Integrating Drought Science and Information with Wildfire Management Workshop
AGENDA (pdf)
Preliminary Draft Agenda
Theme: Introduction and set up of workshop objectives
1:00 Workshop Introduction
1:15 Drought/ENSO and Wildfire Overview: Current Overview
1:45 Interactive session: What are the challenges in using drought information in
fire management? What makes it worth the effort?
2:00 Discussion
2:30 Break
2:45 State of the knowledge: drought impacts on vegetation mortality and wildfire.
Park Williams, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
3:45 Interactive session: What are the opportunities to share information across
the drought and wildfire communities? What are the barriers to doing so?
5:00 Close
Theme: Uncovering questions and gaps
8:30 Continental Breakfast
9:00 Review – Day 1
9:20 Panel discussion: Perspectives on operations, planning, and policy in sharing
information across the drought and fire communities.
10:00 Interactive session: What are the strategies we can use to provide drought
knowledge and tools effectively between the fire management community and
drought community?
How do we begin to understand how persistent drought influences ecosystem
10:30 Break
10:45 Discussion
12:00 Working Lunch
Theme: Barriers to progress, next steps
1:00 Interactive session: How do we make progress on integrating drought science
and information with fire management?
1:30 Next steps—Moving forward from the workshop discussion
2:30 Break
2:45 Next steps discussion continued
3:15 Interactive session: Overview of what the meeting accomplished, value, and
moving forward
4:00 Evaluation and closing
4:30 Adjourn