The 2016 Pan-NSF REU Workshop


List of Participants at the Workshop

Participants and the NSF Directorate and Division under which their REU programs fall are included in the list of workshop participants (download XLS file). 

List of Members of the Workshop Organizing Committee

The workshop was planned and organized by the following people:

Co-chair:  Janet Branchaw (BIO), University of Wisconsin, Madison, branchaw @

Co-chair:  Karen Buchmeuller (CHE), Furman University, karen.buchmueller @

Ian Billick (BIO), Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, director @
Debbie Chachra, (EHR),Olin College of Engineering, Debbie.Chachra @
Abhaya Datye (MPS/DMR),University of New Mexico, datye @
Holly Gaede (MPS/CHE),Texas A&M University, hgaede @
Allison Huff MacPherson (ENG/EEC),University of Arizona, allison @
Rachel Kallen (SBE),University of Cincinnati, rachel.kallen @
Charles Liu (MPS/AST), CUNY College of Staten Island, cliu @
Darren Narayan (MPS/DMS),Rochester Institute of Technology, dansma @
Valerie Sloan (GEO), University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), vsloan @
Steve Turley (MPS/PHY), Brigham Young University, turley @
Dan Wubah (BIO),Washington and Lee University, dwubah @

2016 Pan REU PI Workshop Poster Submission Guidelines


The participants at this meeting include experienced REU PIs who are interested in sharing best practices within and across disciplines.  Highlight your programmatic elements and approaches that would be of broad interest to PIs of other REU sites. Alternatively, you could discuss how REUs share resources and strategies within your discipline.

Possible topics might include how your REU or discipline approaches:

  • Student training in science communication, professional ethics, research skills, or professional skills like résumé-writing
  • Recruitment and support of students with limited research opportunities, including two-year colleges
  • Assessment and program evaluation / long term tracking of students. 
  • Successful strategies in preparing and supporting mentors / new and different mentoring structures
  • Program impacts, outcomes, publications, or patents, and factors contributing to those successes
  • How your discipline shares REU resources, support, and strategies / REU Leadership Committee activities in your discipline

Poster Guidelines 

  • Poster size restrictions are 40” wide by 30” tall  

Poster sessions

The first poster session will be held on Thursday, 28 April 2016, between 4:00 and 6:00 pm at the NSF Atrium as part of the opening reception for this meeting.  Posters will remain accessible to the participants throughout the meeting.

For questions, please contact Aaron Miller at aaron.miller @


The workshop will be at the:

Holiday Inn Rosslyn @ Key Bridge 

1900 N Fort Myer Dr.

Arlington, VA 22209

(703) 807-2000

The first poster session is at NSF on Thurs., April 28th, from 4-6 PM is at: 

NSF Atrium 

National Science Foundation

4201 Wilson Blvd.

Arlington, VA 

(703) 292-5111

*You will not register at the NSF reception desk; walk on through the door into the atrium to the registration desk.

Posters will be up at the hotel for the duration of the conference.