Midwest Climate Outlook and Drought Early Warning System (DEWS) Planning Workshop Ohio Valley- Louisville, KY
Agenda (pdf)
Session 1: Welcome and Overview
8:30–8:50 Welcome and what is NIDIS and a Drought Early Warning System (DEWS)
8:50–9:05 Background on Key Partners during the DEWS Planning
9:05–9:20 Droughts & Floods and Role of a Midwest DEWS
9:20-9:40 Introductions of those attending
Session 2: Climate, Impacts and Outlook
9:40–9:55 Midwest region and climate vulnerabilities
9:55–10:10 Drought impacts comparing 2011 and 2012
10:10–10:25 Break
10:25-10:40 High precipitation impacts
10:40–10:55 Climate Outlook – Current Conditions and Seasonal Forecast
Session 3: Critical Issues/Challenges and Existing Resources
10:55-11:35 Break-out Discussion
What are the critical drought-related information issues/challenges in the region?
- What are the critical high-precipitation information related issues/challenges in the region?
- What resources could be used to meet these challenges?
11:35-12:15 Facilitated Discussion on Results
12:15-1:00 Working Lunch: Drought in the Region, A Historical Perspective
Session 4: How can a Midwest DEWS Meet the Region’s Needs?
1:00-1:45 Break-out Discussion
What are the major needs in your sector and region?
- What priority activities should the DEWS be engaged in?
- What partners are critical to include in the DEWS?
1:45-2:00 Break
2:00-3:00 Facilitated Discussion on Results
3:00-3:30 Next Steps and Closing Remarks
---- Times and order of agenda items are subject to change ----