Sankar Arumugam

Sankar Arumugam
North Carolina State University
Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
2501 Stinson Drive Box 7908
Raleigh, NC 27695-7908
Fields of interest
Hydroclimatology, Climate Forecasts and Near-term climate change projections, Climate-water-energy nexus, Data assimilation for improving hydrologic forecasts, Hydroclimatic extremes.

Description of scientific projects
The Climate, Hydrology and Water Resources (CHWR) - Modeling and Synthesis Group is interested in understanding, modeling and forecasting hydrological fluxes at large spatial scales based on land surface and climatic indices. Other topics of research interests are water and energy management that includes water and power demand prediction using climate information.The group also focuses on synthesis and data analyses in identifying the underlying drivers of water supply and water demand. Current research sponsors include National Science Foundation, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and NC Water Resources Research Institute.