Dr. Robert McGraw

Dr. Robert McGraw
Senior Scientist
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Biological, Environmental and Climate Sciences Department
Bldg. 815E
Rutherford Dr.
Fields of interest
Atmospheric nucleation and growth processes; Aerosol dynamics
Description of scientific projects
Currently I head the Aerosol Research Group within the Biological, Environmental and Climate Sciences Department at BNL. I am also Laboratory Research Manager for the DOE Science Focus Area "Influences of aerosols and clouds on climate and climate forcing". My own research focus is on the investigation nucleation and growth processes related to atmospheric aerosols and aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions. Major achievements include development of the quadrature method of moments for simulation of aerosol processes, and development of molecular-based approaches towards understanding of the homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation mechanisms responsible for atmospheric new particle formation.