedley | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | Livermore, CA | atmospheric temperature trends, microwave remote sensing, climate model evaluation, climate sensitivity and feedbacks, internal climate variability | |
Yadu Pokhrel | Michigan State University | Civil and Environmental Engineering | East Lansing, MI | Large-scale hydrological Modeling; Human Impacts on the Water Cycle; Food-Energy-Water (FEW) Nexus; Irrigation and Climate; Climate Change and Hydropower Development; Remote Sensing in Hydrology; Terrestrial Water Storage. |
Pratigya Polissar | University of California, Santa Cruz | Ocean Sciences | Santa Cruz, CA | paleoclimatology and paleoceanography |
Dr. Jeffrey Polovina | NOAA | Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center | Honolulu, HI | Marine ecosystem responses to climate change |
Lorenzo M Polvani | Columbia University | Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics | New York, NY | Atmosphere and climate dynamics |
Leonid Polyak | Ohio State University | Byrd Polar Research Center | Columbus, OH | Paleoceanography of the Arctic Ocean |
Dr Igor V Polyakov | University of Alaska Fairbanks | International Arctic Research Center | Fairbanks, AK | Low-frequency variability in the polar and sub-polar regions |
Vera Pospelova | University of Minnesota | Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Minneapolis, MN | Micropaleontology, palynology, dinoflagellate cysts, taxonomy, paleoceanography, paleoclimatology, paleoecology, environmental change, marine geology, coastal and estuarine dynamics, eutrophication & pollution, harmful algal blooms (HABs), Earth System Science, Quaternary, Anthropocene. |
Dr Christopher S Potter | NASA/Ames Research Center | Ecosystem Science & Technology Branch | Moffett Field, CA | ecosystem modeling, carbon cycle, biogeochemistry |
Chris Poulsen | University of Michigan | Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Ann Arbor, MI | Climate dynamics, paleoclimatology, earth system modeling, climate change, climate variability, climate-ecosystem interactions, water isotopes, ecohydrology, climate-mountain interactions, paleoaltimetry |
Ross Powell | Northern Illinois University | Geology & Environmental Geosciences | DeKalb, IL | Influence of subglacial processes on ice dynamics and future sea-level changes. Biogeochemical processes in subglacial environments and their contribution to global nutrient cycle. Subglacial hydrological processes and their impact on Antarctic bottom water production and global ocean circulation. Records of ice sheet variability. |
Carlos Prada | University of Rhode Island | Biological Sciences | Kingston, RI | Population and ecological genomics and transcriptomics of climate change. Paleoecology and development in corals and sea urchins. |
Kimberly Prather | University of California | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | La Jolla, CA | Aerosols, atmospheric chemistry, clouds, air-sea exchange, marine biology, instrumentation development, aircraft measurements |
Kerri Pratt | University of Michigan | Chemistry and Earth & Environmental Sciences | Ann Arbor, MI | Atmospheric Chemistry; Air-Snow Interactions; Arctic Climate Change; Wintertime Air Quality; Atmospheric Trace Gas and Aerosol Composition and Sources |
Dr. Stephen F. Price | Los Alamos National Laboratory | Fluid Dynamics and Solid Mechanics Group | Los Alamos, NM | glaciology; glacier dynamics; glacier and ice sheet modeling; coupled evolution of land ice and climate |
Sally Pusede | University of Virginia | Environmental Sciences | Charlottesville, VA | Atmospheric Chemistry |
Hollie Putnam | University of Rhode Island | Biological Sciences | Kingston, RI | Climate change, marine invertebrates, coral reefs, molecular physiological ecology |
Dr. Patricia K Quinn | NOAA | Pacific Marine Environment Laboratories | Seattle, WA | radiative effects of aerosols, effects of aerosol on air quality |
Dr. Balaji Rajagopalan | University of Colorado, Boulder | Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering | Boulder, CO | Hydroclimatology, Hydrology, Water Resources Management, Indian Monsoon variability and predictability, paleomonsoon, climate extremes, stochastic time modeling, Bayesian methods, water quality and climate connection |
Fred Martin Ralph | University of California San Diego | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | La Jolla, CA | Hydrometeorology Mesoscale and Synoptic Scale meteorology Precipitation Forecasting Climate change |
Dr V Ramanathan | University of California San Diego | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | La Jolla, CA | Climate and atmospheric sciences: Role of clouds, water vapor and aerosols in climate and climate change |
David Randall | Colorado State University | Atmospheric Science | Fort Collins, CO | Use of cloud-resolving models in climate simulation. |
Dr William Randel | National Center for Atmospheric Research | Atmospheric Chemistry Division | Boulder, CO | Stratospheric dynamics, stratosphere-troposphere coupling, atmospheric chemistry, constituent variability and trends, ozone |
James Randerson | University of California, Irvine | Earth System Science | Irvine, CA | Fires and their effect on atmospheric chemistry and aerosols Global biogeochemical cycles Arctic and boreal ecosystem responses to climate change Carbon - climate interactions |
Mukund Palat Rao | Columbia University | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Climate School | Palisades, NY | Carbon cycle, climate science, plant ecophysiology, dendrochronology, earth system models, remote sensing, and paleoclimate |
Philip Rasch | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | Atmospheric Science and Global Change Division | Richland, WA | Clouds, Aerosol, Climate Change, computational mathematics |
Kristen Lani Rasmussen | Colorado State University | Atmospheric Science | Fort Collins, CO | Convection-permitting regional climate modeling, cloud and mesoscale processes, cloud dynamics, weather-climate interface, field campaigns, extreme precipitation, mesoscale convective systems, orographic precipitation, satellite meteorology. |
Christina Ravelo | University of California, Santa Cruz | Ocean Sciences | Santa Cruz, CA | paleoclimatology and paleoceanography |
Morgan Reed Raven | University of California, Santa Barbara | Earth Science | Santa Barbara, CA | Organic geochemistry, marine geochemistry, geobiology, biogeochemistry |
Dr. Pallav Ray | Florida Institute of Technology (FIT) | Department of Marine and Environmental Systems | Melbourne, FL | Tropical climate variability and modeling including the Madden-Julian Oscillation, Weather-climate interactions, High-resolution regional climate models (MM5 and WRF) and GCMs, Tropical mean state, Tropics-extratropics interactions and predictability |
Maureen Raymo | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University | Palisades, NY | Paleoclimatology | |
David James Raymond | New Mexico Tech | Physics | Socorro, NM | atmospheric dynamics tropical meteorology atmospheric convection |
Peter Raymond | Yale | School of Forestry and Environmental Studies | Branford, CT | Biogeochemistry, Ecology, Oceanography, Ecosystem Science |
Sasha C. Reed | US Geological Survey | Southwest Biological Science Center | Moab, UT | Biogeochemistry, drylands, quantifying feedbacks to climate change, global change ecology, tropical rain forests |
Sasha C. Reed | U.S. Geological Survey | Southwest Biological Science Center | Moab, UT | Biogeochemistry, global change ecology |
Thomas Reichler | University of Utah | Atmospheric Sciences | Salt Lake City, UT | Stratospheric impacts on climate; climate change related shifts in the general circulation of the atmosphere; performance testing of climate models |
Prof. Ying Fan Reinfelder | Rutgers University | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Piscataway, NJ | Global water cycle Ecosystem dynamics Earth System modeling |
Peter Rhines | University of Washington | Oceanography & Atmospheric Sciences | Seattle, WA | Geophysical fluid dynamics (including a large GFD lab effort); climate of the high latitudes, circulation and fresh-water dynamics; deep-sea observations; storm tracks in the atmosphere |
Andrew Richardson | Northern Arizona University | Flagstaff, AZ | Terrestrial ecosystems, forest ecology and the carbon cycle; biosphere-atmosphere interactions; biological impacts of climate change; feedbacks between vegetation and the climate system; plant phenology; data-model fusion and inverse modeling | |
Jadwiga (Yaga) H. Richter | National Center for Atmospheric Research (Boulder) | Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory | Boulder, CO | Subseasonal forecasting, stratospheric dynamics, quasi-biennial oscillation, gravity waves, climate modeling. |
Katharine Ricke | University of California, San Diego | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | La Jolla, CA | climate change impacts and policy, coupled human-climate systems modeling, climate geoengineering |
Andrew Ridgwell | University of California, Riverside | Department of Earth Sciences | Riverside, CA | Ocean acidification -- past and future. Marine ecology, evolution and extinctions. Global carbon cycling and particularly on geological time-scales. Paleo climates and ocean circulation. Marine cycling of oxygen, nutrients, and trace-metals. Forward proxy modelling and paleo model-data comparison. |
Todd Ringler | Los Alamos National Laboratory | Theoretical Division | Los Alamos, NM | Regional Climate Modeling |
Dr Paola Malanotte Rizzoli | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Department of Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences | Cambridge, MA | ocean modeling, data assimilation |
Alex Robel | Georgia Institute of Technology | Earth and Atmospheric Sciences | Atlanta, GA | Ice sheets, cryosphere, climate dynamics, ice-ocean interactions, sea level, mathematical modeling, dynamical systems |
Dr. Franklin R Robertson | NASA Marshall Space Flight Center | Earth Science Office | Huntsville, AL | Tropical Climate Variability Climate Sensitivity Satellite Remote Sensing Climate Modeling / Data Assimilation |
Dr Scott M Robeson | Indiana University | Department of Geography | Bloomington, IN | recent climatic change, spatial statistics, time-series analysis |
Dr Walter Robinson | North Carolina State University | Department of Marine, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences | Raleigh, NC | Climate Dynamics |
Bruce H. Robison | Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute | Research Department | Moss Landing, CA | Deep-sea ecology and physiology of mesopelagic and bathypelagic animals. Impacts of natural and anthropogenic changes on the composition and structure of deep pelagic ecosystems. |
Prof. Alan Robock | Rutgers University | Department of Environmental Sciences | New Brunswick, NJ | Climate change, volcanic eruptions and climate, geoengineering, climate intervention, climatic effects of nuclear war, nuclear winter |
Prof George Roderick, PhD | University of California, Berkeley | Environmental Science, Policy and Management | Berkeley, CA | Ecology, global change, sustainability, invasive species, environmental science, island ecosystems |
Lorenzo Rosa | Carnegie Institution for Science | Stanford, CA | Sustainable agriculture, hydrology, climate change mitigation and adaptation solutions to food. energy and water systems, carbon dioxide removal | |
Duane Lee Rosenberg | Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) | CIRA/NOAA, R/GSD | Boulder, CO | Computational gas- and fluid-dynamics, nonlinear dynamics, turbulence, atmospheric & ocean dynamics, data assimilation, fundamental machine learning. |
Dr. Karen Hepler Rosenlof | NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory | Chemical Sciences Division | Boulder, CO | Stratospheric dynamics; stratosphere-troposphere exchange; stratospheric composition; UTLS water vapor; stratospheric ozone; stratosphere-troposphere interactions, stratospheric aerosols. |
Yair Rosenthal | Rutgers University | IMCS | New Brunswick, NJ | Pleoceanography and paleoclimatology |
Cynthia Rosenzweig | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | Goddard Institute for Space Studies | New York, NY | climate change, climate and human interactions, climate change impacts, land-atmosphere interactions, soil physics, agriculture and climate change, global and regional climate models, earth surface modeling |
Dr Lewis M Rothstein | University of Rhode Island | Graduate School of Oceanography | Narragansett, RI | ocean circulation modeling and theory, meso- to global scale air-sea interactions, mesoscale data asssimilation, coupled physical- biogeochemical ecosystem modeling |
Mani Rouhi Rad | Texas A&M University | Agricultural Economics | College Station, TX | Water resources economics, environmental and natural resource economics |
Jeremy K Caves Rugenstein | Colorado State University | Geosciences | Fort Collins, CO | Paleoclimate; Carbon Cycle |
Maria Rugenstein | Colorado State University | Department of Atmospheric Science | Fort Collins, CO | large scale climate dynamics, radiative feedbacks, climate sensitivity, surface warming patterns, decadal to millennial warming projections, paleo climate, ocean heat uptake, large scale ocean dynamics |
James Ruppert | University of Oklahoma | School of Meteorology | Norman, OK | |
Dr James M Russell | Brown University | Geological Sciences | Providence, RI | Terrestrial paleoclimate, paleolimnology, tropics, testing climate models, ENSO, abrupt climate change, stable isotope geochemistry |
Dr Julian P Sachs | University of Washington | Seattle, WA | Paleoclimatology, paleooceanography, organic chemistry, marine nitrogen cycle, stable isotope geochemistry | |
Dr. James E Saiers | Yale University | School of Environmental Studies | New Haven, CT | Hydrology, Watershed Science, Hydroclimatology |
Eri Saikawa | Emory University | Environmental Sciences | Atlanta, GA | 1) atmospheric chemistry (modeling aerosols and tropospheric ozone); 2) environmental health (assessing the adverse health impacts of air pollution); 3) biogeochemistry (modeling global soil nitrous oxide emissions); 4) climate science (estimating emissions of non-CO2 greenhouse gases), and 5) environmental policy/politics (analyzing the impacts of environmental standards and trade as well as analyzing policymaking processes). |
Scott Saleska | University of Arizona | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | Tucson, AZ | My research interests focus on ecosystem ecology and biogeochemistry, particularly carbon and water cycling within terrestrial ecosystems. Work in my group focuses on examining carbon, water, and trace gas cycling through plants and soils at the ecosystem scale, with the principal goals of understanding how large scale biogeochemical processes can be importantly influenced by physiological, demographic, and ecological interactions within and among species. A principle research tool is the measurement of biosphere-atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide, water vapor, trace gases, and their isotopes. This work is highly interdisciplinary, requiring scientific background from a variety of scientific disciplines, including ecology, plant physiology, soil science, hydrology, micrometeorology, and geochemistry. |
Eric Saltzman | University of California, Irvine | Earth System Science | Irvine, CA | Atmospheric chemistry, air/sea gas exchange, polar ice cores |
Dr Stanley P Sander | California Institute of Technology | Jet Propulsion Laboratory | Pasadena, CA | Atmospheric chemistry (troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere); Laboratory chemical kinetics and photochemistry; Atmospheric spectroscopy using high resolution techniques; Satellite measurements of atmospheric chemical processes; Evaluation of laboratory data for use in atmospheric modeling |
Dr Jorge L Sarmiento | Princeton University | Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Program | Princeton, NJ | Global carbon cycle and ocean biogeochemistry |
Kathleen Schiro | University of Virginia | Environmental Sciences | Charlottesville, VA | tropical deep convection, mesoscale convective systems, cloud-circulation interactions, tropical dynamics, regional hydroclimatology |
Prof Michael E Schlesinger | University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign | Department of Atmospheric Science | Urbana, IL | Climate Research |
Prof William H Schlesinger | Duke University | Department of Botany | Durham, NC | Forest response to rising CO2 |
Dr Raymond W Schmitt | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | Department of Physical Oceanography | Woods Hole, MA | global water cycle, thermohaline circulation, ocean observations |
Andreas Schmittner | Oregon State University | College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences | Corvallis, OR | Climate Modeling, Paleoclimate, Ocean Circulation, Marine Ecosystems and Biogeochemical Cycles |
Tapio Schneider | Caltech | Environmental Science and Engineering | Pasadena, CA | Atmosphere and climate dynamics; atmospheric turbulence and convection; cloud dynamics; climate modeling. |
Dr Stephen E Schwartz | Brookhaven National Laboratory and Stony Brook University | Environmental Chemistry Division | Upton, NY | Earth energy budget and climate change; Carbon dioxide budget; Cloud optical depth and structure at centimeter scales; Tropospheric aerosols as shortwave forcing agents; Sea spray aerosols; Atmospheric radiation; Cloud chemistry and microphysics. |
Richard Seager | Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University | Palisades, NY | climate variability and change, hydroclimate, drought, atmospheric dynamics, climate dynamics | |
Madicke Seck | NOAA | NOAA/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Washington, DC 20230 , WY | Inland Waters, Carbon Biogeochemistry, Remote Sensing and GIS, Land-Water linkages |
Dr Arthur J Sedlacek | Brookhaven National Laboratory | Environmental Sciences | Upton, NY | Understanding the microphysical effects of atmospheric aging on the optical properties of soot and related aerosols; development of model aerosol systems to elucidate the effects of encapsulation on aerosol optical properties; contribution of aerosol radiative forcing to global climate change; the development of novel optical-based instrumentation for aerosol and chemical detection. |
Dr Dian J Seidel | NOAA | Air Resources Laboratory | Silver Spring, MD | Observed climate variability and trends |
Hyodae Seo | University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa | Department of Oceanography | Honolulu, HI | air-sea interaction, surface waves, climate modeling, ocean dynamics, synoptic meteorology, offshore wind energy research |
Julio Sepúlveda | University of Colorado Boulder | Geological Sciences and Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research | Boulder, CO | Organic and stable isotope biogeochemistry, geobiology, biomarker research, paleoceanography, paleoclimate, extreme climates, mass extinction events. |
Jeffrey Severinghaus | University of California, San Diego | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | La Jolla, CA | Ice cores, paleoclimate, mechanisms of abrupt climate change, ocean-atmosphere exchange, causes of ice ages |
Tiffany Shaw | The University of Chicago | Department of the Geophysical Sciences | Chicago, IL | Atmospheric and Climate Dynamics |
Raymond Shaw | Michigan Technological University | Physics & Atmospheric Sciences | Houghton, MI | Atmospheric physics: cloud microphysics, atmospheric turbulence, nucleation, and radiative transfer. Instrumentation science: laboratory and field cloud/turbulence measurements, digital holography, phase-Doppler interferometry. |
Xinyi Shen | University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee | School of Freshwater Sciences | Milwaukee, WI | Flood modeling Flood monitoring Flood impact prediction climate change impact on human society and biodiversity Artificial intelligence, Remote Sensing Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) |
Patrick Sheridan | NOAA/OAR/ESRL Global Monitoring Division | Global Radiation and Aerosols | Boulder, CO | Dr. Sheridan's primary responsibility is to oversee the operation and data flow of the NOAA/ESRL Global Federated Aerosol Network. The goals of this surface aerosol monitoring program are to characterize means, variability, and trends of climate-forcing properties of different types of aerosols, and to understand the factors that control these properties. The measurements from this network provide critical ground-truth for satellite measurements, as well as key aerosol parameters for global-scale models. Current research interests of Dr. Sheridan include working to improve and simplify the measurement of aerosol optical properties to better determine their effects on aerosol radiative forcing, efforts to reduce the uncertainties in aerosol black/brown carbon and aerosol light absorption measurements, investigation of water uptake and cloud nucleation properties of atmospheric aerosols, and working to better incorporate aerosol measurements from surface monitoring stations into global climate models. |
Aditi Sheshadri | Stanford university | Earth system science | Palo Alto , CA | Atmospheric dynamics |
Dr Kusiel Shifrin | Oregon State University | College of Ocean and Atmospheric Science | Corvallis, OR | Optics and radiation property of ocean and atmosphere, theory of aerosols, fog, cloud formation |
Drew Shindell | Duke University | Earth and Ocean Sciences | Durham, NC | natural and human drivers of climate change, linkages between air quality and climate change, the interface between climate change science and policy |
Toshiaki Shinoda | Naval Research Laboratory | Oceanography Division | Stennis Space Center, MS | Physical Oceanography, Air-sea interaction, Climate variability |
Manabu Shiraiwa | University of California, Irvine | Chemistry | Irvine, CA | Atmospheric Chemistry, Aerosol Chemistry, Organic Aerosols, Reactive Oxygen Species |
Christopher Shuler | University of Hawaii Manoa | Water Resources Research Center | Honolulu, HI | My research focuses on surface and groundwater hydrology, hydrologic monitoring, modeling, data science, and web applications. I have led hydrological research programs in Hawaiʻi and American Samoa, addressing issues such as groundwater sustainability, flood prediction, water quality, and climate adaptation. |
Prof C K Shum | Ohio State University | Dept. of Civil and Environment Engineering and Geodetic Science Laboratory for Space Geodesy and Remote Sensing Research and Byrd Polar Research Center | Columbus, OH | Space geodesy, sea level change, remote-sensing, GPS occultation, temporal gravity field, ice sheet mass balance |
Bryan Shuman | University of Wyoming | Geology & Geophysics | Laramie, WY | Paleoclimatology; paleohydrology; paleoecology |
Matthew Shupe | University of Colorado / CIRES and NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory | Boulder, CO | Arctic atmosphere, cloud, and surface processes, implication for cryosphere | |
Samantha Siedlecki | University of Connecticut | marine sciences | Groton, CT | |
Matthew Siegfried | Colorado School of Mines | Department of Geophysics | Golden, CO | glaciology, ice-ocean interaction, subglacial hydrology, subglacial geodesy, satellite remote sensing |
Daniel M. Sigman | Princeton University | Geosciences | Princeton, NJ | biogeochemistry; paleoceanography; chemical oceanography; paleoclimate; stable isotope geochemistry with a focus on nitrogen; carbon cycle science |
Dr. Elisabeth L. Sikes | Rutgers University | Marine and Coastal Sciences | New Brunswick, NJ | Paleoceanography, paleoclimate, carbon cycling, Sea Surface Temperature, Southern Ocean processes |
Nicholas Siler | Oregon State University | College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences | Corvallis, OR | mountain precipitation and hydrology, global hydrologic cycle, water isotopes, paleoclimate, regional climate change and variability |
Harper Simmons | University of Alaska Fairbanks | School of Fisheries and Ocean Science | Fairbanks, AK | Physical Oceanography, ocean modeling, geophysical fluid dynamics. |
Frederik J Simons | Princeton University | Geosciences and Program in Applied & Computational Mathematics | Princeton, NJ | Geodesy, Cryosphere, Sea-level change, Mass balance, Oceanographic instrumentation |
Isla Simpson | National Center for Atmospheric Research | Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory | Boulder, CO | Atmospheric dynamics, Climate Variability and Change, Earth System Modelling |
Seeta Sistla | Cal Poly | Natural Resources Management & Environmental Sciences | San Luis Obispo, CA | Dr. Sistla's research interests focus on understanding how terrestrial systems respond to environmental and management changes through coupled plant-soil-microbial interactions and how these responses can feed back to affect terrestrial processes like carbon sequestration and plant productivity. Fields on interest include: terrestrial biogeochemistry; ecosystem ecology; Arctic systems; agricultural systems; plant-soil-microbe interactions. |
David K Skelly | Yale University | School of Forestry & Environmental Studies | New Haven, CT | ecology of landscapes, amphibian metacommunities, evolutionary ecology |
Laurence C. Smith | University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) | Department of Geography and Department of Earth & Space Sciences | Los Angeles, CA | Arctic climate change, Remote sensing hydrology, Arctic hydrology, Cryosphere, Greenland Ice Sheet mass balance and hydrology, SWOT (Surface Water and Topography satellite mission, for more see http://swot.jpl.nasa.gov) |
Adam Sobel | Columbia University | Earth and Environmental Sciences/Applied Math | New York, NY | Tropical Meteorology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, General Circulation, Atmospheric Water Vapor, Intraseasonal Variability, Tropical Cyclones |
Dr Susan Solomon | NOAA | OAR EXEX | Boulder, CO | Atmospheric Chemistry including radiative transfer and ozone depletion |
Amy Solomon | University of Colorado/NOAA | Cooperative Institute for Research in the Environmental Science/NOAA Physical Science Laboratory | Boulder , CO | |
Dr Kevin Speer | Florida State University | Oceanography Department | Tallahassee, FL | Analyses of ocean circulation from observations, Polar oceanography, controls on sea-ice, air-sea interaction. Location of Polar Front during LGM |
Scott St George | University of Minnesota | Department of Geography | Minneapolis, MN | Paleoclimatology, dendrochronology, low-frequency variability in the climate system, paleoflood hydrology, northern Great Plains |
Cristiana Stan | George Mason University | Atmospheric, Oceanic and Earth Sciences | Fairfax, VA | Climate modeling Variability of tropics, midlatitude and their interactions |
Carla Staver | Yale University | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | New Haven, CT | Ecology, biome distributions, savanna, fire, water and nutrient limitation |
Dr. Michael Steele | University of Washington | Polar Science Center, Applied Physics Laboratory | Seattle, WA | physical oceanography of the polar oceans: circulation, water masses, freshwater, ocean warming, sea level change, physical controls on biological productivity (primary, secondary, top predators) |
Dr. John C. Stella | SUNY Syracuse, Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) | Forest and Natural Resources Management | Syracuse, NY | physical-biological linkages in riverine/riparian ecosystems; climate change impacts on streamflow regimes; semi-arid ecosystems; phenology; riparian forest dynamics |
Peter Stempel | Penn State University | Landscape Architecture | Univeristy Park, PA | Hazard Visualization, Coastal Hazards, Coastal Resilience, Natural Hazards, Ocean Modeling, Risk Communication, Nature Based Solutions |
Dr. Britton Stephens | National Center for Atmospheric Research | Earth Observing Laboratory | Boulder, CO | Terrestrial ecology, oceanography, atmospheric dynamics, and climate change mitigation. Atmospheric O2 and CO2 measurements from towers, ship, and aircraft. Global carbon cycle model-data synthesis. |
Samantha Stevenson | University of California Santa Barbara | Bren School of Environmental Science & Management | Santa Barbara, CA | Climate dynamics, interannual to decadal climate variability, drought, El Nino/Southern Oscillation, paleoclimate |
Frank Stewart | Georgia Institute of Technology | Biology | Atlanta, GA | |
Christopher Still | University of California, Santa Barbara | Department of Geography | Santa Barbara, CA | C4 vegetation and physiology; fog; isotope biogeochemistry; carbon cycle science; isotope hydrology; ecosystem ecology |
Charles Stock | NOAA | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory | Princeton, NJ | Earth system modeling and prediction, climate and marine resources |
Daniel Stolper | UC Berkeley | Earth and Planetary Science | Berkeley, CA | |
Trude Storelvmo | Yale University | Department of Geology and Geophysics | New Haven, CT | aerosol-cloud-climate interactions, cloud feedbacks, climate sensitivity. |
Fiamma Straneo | UCSD | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | La Jolla, CA | ice sheet/ocean Interaction, polar Oceans, dense water formation, convection, freshwater pathways from the glaciated areas, overturning circulation |
David M Straus | George Mason University | Atmospheric, Oceanic and Earth Sciences | Fairfax, VA | Indian Monsoon, Atmospheric Dynamics, Mid-Latitude Storm tracks; Tropical-Extratropical Interactions; Macroturbulence of the Atmosphere. |
Malte F Stuecker | University of Hawaii at Manoa | Oceanography | Honolulu, HI | Internal climate variability and forced changes in the past, present, and future; Climate dynamics; El Niño-Southern Oscillation dynamics; Decadal variability; Climate connections between the tropics and poles and between different ocean basins |
Aneesh Subramanian | University of Colorado Boulder | Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | Boulder, CO | My research interests are mainly focused on climate dynamics, predictability, data assimilation, and geophysical fluid dynamics. |
Katharine Suding | University of Colorado | INSTAAR, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | Boulder, CO | Feedbacks, vegetation phenology and diversity, functional traits, ecosystem dynamics. |
Professor Wen-Yih Sun | Purdue University | Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences | West Lafayette, IN | regional climate/mesoscale modeling; atmosphere-vegetation-land-snow interactions; computational geofluid dynamics; dryline and severe storm; Asian monsoon; aerosol/dust in East Asia |
Jielun Sun | NCAR | Meosocale and Microscale Meteorology | Boulder, CO | Interactions between land/sea surfaces and the atmosphere, stable boundary layer, trace gas transport within the planetary boundary layer. |
David Sutherland | University of Oregon | Department of Earth Sciences | Eugene, OR | Ice-ocean interactions; Icebergs; Glacial fjord circulation; coastal and estuarine circulation |
Abigail Swann | University of Washington | Atmospheric Sciences and Biology | Seattle, WA | Climate science, Ecosystem-climate interactions, carbon cycling, paleo climate, future climate |
Talia Tamarin-Brodsky | MIT | EAPS | CAMBRIDGE, MA | My research interests concern questions on the interface between weather and climate, and include atmospheric temperature variability, midlatitude atmospheric dynamics, regional climate and extremes, weather predictability, and climate change. |
Dr Amit Tandon | University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth | Physics Department and SMAST | Dartmouth, MA | Sub-grid scale processes in climate models, their representation and impact on climate and its variability. |
Pieter Tans | NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory | Global Monitoring Division | Boulder, CO | Global carbon cycle, climate change, the Anthropocene, atmospheric gas measurements, gas metrology, new sampling systems, isotopic ratios, air-sea exchange, atmospheric transport and inverse modeling. |
Gordon T Taylor | Stony Brook University | School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences | Stony Brook, NY | Microbiological mediation of carbon and nitrogen cycling in marine systems |
Haiyan Teng | NCAR | Climate & Global Dynamics Lab | Boulder, CO | climate variability, change and predictability, extremes, climate dynamics |
Cesar Terrer | Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) | CEE | Cambridge, MA | Carbon cycle, climate change, ecosystem ecology, Earth system science, nutrients, soils, nature-based solutions |
Andrew Thompson | California Institute of Technology | Environmental Science and Engineering | Pasadena, CA | Physical oceanography, climate dynamics, ocean-ice interactions |
David W J Thompson | Colorado State University | Department of Atmospheric Science | Fort Collins, CO | My research and that of my students is focused on improving our understanding of global climate variability through analyses of observations and experiments with numerical models. My interests include large-scale atmospheric dynamics, the interpretation of observed climate change, stratosphere/troposphere coupling, ocean/atmosphere interaction, decadal climate variability, and the climate impacts of large-scale atmospheric phenomena. |
LuAnne Thompson | University of Washington | School of Oceanography | Seattle, WA | Physical Oceanography Climate |
Andrew Richard Thompson | NOAA, NMFS, SWFSC | Fisheries Resources Division | La Jolla, CA | Marine Ecology, Fisheries Ecology, Molecular Ecology, Biogeography |
Dr Joel Thornton | University of Washington | Department of Atmospheric Sciences | Seattle, WA | atmospheric heterogeneous and multiphase chemistry; tropospheric photochemistry; aerosol-cloud interactions |
Dr. Robert Thunell | University of South Carolina | Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences | Columbia, SC | Paleoclimatology/paleoceanography; stable isotope geochemistry; production and flux of sediments in the modern ocean; biogeochemistry |
Kristy Tiampo | University of Colorado Boulder | Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences | Boulder, CO | Remote sensing, geodesy, natural hazards, geophysics |
Dr. Jessica Tierney | The University of Arizona | Department of Geosciences | Tucson, AZ | Paleoclimatology, paleoceanography, organic geochemistry, biomarkers, water isotopes |
Prof Ming Fang Ting | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory | Palisades, NY | Climate dynamics and modeling | |
Prof Margaret A Tolbert | University of Colorado | CIRES | Boulder, CO | Atmospheric Chemistry |
Dr. John M. Toole | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | Physical Oceanography | Woods Hole, MA | The physics of ocean mixing including the nature of finescale and microscale velocity, temperature and salinity fluctuations and the relationships between them. Polar oceanography and upper-ocean/sea ice interactions, Seasonal to multi-decadal variability of ocean water properties, stratification and circulation, ocean time-series stations. Global oceanic heat and fresh water budgets, water mass formation and circulation. Low-latitude ocean circulation, El Niňo. Oceanographic instrument development. |
Giuseppe Torri | University of Hawaii at Manoa | Atmospheric Sciences | Honolulu, HI | Atmospheric convection; extreme weather; wildfires; space weather. |
Dr Kevin E Trenberth | NCAR | Climate Analysis Section | Boulder, CO | El Nino, climate variability, climate change, water cycle, hurricanes |
Kathleen Treseder | University of California, Irvine | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | Irvine, CA | Microbial biogeochemistry |
Dr Joseph Tribbia | National Center for Atmospheric Research | Climate and Global Dynamics Division | Boulder, CO | Weather and Climate prediction and predictability. Ensemble Data Assimilation for climate applications |
Prof Aradhna Tripati | University of California, Los Angeles | Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Earth and Space Sciences | Los Angeles, CA | paleoclimate, paleoceanography, climate variability, testing models, biogeochemistry, carbon cycle |
Valerie Trouet | University of Arizona | Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research | Tucson, AZ | dendrochronology, paleoclimatology, climate of the common era, terrestrial carbon cycle, climate ecosystem interactions |
Austin Troy | University of Colorado Denver | Urban and Regional Planning | Denver, CO | Urban environmental planning, green infrastructure, urban forestry, water conservation, urban heat mitigation, wildfire-safe communities, GIS |
Anna Trugman | University of California Santa Barbara | Geography | Santa Barbara, CA | Ecology, Global Change, Vegetation modeling, Fire disturbance, Plant hydraulics |
Frank Tsai | Louisiana State University | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Baton Rouge, LA | Groundwater hydrology and hydraulics, Coastal subsurface flow and hydrogeology, water resources system and management, geological architecture modeling, density-driven flow and transport modeling in porous media, inverse problems and experimental designs, uncertainty analysis, computational method, optimization, high performance computing |
Greg Tucker | CIRES / University of Colorado | 2200 Colorado Ave | Boulder, CO | Other: interaction between climate and erosion/sedimentation systems. climatic geomorphology, Quaternary environments, coupling of climate, hydrology, and geomorphology, numerical modeling of climate change impacts on earth surface processes |
B L Turner, II | Clark University | Geography | Worcester, MA | Land change science, sustainability, vulnerability |
Eli Tziperman | Harvard University | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Cambridge, MA | Ocean, atmosphere and climate dynamics, including present-day climate variability, ENSO, ocean circulation, paleoclimate and more. |
Maria Tzortziou | City University of New York and Columbia Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory | Center for Discovery and Innovation (CDI) - Earth and Atmospheric Science | New York, NY | Impacts of anthropogenic pressures and environmental hazards on coastal and open ocean biogeochemistry, ecology, and ecosystem services; marine bio-optics; satellite remote sensing; wetland ecosystems and global change; carbon cycle; land-ocean interactions in the Arctic |
Caroline Ummenhofer | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | Physical Oceanography | Woods Hole Rd, MA | climate modeling, climate variability and change, Indo-Pacific climate variability, monsoons, Indian Ocean dynamics, extreme events, decadal variability, Southern Hemisphere extratropics, paleo climate, droughts, effect of climate variability and change on agriculture |
Nadine Unger | Yale University | Forestry and Environmental Studies | New Haven, CT | Atmospheric chemistry, air pollution, radiative forcing, climate change, global climate modeling, chemistry-climate interactions, aerosols, ozone, methane, reactive trace gas emissions from land ecosystems, geo-engineering |
Dr Mark C. Urban | University of Connecticut | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | Storrs, CT | Community ecology, evolutionary ecology, landscape ecology, landscape genetics |
Maria Uriarte | Columbia University | Ecology, Evolution & Environmental Biology | New York, NY | Forest dynamics, forest simulation modeling, drivers of land use change in the tropics. |
Taneil Uttal | NOAA | ESRL/PSD | Boulder, CO | Cloud-Aerosol interactions in the Arctic. Surface Radiation balances in the Arctic |
Richard Vachula | Auburn University | Geoscience | Auburn, AL | paleoclimate, paleoecology, human-environment interactions, organic geochemistry |
John W. Valley | University of Wisconsin | Dept. of Geoscience | Madison, WI | stable isotope geochemistry, SIMS, paleoclimatlogy, speleothems, paleosols |
Dr Geoffrey K Vallis | Princeton University | Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences Program | Princeton, NJ | Ocean modeling, coupled ocean-atmosphere fluid dynamics, geostrophic turbulence, general circulation |
Marina Eller Vance | University of Colorado Boulder | Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Engineering Program | Boulder, CO | Air pollution, indoor air quality, aerosols, aerosol physics, field measurements, experimental laboratory research, research-grade and low-cost aerosol detection. |
Gabriel Andrés Vecchi | NOAA/GFDL | Princeton Forrestal Campus | Princeton, NJ | Tropical climate dynamics. Ocean/atmosphere dynamics and coupling. Impact of climate change and variability on extreme events. Predictability and prediction of climate and its impacts. |
Dr Arnold Vedlitz | Texas A&M University | Institute for Science, Technology & Public Policy | College Station, TX | Human dimensions research: hazard and risk assessment by decision makers and the public; climate change impact on infrastructure, human health, economic development; environmental policy and decision-making; quantitative analysis of social science data and database management. |
Ryan Venturelli | Colorado School of Mines | Geology and Geological Engineering | Golden, CO | Isotope geochemistry, quaternary geochronology, paleoglaciology |
James Verdin | U.S. Geological Survey | NIDIS Program Office, NOAA/ESRL | Boulder, CO | Climate services and early warning systems |
Gabriele Villarini | University of Iowa | IIHR-Hydroscience & Engineering | Iowa City, IA | Hydroclimatology; Extremes; Flooding; Predictions; Projections; Tropical cyclones; Hurricanes; Atmospheric Rivers |
Martin Visbeck | Columbia University | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory | Palisades, NY | Ocean's role in climate, North Atlantic Oscillation, Atlantic climate variability, Antarctic bottom water formation, climate variability and its impact on ecosystems, climate variability and its impact on oceanic CO2 uptake |
Dr Rainer Volkamer | University of Colorado | CIRES & Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry | Boulder, CO | Atmospheric chemistry and physics; reactive trace gases; halogens; oxygenated hydrocarbons; aerosol physics and chemistry; heterogeneous chemistry; multiphase chemistry; organic aerosols; marine aerosols; aircraft and ground-based field measurements; simultaneous measurement of aerosols and trace gases; development in-situ and remote sensing instrumentation; column observations of trace gases from ground, ships, and research aircraft; satellite; radiative transfer |
Mathias Vuille | University at Albany, State University of New York | Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences | Albany, NY | tropical climate variability and change tropical glaciers stable isotope modeling and model-data (proxy) comparison monsoon reconstruction from proxies (speleothems, tree rings, lake sediments and ice cores) |
David Wahl | USGS | Menlo Park, CA | paleoclimate, environmental change, human-environment interactions | |
Martin Wahlen | University of California, San Diego | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | La Jolla, CA | |
Dr Stuart G Wakeham | Skidaway Institute of Oceanography | 10 Ocean Science Circle | Savannah, GA | ocean carbon cycling, carbon burial and preservation |
Maureen Walczak | Oregon State University | Corvallis, OR | Paleoceanography, Paleoclimatology, Sedimentology/Stratigraphy, Geochronology. I utilize geochemistry, micropaleontology and physical properties of marine sediment records to reconstruct past environments with a particular interest in ice-ocean interactions and periods of past warming. | |
Dr Duane Waliser | California Institute of Technology | Jet Propulsion Laboratory, MS 183-505 | Pasadena, CA | climate modeling and analysis |
Dr John M Wallace | University of Washington | JISAO | Seattle, WA | Climate dynamics |
Matthew Wallenstein | Colorado State University | Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory | Fort Collins, CO | microbial physiology, proteomics, metabolomics, global change |
Megan Walsh | University of Oregon | Geography | Eugene, OR | Fire history Charcoal analysis Vegetation dynamics Human alteration of ecosystems |
Yuan Wang | Stanford University | Earth System Science | Stanford, CA | Yuan Wang's research group aims to advance the understanding of the physical and chemical interactions between atmospheric constituents and climate change. Specifically, his group conducts research related to aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions and their climatic implications, air pollution and haze formation, cloud microphysics and dynamics, and the assessment of the greenhouse gas and aerosol forcings on the atmosphere, ocean, and cryosphere. They develop and use multiscale Earth system models and machine learning methods in combination with space-borne and in situ measurements to address those scientific questions. |
Zhaohui Aleck Wang | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry | Woods Hole, MA | CO2 systems in coastal and riverine environments, carbon cycling, ocean acidification Sensing technologies and in-situ sensors for measurements of the CO2 system (pH, pCO2/fCO2, total dissolved inorganic carbon, and total alkalinity) |
Dr Dingbao Wang | University of Central Florida | Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering | Orlando, FL | Climate change, hydroclimatological extremes in Florida, hydrology, sea level rise impacts, water resources, drought and floods |
Dr Simon S.-Y. Wang | Utah State University | Utah Climate Center | Logan, UT | Climate diagnostics and prediction, with emphasis in extreme event attribution and forecasting |
Lei Wang | Louisiana State University | Baton Rouge, LA | Remote Sensing, Hydrology, Soil Moisture, flooding | |
Jun Wang | The University of Iowa | Chemical & Biochemical Engineering | Iowa City, IA | Atmospheric chemistry, air quality, land-atmosphere interaction, atmospheric composition and climate change. Techniques include satellite remote sensing of fires and atmospheric composition; earth system and atmospheric chemistry transport modeling. |
Guiling Wang | University of Connecticut | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Storrs, CT | Hydroclimatology (e.g., Precipitation Extremes; Drought and Flood); Land-Atmosphere Interactions; Climate Change and Climate System Modeling |
Lei Wang | Purdue University | Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences | West Lafayette , IN | Large-scale atmospheric dynamics and climate change, extreme weather events, intraseasonal atmospheric variabilities, jetstream dynamics |
Zhengrong Wang | Yale University | Department of Geology and Geophysics | New Haven, CT | Mantle geochemistry, theoretical study of isotope fractionation theory and its application to geological problems, developing paleoproxies to study paleoclimate, trace element geochemistry |
Jia Wang | NOAA | Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab | Ann Arbor, MI | Polar and subpolar (including the Great Lakes) climate change (atmosphere, sea ice oceanography, and ecosystem) and interactions. Global coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean modeling and basin-scale ocean-ice-ecosystem modeling. Regional/coastal ocean and sea ice dynamics and modeling. |
Tony Wang | Boston College | Earth and Environmental Sciences | Chestnut Hill, MA | ocean biogeochemistry and climate; paleoclimate; paleoceanography, stable isotope geochemistry |
Bin Wang | University of Hawaii | Dept. of Meteorology/ International Pacific Research Center | Honolulu, HI | Climate Dynamics , Tropical Meteorology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics and Ocean-Atmosphere- Land Interaction |
Omar Wani | New York University | New York City, NY | Statistical and computational hydrosciences. | |
Dr Rik Wanninkhof | NOAA | Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory | Miami, FL | Oceanic carbon cycle |
Libe Washburn | University of California, Santa Barbara | Marine Science Institute | Santa Barbara, CA | |
Dr Warren M Washington | NCAR/CGD | Boulder, CO | climate modeling and climate change | |
Hannah Waterhouse | University of California, Santa Cruz | Environmental Sciences | Santa Cruz, CA | environmental science, community engagement, regenerative agriculture |
Darryn Waugh | Johns Hopkins University | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Baltimore, MD | Atmospheric dynamics and transport, Climate Modeling, Stratospheric Ozone, Ocean Carbon. |
Wilbert Weijer | Los Alamos National Laboratory | Computational Physics & Methods group, CCS-2 | Los Alamos, NM | Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation; dynamics of the Arctic and Southern Oceans; high-latitude Earth systems variability and change; polynyas; Zapiola Anticyclone; sediment transport and contourites; microplastics. |
Dr James A Weinman | University of Washington | Atmospheric Sciences | Seattle, WA | Global precipitation, lightning and soil moisture monitoring by electromagnetic techniques |
Paul Wennberg | California Institute of Technology | ESE | Pasadena, CA | Atmospheric Composition; Greenhouse gas dynamics; Atmospheric Chemistry; Pollution; Aerosol |
Dr Josef P. Werne | University of Pittsburgh | Department of Geology & Environmental Science | Pittsburgh, PA | Organic and Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry in Modern and Ancient Earth Systems: (Paleo)climate and environmental change using biogeochemical proxies and proxy development; impacts of climate change on ecosystems; microbial biogeochemistry; sulfur isotope biogeochemistry, sedimentary sulfur cycling and organic sulfur formation; carbon cycling and carbon isotope fractionation; stable isotope systematics of C, H, O, N, S in natural systems; early diagenesis, especially related to organic matter remineralization; chemical limnology/oceanography; global biogeochemical cycles; black shales; redox geochemistry. |
Justin J. Wettstein | Oregon State University | College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences | Corvallis, OR | Large-scale atmospheric dynamics and variability; radiative and dynamic adjustments to greenhouse gas concentrations; climate forcings and feedbacks; atmospheric wave-mean flow interaction |
Caitlin Whalen | University of Washington | Applied Physics Laboratory and the School of Oceanography | Seattle, WA | turbulence and ocean mixing, internal waves and submesoscale process, impacts of small-scale processes on ocean circulation and climate |
Dr Warren B White | University of California, San Diego | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | La Jolla, CA | ocean circulation, climate change, and ocean-atmosphere interaction |
Dr Thomas G Whitham | Northern Arizona University | Department of Biological Sciences | Flagstaff, AZ | climate change and rapid ecotonal shifts, community and ecosystem impacts |
William R Wieder | National Center for Atmospheric Research | Climate and Global Dynamics | Boulder, CO | land model development |
Greg Wiles | The College of Wooster | Geology | Wooster, OH | North Pacific climate, Modeling climate variability using tree-rings, Reconstructing past changes in Alaskan Glaciers |
David Williams | University of Wyoming | Renewable Resources | Laramie, WY | Vegetation controls on water and carbon cycles, stable isotope tracers |
A. Park Williams | University of California, Los Angeles | Department of Geography | Los Angeles, CA | hydroclimatology, fire ecology, global change |
A. Park Williams | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University | Palisades, NY | Climatology: Most research revolves around the causes and consequences of drought. | |
Dr Kevin Roger Wilson | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Chemistry | Berkeley, CA | Oxidative Transformations of Organic Aerosols. Linking chemical composition of organic aerosol with cloud condensation nuclei activity (CCN). Soft ionization aerosol mass spectrometry. |
Earle Wilson | Stanford University | Earth System Science | Stanford, CA | ocean dynamics, ice-ocean interactions |
Jonathan Winter | Dartmouth College | Geography | Hanover, NH | Climate Variability and Change, Climate Impacts on Water Resources and Agriculture, Dynamical and Statistical Downscaling of Global Climate Model Projections, Prediction and Predictability of Hydroclimate |
Dr Michael Winton | NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory | Climate Change, Variability and Prediction | Princeton, NJ | * Sea ice modeling * Air-sea fluxes and their climatic effects * Polar climate and climate change |
Erika Wise | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Geography | Chapel Hill, NC | synoptic climatology, dendrochronology, hydroclimatology, climate variability and change, extreme events, drought, Common Era paleoclimatology, climate field reconstruction, water resources, science communication |
Steven Wofsy | Harvard University | SEAS | Cambridge, MA | atmospheric chemistry, atmosphere-biosphere exchange, aircraft measurements of atmospheric gases |
Ellen Wohl | Colorado State University | Geosciences | Fort Collins, CO | fluvial geomorphology |
Brandon Wolding | CIRES / NOAA PSL | Boulder, CO | ||
Amelia Wolf | University of Texas at Austin | Integrative Biology | Austin, TX | ecosystem ecology, community ecology, global change, biodiversity, species interactions, nutrient cycling |
Tana E Wood | USDA Forest Service | International Institute of Tropical Forestry | Luquillo, PR | Climate Change, Tropical Forests, Carbon Cycling, Greenhouse Gas Fluxes, Biogeochemistry, Ecosystem Ecology |
Robert Wood | University of Washington | Atmospheric Sciences | Seattle, WA | Cloud-aerosol interactions, Boundary layer, Cloud physics |
Robert Wood | University of Washington | Seattle, WA | Cloud physics, aerosol-cloud interactions | |
Chelsea L Wood | University of Washington | School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences | Seattle, WA | parasite ecology, disease ecology, global change |
Rebecca Woodgate | University of Washington | Applied Physics Laboratory/Oceanography | Seattle, WA | Observational Arctic Physical Oceanography, especially from moored sensors. |
Connie Woodhouse | University of Arizona | School of Geography and Development | Tucson, AZ | climatology, paleoclimatology, dendrochronology, water resources, science translation |
Abeyou W. Worqlul | Blackland Research & Extension Center Texas A&M | Blackland Research Center | Temple, TX | Land use and climate change effect on the hydrology, soil loss, above ground biomass and yield studies. |
Dong L Wu | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | Climate and Radiation | Greenbelt, MD | Dr. Dong L. Wu is a research scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). His research interests include remote sensing of atmospheric dynamics and clouds, and sun-climate connection. For the sun-climate connection studies, his research has been focusing on impacts of the 11-year and 27-day variations in solar forcing on the upper and middle atmospheric dynamics and chemistry. The data analyses include uses of satellite measurements from Aura/MLS, Odin/SMR, TIMED/SABER, and GPS radio occultation, MERRA reanalysis, and simulations from WACCM. Impacts of solar forcing and variability on Earth's atmosphere and climate. Uses of satellite data (MLS, SORCE, AIRS, GPS, AMSU/SSU) and model simulations (WACCM, GISS) to identify, characterize and understand Sun-Earth connection processes. |
Prof Donald J Wuebbles | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences | Urbana, IL | Modeling of atmospheric chemistry and physics, climate change and climate dynamics. |
Dr Carl Wunsch | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences | Cambridge, MA | |
Meng Xia | University of Maryland Eastern Shore | Department of Natural Sciences | Princess Anne, MD | Computational fluid mechanics, hydrodynamic and water quality model development; Coupling of multiple system models (biological, chemical, ecological and geophysical); Climate/Sea Level or land use change impacts on river, lake, estuarine and coastal systems; Linkage of models with policy makers (EPA, NOAA, State Agency) to improve health, changes in water quality and ecological resources. Models have focused on water pollution, Clean Water Act and Total Maximum Daily Loads, and fishery recruitment. |
Meng Xia | University of Maryland Eastern Shore | Department of Natural Sciences | Princess Anne, MD | Estuarine and Coastal Physical Oceanography; Numerical Modeling; Climate Change; Physical-Biological coupling |
Yushu Xia | Columbia University | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory | Palisades, NY | Soil carbon; Ecosystem modeling; Remote sensing; Green house gas emissions; Natural climate solutions |
Dr Shang-Ping Xie | University of California, San Diego | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | La Jolla, CA | climate variability and change, ocean-atmosphere interaction |
Dr Shang-Ping Xie | University of Hawaii | International Pacific Research Center | Honolulu, HI | climate modeling, ocean- atmosphere- land interaction |
Xiangtao Xu | Cornell University | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | Ithaca, NY | Carbon cycle Ecology Drought Environmental remote sensing Earth system modeling |
Chonggang Xu | Los Alamos National Laboratory | Earth and Environmental Sciences Division | Los Alamos, NM | Dynamic Vegetation Modeling Insect and Epidemiological Modeling GIS & Remote Sensing Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Quantification Satistical Analysis and Modeling |
Kehui Xu | Louisiana State University | Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences | BATON ROUGE, LA | Oceanography, paleoclimate, coastal morphodynamics, observation and numerical modeling of sediment transport along bottom boundary layer; sedimentary geology; coastal processes |
Dr Zong-Liang Yang | University of Texas at Austin | Geological Sciences | Austin, TX | land-surface processes, land-atmosphere interaction, snow energy and water balances, flood modeling, regional climate modeling, global climate modeling, North American monsoon, biogenic emissions, global energy and water cycles |
Dr Song Yang | NOAA/ NCEP Climate Prediction Center | Camp Springs, MD | Climate diagnostics and prediction; Coupled ocean-atmosphere-land system; Planetary monsoons | |
Tiantian Yang | University of Oklahoma | Norman, OK | Water Resources Planning, Reservoir and Hydropwoer Operation, Artificial Intellegence, Fusion of Process-based Hydrologic Models with AI Models, Weather-Climate-Water-Energy Nexus, System Optimization and Hydrologic Model Calibration | |
Da Yang | University of California, Davis | Atmospheric Science | Davis, CA | Atmospheric dynamics, moist convection, general circulation, and climate change. |
Dr. Xiaosong Yang | NOAA/GFDL | Seasonal to Decadal Variability and Predictability Devision | Princeton, NJ | Seasonal to decadal scale climate predictability and variability; Extratropical Climate extremes: Attribution and prediction |
Jiayan Yang | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | Physical Oceanography, Mail Stop 21 | Woods Hole, MA | Ocean and its role in climate changes; theoretical and numerical modeling of ocean circulation; Arctic climate changes |
Chuixiang Yi | Queens College, City University of New York | School of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Flushing, NY | Greenhouse gas exchanges between vegetation and atmosphere. |
William Roy Young | University of California, San Diego | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | La Jolla, CA | Ocean circulation and mixing. |
Kianoosh Yousefi | University of Texas at Dallas | Department of Mechanical Engineering | Richardson, TX | Air-sea interactions, surface gravity waves, turbulence and mixing at free surfaces, turbulent boundary layers above/below surface waves, airflow separation, and breaking waves. |
Lisan Yu | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | Physical Oceanography | Woods Hole, MA | Air-sea fluxes and interaction; water cycle and ocean salinity; global ocean energy and freshwater budget; Air-sea boundary layers observed from remote sensing, autonomous surface vehicles, and traditional manned platforms. |
Jin-Yi Yu | University of California, Irvine | Department of Earth System Science | Irvine, CA | coupled atmosphere-ocean interactions and climate system modeling |
Dr Yuk L Yung | California Institute of Technology | Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences | Pasadena, CA | |
Dr Ben Zaitchik | Johns Hopkins University | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Baltimore, MD | Regional Climate Dynamics, Surface Hydrology, Drought Monitoring and Prediction, Remote Sensing, Data Assimilation |
Laure Zanna | New York University | Courant Institute, Center for Atmosphere & Ocean | New York City, NY | Ocean and Climate Dynamics, Ocean heat Uptake and sea level, climate extremes, ocean turbulence, predictability. |
Christopher Zappa | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University | Ocean and Climate Physics | Palisades, NY | Air-sea interaction in a changing climate. Wave dynamics and wave breaking, sea spray, effect of near-surface turbulence on heat, gas, and momentum transport, infrared, multispectral, and polarimetric remote sensing, upper-ocean processes, polar ocean processes, coastal and estuarine processes. |
Carlos A Zarikian | Texas A&M University | Integrated Ocean Drilling Program | College Station, TX | Micropaleontology (ostracods and foraminifers) stable isotope geochemical paleoecology and paleoclimatology, and geoarchaeology |
Moira Zellner | Northeastern University | School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs | Boston, MA | complex systems modeling, participatory modeling, environmental planning and policy, resilience and sustainability |
Dr Xubin Zeng | University of Arizona | Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences | Tucson, AZ | climate modeling, remote sensing applications, land/atmosphere/ocean/sea-ice interactions, nonlinear dynamics |
Dr Ning Zeng | University of Maryland | Dept. of Meteorology and Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center | College Park, MD | Climate and Hydrological Variability |
Xiwu Jerry Zhan | NOAA NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research | Satellite Meteorology and Climatology Division | Camp Springs, MD | Land surface soil moisture and vegetation dynamics remote sensing, hydrological modeling and data assimilation |
Shunrong Zhang | MIT | Haystack Observatory | Westford, MA | Upper atmosphere science, in particular, ionosphere and thermosphere coupling and geospace disturbances, upper atmospheric climatology, variability and long-term trends. Incoherent scatter radar, FPI, GNSS and other ground-based and satellite in situ observational study |
Minghua Zhang | Stony Brook University / SUNY | School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences | Stony Brook, NY | Diagnosis and understanding of climate change signals in monsoons, ENSO, storms, Hadley and Walker circulations in observations and in numerical models. Development of physical parameterizations and improvement of climate models |
Dr Chidong Zhang | NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory | Ocean Climate | Seattle, WA | Tropical weather-climate interface |
Yue Zhang | Texas A&M University | Department of Atmospheric Sciences | College Station, TX | Aerosol-Cloud Interactions; Ice Nucleation and Cloud Condensation Nuclei; Atmospheric Chemistry, Chemical Reactions and Physicochemical Properties of Aerosols, Environmental Chamber |
Da-Lin Zhang | University of Maryland | Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Science | College Park, MD | High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Mesoscale Convective Systems Tropical and Extratropical Cyclones Regional Climate Urban Meteorology |
Rong Zhang | NOAA/GFDL | Princeton, NJ | Low-frequency variability in the coupled system, global teleconnections of climate variability, impacts of AMOC on regional climate change and decadal predictability, mechanisms of AMOC and Atlantic multidecadal variability, Arctic-Atlantic interaction, and coupled air-sea interactions | |
Kaiguang Zhao | The Ohio State University | School of Environment and Natural Resources | Wooster, OH | land cover; climate regulation; environmental modeling; spatial analysis; remote sensing |
Youtong Zheng | University of Houston | Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science | Houston, TX | Physics of clouds and their roles in weather, climate, and climate change; Aerosol-cloud-climate interactions |
Dr Paquita Zuidema | University of Miami/Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science | Atmospheric Sciences | Miami, FL | cloud processes; aerosol-cloud-radiation-precipitation-dynamic interactions; radiative transfer and remote sensing of clouds |