Dr Xubin Zeng

Dr Xubin Zeng
University of Arizona
Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences
Fields of interest
climate modeling, remote sensing applications, land/atmosphere/ocean/sea-ice interactions, nonlinear dynamics
Description of scientific projects
With support from NASA, DOE, NSF, and NOAA, my group has been acting as a bridge linking the remote sensing and field experiment community with the weather and climate modeling community. Our products (land model, physical parameterizations, and value-added datasets) have been used by leading research centers (e.g., NCAR, NCEP, ECMWF) and numerous research groups worldwide. We are particularly interested in projects: improvement of atmosphere-(land, ocean, ice) surface coupled processes in weather and climate models; global and regional value-added data development for weather and climate studies; the role of land (snow, soil moisture and temperature, vegetation) in weather, subseasonal to seasonal (S2S), and climate prediction; dynamics-physics coupling in weather and climate models.