Scott Saleska

Scott Saleska
University of Arizona
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
1041 E. Lowell St.
BioSciences West
Fields of interest
My research interests focus on ecosystem ecology and biogeochemistry, particularly carbon and water cycling within terrestrial ecosystems. Work in my group focuses on examining carbon, water, and trace gas cycling through plants and soils at the ecosystem scale, with the principal goals of understanding how large scale biogeochemical processes can be importantly influenced by physiological, demographic, and ecological interactions within and among species. A principle research tool is the measurement of biosphere-atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide, water vapor, trace gases, and their isotopes. This work is highly interdisciplinary, requiring scientific background from a variety of scientific disciplines, including ecology, plant physiology, soil science, hydrology, micrometeorology, and geochemistry.
Description of scientific projects
See website.