36th Annual Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop

6:00 pm MDT
NOAA's 36th Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop will be held in Fort Worth, Texas, on 3-6 October 2011. The workshop will be hosted by the National Weather Service (NWS) Southern Region Headquarters and the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) Climate Services Division, and co-sponsored by the Climate Prediction Center (CPC) of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction and NWS Climate Services Division. The American Meteorological Society is a cooperating sponsor. Additionally, the NCEP Climate Test Bed (CTB) will hold a one-day CTB PI's meeting at this workshop on Thursday, October 6, 2011.
The workshop will address the status and prospects for advancing climate monitoring, assessment, and prediction in the context of the NOAA Climate Services Societal Challenges with an emphasis in five major themes:
- Changes in weather and climate extremes on timescales from daily to decadal.
- Performance of NOAA coupled models on timescales from daily to decadal, including reanalysis, reforecasts and multi-model ensembles.
- Status and prospects for improved understanding and more realistic simulation and prediction of drought/pluvial, including objective drought tools and impacts on water resources.
- Prospects for improved understanding and prediction of warm season North American hydroclimate variability.
- Development and delivery of climate information that meets the evolving needs of users, including business, government, resource managers, scientists, sectoral stakeholders, and private citizens.
The workshop will feature daytime oral presentations and invited speakers with a poster session event on one evening.